Welcome to My World Efesa Origbo October, 2012

Welcome To My World

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Page 1: Welcome To My World

Welcome to My World

Efesa Origbo

October, 2012

Page 2: Welcome To My World


My Roots

My Defining Experiences

My Interests

My Expectations from MIT Sloan

My Plans to Contribute

My Favorite Books

My Heroes

Something Random About Me

Page 3: Welcome To My World

My Roots


We love Soccer!

We love to celebrate!

Page 4: Welcome To My World

My Defining Experiences

Growing up in a family made up of my father,

his 3 wives and 11 children

+ Developed tolerance and appreciation for diversity of viewpoints.

+ Also developed an independent mindset.

Partnering with 3 classmates to found a digital media training


+ First entrepreneurial activity.

+ Deepened my belief in my ability to positively impact the life of others.

+ Start of my desire for a technology focused career.

Coming to the United States to study for a

degree in Management Information Systems

+ Stoked my desire for a technology focused career.

+ Start of my desire to develop a personal perspective on global issues.


What I learned

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My Interests


Table Tennis

World History

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My Expectations from MIT Sloan

Personal Transformation

Collaboration Opportunities

An exciting ride!

Acquire broad functional skills.

Prepare for product development

responsibilities in digital media

distribution and monetization.

Join like-minded students in

investigating innovative distribution

and monetization models for digital


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My Plans to Contribute

Facilitate organization of MBA Media and Entertainment Conference (MEC).

Use personal toastmasters experience to assist Sloanies seeking to improve their

speaking, listening, and rapport building skills .

Lead organization of tech treks and facilitate organization of MIT Sloan Hi-Tech Conference

Increase brand equity of MIT Sloan in Nigeria by reaching out and recruiting aspiring MBAs

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My Favorite Books

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My Heroes

Jack Welch [Former Chairman and CEO, General Electric]

Pragmatism: Provides practical perspectives on issues like

budgeting, performance evaluations and work-life balance.

Character: Places adherence to corporate values above

job performance.

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala [Two-term Finance Minister of Nigeria]

Empathy: Cared enough about Nigeria’s development to

leave her international appointment with the World Bank,

and take up the Finance Minister position.

Integrity: Quit her position when it required her to go

against her values.

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…my heroes contd.

Warren Buffett [Investor and Philantrophist]

Frugality: Shining example of the ability to live simply in

the presence of extreme wealth.

Pragmatism: A fount of practical business insights.

Mikhail Gorbachev [Former Soviet Statesman]

Courage: Put an end to The Cold War, even when doing

so posed significant danger to his political interests, and his

own life.

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Something Random about Me

Favorite food… Next best thing…

Pounded Yam and Egusi Soup Chicken Linguine Alfredo

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Thank You, See you soon!!