Cloudy1 artist profile

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Page 2: Cloudy1 artist profile

HOW DID HIS CAREER BEGIN?Cloudy1 began his career in the rough areas of North London, Tottenham. There he was faced with a life of struggle but attended school and started music at the age of 13. From 13 he posted multiple videos of freestyles and released his mixtape “Straight Fire” this year. Not that Steep was the single and charted.

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He hasn’t toured around the world but attends shows for his fans and performs frequently at least 2 times a week. Examples would be the Stevenage show as well as the Hertfordshire University attendance. As well as this he picks what he wears. Sponsored by Adidas he has multiple clothes and has the latest of their exclusive releases.

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HOW WAS HE FUNDED?He wasn’t really funded by anyone other than himself and his ambition lead to him reaching out to many people across the UK. Many people follow him and because of his mixtape and single he has made enough money to tour across the UK. As a growing grime MC he has a large following of UK teenagers which have donated for his promising career. It is unknown how he was able to release his mixtape we can only guess how he was funded.

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HIS FANS?Cloudy has a huge fan base in the UK, particularly London. This is his home city therefore many people know him from where he lived. Many of his supporters knew who he was before he got famous in the UK. His fans often say many phrases that he has used which shows how big of an influence he is in young people’s music at this current time. He has a large social media following as well as this. In addition to this his fans have frequently gone crazy over his presence.