There are many on-line and off-line applications out there that can make and sort and share playlists and also allow you to listen to music and a usable way. Most of the services out there at the moment have solved the issue of musical inspiration by having a “similar artists” portion to explore. Similar artists features are normal governed by a database comparing profiles of musical taste filtered by music genres. Some of the most popular services are: • Spotify • iTunes • Deezer • Soundcloud Introduction A Usability Study of www.soundtracktoyour.com by James Maclean What is missing is a way to explore memories in the way that people more naturally negate them inside their heads. Where they begin at either a place or time which provokes a cascade of other sensory perceptions all at once. Effective memory and more specifically recall has a weighting towards spaces. By that I mean that most of our memories are linked more to spaces than other variable. Peoples memories of time are actualy more conceptual than factual. For instance when recounting even recent events people will often tell the story in the wrong order, the order of events comes out in a way that was most meaning full to them. As time goes on this effect is transfered to larger portions of time. A great example of this is to ask a parent who’s children have grown up to tell some stories about when their child was young. They will be able to group stories into key stages but I doubt they will be able to accurately tell you in which order the events happened even with vivid memories. The way I have described the functionality of memory is based on ancient greet theory that saw its first renaissance with the Romans and more recently detailed in Yates, Frances A. (1966). The Art of Memory. The current Environment

Usability study_of

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This was a coursework submission for the Usability Engineering module of the MA User Experience Design course at Kingston University.

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Page 1: Usability study_of

There are many on-line and off-line applications out there that can make and sort and share playlists and also allow you to listen to music and a usable way. Most of the services out there at the moment have solved the issue of musical inspiration by having a “similar artists” portion to explore. Similar artists features are normal governed by a database comparing profiles of musical taste filtered by music genres.

Some of the most popular services are:• Spotify• iTunes• Deezer• Soundcloud

Introduction A Usability Study of www.soundtracktoyour.com by James Maclean

What is missing is a way to explore memories in the way that people more naturally negate them inside their heads. Where they begin at either a place or time which provokes a cascade of other sensory perceptions all at once.

Effective memory and more specifically recall has a weighting towards spaces. By that I mean that most of our memories are linked more to spaces than other variable. Peoples memories of time are actualy more conceptual than factual. For instance when recounting even recent events people will often tell the story in the wrong order, the order of events comes out in a way that was most meaning full to them. As time goes on this effect is transfered to larger portions of time. A great example of this is to ask a parent who’s children have grown up to tell some stories about when their child was young. They will be able to group stories into key stages but I doubt they will be able to accurately tell you in which order the events happened even with vivid memories.

The way I have described the functionality of memory is based on ancient greet theory that saw its first renaissance with the Romans and more recently detailed in Yates, Frances A. (1966). The Art of Memory.

The current Environment

Page 2: Usability study_of

The website is in a beta stage and would need a lot of refinement in order to attract a large user base.

The site offers an interesting take on the discovery of “new” music where most other services interpret new music as literally new whereas refreshingly this site would hopefully take that to mean new to the user specifically. The sites promotional video explains their ethos of trying to rank music based on individuals rather than traditional measures of musical success like money and popularity.

But the same popular songs appear time after time on many different lists which reduces the credibility of the content in general.

However the main problem with the site is it does not deliver on its promise of associating music with memories. The unique selling point of the software sounds like it should be able to take you on a journey through places, times events and peoples memories of them. What It actually does is show you list after list of songs. The lists lack meaning or any connection with a time and space.

The current design The overall problem Aims of this studyThe aim of this study is to determine which parts of the sites basic functionality are usable and how users feel about using them and also if they felt any link between the music and memories or if they felt memories stir upon hearing a song where they able to record them into the site in a satisfying way.

Page 3: Usability study_of

Predicted users

Because the site is aimed at exploring memories associated with past experiences the general user base for this site is over a certain age where you look into the past for musical inspiration.

This is evident in the current users of the site and also the general lack of very recent (last 1-2 years) music making the top of the charts within the site.

It is a well known phenomena that as people get older they turn less and less to new music.

“it’s the natural process of popular culture to weed out the worst from earlier eras, and elevate the best. And just beyond the established “best” (the Beatles and Stones-level acts, in other words), there are so many fine bands and albums that never got their full due. Music buffs could spend the rest of their lives just discovering what they missed from their own lifetimes.”

http://www.avclub.com/articles/why-do-popculture-fans-stop-caring-about-new-music,55805/ November 2012

These older users have a similar experience to this site with radio 4’s Desert Island disks in which guests showcase music important to them and the memories that surround them.


Page 4: Usability study_of


The order of tasks for each participant:

First Second Third FourthParticipant 1

Task 1

Task 2 Task 3 Task 4Participant 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 2Participant 3 Task 4 Task 2 Task 3Participant 4 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4Participant 5 Task 3 Task 4 Task 2Participant 6 Task 4 Task 2 Task 3Participant 7 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4Participant 8 Task 3 Task 4 Task 2

Order of eventsEach session will start with an introduction where the participants will:• sign a consent form• be given an overview of the study• adjust the seating position to one they

are comfortable with• configure the mouse sensitivity and the

direction of the scroll wheel to one they are familiar with

• learn about the “think aloud” protocol• complete a pre-task questionnaire

The first task will then begin with reading the printed task card and when I am sure they understand the task we will begin recording the session and work through the task. The task be followed by a short questionnaire.

