© 2007 Capella University - Confidential - Do not distribute Collaborative Online Learning Asynchronous People-Skills Training Using A Problem-Solving Approach

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Collaborative Online Learning

Asynchronous People-Skills Training

Using A Problem-Solving Approach

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• Part 1: Topic & Goals, Take-Aways, Definitions

• Part 2: Example

• Concept - Roadmap - Moodle

• Part 3: Design/Develop/Deliver

• Adapt - Keep It Small - Timelines - Delivery

• (Doorprize Time!)

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The scholarly exploration of social, business, or technological trends, techniques, or products contained herein does not imply that Capella Education Company either supports or opposes those trends, techniques, or products for its own business and educational use.

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• Moodle at TIES (Technology and Information Educational Services) a local Moodle users group who generously hosted the Moodle application demonstrated in this presentation


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Topic & Goals

• Program Topic A people skills training solution for • Geographically dispersed trainees• Synchronous* training is not the best choice • BONUS: Works well in other training situations

• Session Goals Gain an overview perspective of • Designing collaborative online learning, • Delivering these kinds of learning experiences.

• Take-aways Determine if online collaborative problem-solving has potential for your organization

** At the same time, such as a conference call, webinar, or face-to-face training.

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Take-Aways (in a little more detail)

Get some insight into …• …the potential of online asynchronous collaborative

learning for people skills development.• …what it takes to successfully design and prepare

participants for a collaborative learning experience. • … the nature of Moodle.• …what kind of a mindset facilitators, developers and

participants need

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From faculty development to a business example

Capella’s experience with faculty development

• Developing an effective, supportive online interaction style

• Developing assessment and feedback skills (on learner work)

Analogous softskills for business (example:

Managing virtual teams)

• Developing peer interaction skills

• Developing problem-solving skills

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• Online asynchronous

Participants need not be on their computers at the same time.

• Collaborative learning via problem solving

Participants work together to solve an unstructured problem (no one right answer, no one right approach to solve)

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Definitions (continued): Constructivism

• “The social constructionist philosophy believes that people learn best when

• they interact with the learning material, • construct new material for others, and • interact with other students about the material.”

Rice, W. H. (2006). Moodle e-Learning Course Development: A complete Guide to Successful Learning Using Moodle. Birmingham, UK: Packt.

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Social constructivism versus other learning paradigms

Knowledge exists objectively; can be transmitted

Knowledge is created by each individual and group

It’s the results that count

How you get there is as important as the result

An expert’s solution is most valuable

The group’s collective solution is most valuable

I’m successful if my solution is adopted

I’m successful if the group embraces its solution

I don’t really believe that my “soft skills” will benefit.

I can see the possibilities for practicing people skills.

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Wrapping up Part 1

• Asynchronous training• Design emphasizes interaction

• with learning materials

• with other participants

• Participants collaboratively solve unstructured problem (a collective deliverable) that requires practicing softskills

• Skilled facilitators guide the interaction

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One Minute Reflection #1

• What thoughts, questions, concerns, ideas have come up for you so far?

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Our (business) example

Topic: Managing Virtual Teams

Unstructured Problem: Collaboratively create a “Virtual Team Manager’s Handbook” for XYZ Company

Softskills practiced: Peer interaction skillsProblem-solving skills

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Our Example – Concept diagram (elements)

Collective work product


Personal Take-Aways

Administrative aids

Learning materials

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An Example: Participant view

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An Example: Participant view with design concept

Collective work product

DiscussionsPersonal Take-Aways

Administrative aidLearning materials

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• Give participants an animated “tour” of the navigation possibilities

Example: Administrative Element


Collective work product

Personal Take-aways

Learning materials

A Capella Example of a Captivate Presentation

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Example: Learning materials

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Example: One content-oriented resource

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Example: Discussion

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Example: Collective work product (Wiki)

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Example: Personal Take-Aways (Journal)

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One Minute Reflection #2

• Did seeing an example stimulate some questions, thoughts, reflections?

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• Adapt what you know• Keep it small to start: Pilot versus full scale ADDIE• Determine a reasonable design/develop timeline and

multiply by • Five if you are technically adept• Ten if you are new to learning technologies

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Design: Adapt What You Already Know

• Pre-assessment• Manager involvement (pre- and post-)• Groundrules / Rules of Engagement• Skilled facilitator(s)• Attendance-taking (aka accountability)• Well-selected resources• Relevant problem• Supportive, engaging atmosphere• Sharing between groups• Post-assessment• Follow-up

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Example Adaptation: Groundrules / Rules of Engagement

 Face-to-Face Approach

• Ice-breakers/team-builders

• Confidentiality

• Commitment to the date(s) of the session(s)

Asynchronous Collaborative Adaptation

• Initial telephone session to establish trust, generate an open climate, reinforce importance of the process/task

• Process stays in the group – only the product is shared outside (addressing written record aspect)

• Commitment to blocks of time each week

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Design: Keep it small to start

• FROM THE PARTICIPANT & FACILITATOR POINTS OF VIEW:• Smaller task• Smaller time commitment• Small group(s)• Well-selected (but few!) resources

• FROM THE DESIGNER/DEVELOPER POINT OF VIEW:• Choose a generalizable task • Won’t be a small design/develop time commitment (!)• Give some thought to scalability regarding future participant

numbers• (Resources are easy to scale)

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Design/Development: A reasonable timeline

• Why multiply your best estimate by 5x (or 10x)?

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Delivery Options: Why Moodle?

• Counterexample: Conduct your training via email• Organization of communications is weak• A built-in distraction• Learning structure is lacking• Support for facilitation is virtually non-existent• (more…)

• Moodle is designed to support• Social constructivist learning• Accountability• Variety of resources, activities, and more

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Delivery: Moodle Hosting

• Ideal for a pilot• Scalable • Can transition to self-hosted or stick with hosting

option• Pilot hosting cost: $200 or less

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Delivery: Skilled facilitation

• Adapt what you know (again!)• Do some research• Pilot the delivery only (use your colleagues)• Be honest with your pilot participants

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One minute reflection #3

• Any final thoughts you want to capture before we close?

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• Part 1: The potential of asynchronous online collaborative problem solving

• Part 2: Example

• Part 3:

• Adapt what you know

• Keep the pilot small

• Realistic pilot timelines

• Moodle hosting

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Q & A

• Questions?