History of the personal computer in pictures From an idea to the implementation

History of the personal computer in pictures

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History of the personal computer in picturesFrom an idea to the implementation

Computer idea - 1843

Ada Lovelace (Byron) publishes “Notes” on Babbage’s Analytical Engine

First analog computer - 1931

Vannevar Bush creates the Differential Analyzer, an electromechanical computer.

Turing’s Colossus - 1943

Colossus, a vacuum-tube computer to break German codes

Mark I - 1944

Harvard Mark I

ENIAC - 1945

ENIAC was first electronic general-purpose computer. ENIAC contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, 1,500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors

Transistor invented - 1947

Transistor invented by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain in Bell Labs

A modern computer - 1952

Von Neumann made a modern computer in Institute for Advanced Study

Microchip - 1958-1959

Jack Kilby, Noyce and Fairchild invented microchip independently

Intel 4004 - 1971

Intel 4004 microprocessor unveiled

Altair 8800 - 1975

Altair personal computer from MITS appears

Apple I - 1975

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple personal computer

IBM PC - 1980

IBM hires Microsoft to write OS for PC

Windows - 1983

Microsoft announces Windows 1.0

Macintosh - 1984

Apple introduced Macintosh