Then next three tasks will follow the same structure but will be completed in a different order for each consecutive participant to reduce the effect of learning on the test results.

After the three tasks the participants will then be asked to complete a final questionnaire about the site in general.

The tasks will be in a random order to counteract users learning the site as the session continues.

After the sessions are finished I will mark Errors, Time on Task, Task Success and Assists whilst watching the recording of the session. This is done after as doing so during the sessions may put participants on edge seeing me write something down every time they make a mistake.

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I will aim to make the group of participants as representative of the predicted users as possible by making selections based mostly on age. When looking for participants I gave a preference to people over the age of 30 and more preference the older they got. But as the enjoyment of music is a fairly universal thing no specific criteria are needed to take park in the study.

To make the group more representative of the larger population I will make sure to have an equal number of males to females.

I will be using a piece of software called Silverback to record the sessions. The software records a head and shoulders shot of the participant, audio as well as capturing the screen and highlights mouse clicks. This software can be controlled with a remote control which means I wont have to lean over the users to pause and stop the recording.

The users will all use the same laptop and mouse.

The questionnaires will all be filled in online via Google documents. The tabs will all be open in the browser ready to be filled in, the reason for doing this twofold, it helps to let the users know what stage in the session they are and also shows a quick reference on the video which task the user is currently on when scanning the footage.

Users Session setup

Page 6: Usability study_of

Pre-Task questions11/29/12 PRE ‑ task 1


PRE ­ task 1* Required

Participant number *Filled out by test conductor

What is your gender? * Male



What is your age? * 18­24




over 55

How do you generally buy music * CD


other digital

other phisical

How often do you seek out music you have not heard before? * Never



All the time

If never or rarely then why not more often?

If occasionally or all the time then how do you find music?

11/29/12 PRE ‑ task 1


PRE ­ task 1* Required

Participant number *Filled out by test conductor

What is your gender? * Male



What is your age? * 18­24




over 55

How do you generally buy music * CD


other digital

other phisical

How often do you seek out music you have not heard before? * Never



All the time

If never or rarely then why not more often?

If occasionally or all the time then how do you find music?11/29/12 PRE ‑ task 1



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These questions will be asked before the recording starts the aim here is to see if there is any correlation with the information provided here and how the users behave. It is also a chance to catch any opinions before the test starts.

Page 7: Usability study_of

This card is given to the participants before starting the first task. They will be encouraged not to use for obvious reasons but what I will not tell them is that if they do enter this role play I will count that as a task fail as I can not imagine people would tolerate that in the real world.

Having this card around also reminds participants that I will not answer their questions whilst the task is in progress.

The assist card

Need help?If you get stuck try to persevere, as we are interested in improving the experience for everyone and we learn more for mistakes than success.

If you get really stuck try and find a help area, or if you feel it is beyond that you can make a fake call to the help desk.

To signal you wish to speak to the help desk pick up this card and a telephone role play will begin.

Printed task card given to participants

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This task serves 2 functions, the first is to ease the participants into the idea of being in a test situation and the “think aloud protocol” so they feel warmed up and give a more natural response to the other tasks. The second function is that a lot of the sites best features will be more effectively explored if the user has their own account. This is because memory is a personal thing and I feel the participants will not commit enough emotional to the site without their own space on the site to express themselves. I will ask them to create an account and add the following info:

• Display Name• Bio• First Name• Last Name• Gender• Country• Occupation

There will be no limit on this task and although it will be recorded it I do not predict any significant findings in this area as how to make an effective login and sign up is a well documented affair and not the focus of this study.

Task 1Make an account with STTY

Task 1Sign up for soundtracktoyour.com

You have decided to explore a new site for discovering and sharing music.

You wish to sign up and then add relevant details about you to your area within the site.

To indicate you are finished please tell the conductor “I’m finished”

Printed task card given to participants

Critical path

login / signup

my soundtracks

open my voice

edit profile

Page 9: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ task 1


POST ­ task 1* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how easy was this task? *create a profile and add bio info

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Easy Difficult

What do you make of the appearance of the site?Does it appear how you expected?

How satisfied where you with the completion of this task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completely unsatisfied completely satisfied


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Post Task 1 questionsAfter the task users will be asked how well the interface lets them record their personal info and how satisfying it was.

Page 10: Usability study_of

Users will be given a scenario where they have just decided upon a new exercise regime and heard that the right music can make all the difference. They now wish to find the right music for them to listen to whilst doing cardio vascular exercise for 20 min and have turned to STTY to find music and then buy it from iTunes.

The function of this task is to test how easy it is to buy music from the site as the type of music required is fairly well defined. i.e. music to exercise to is nearly always uplifting and faster paced so should downplay the subjective decision of picking music and focus on the purchasing.

This task will have a limit of 5 mins and task completion will be recorded when they click the correct buy button and are redirected to iTunes or the dialogue box warning of another application opening appears.

The reason for wanting a 20 min long playlist is that by default only the first 3 tracks appear in the lists and you have to click “expand” so 3 songs generally wont be 20 mins in total length so this forces the users to seek out longer playlists.

Task 2Find a playlist to exercise to

Task 2Find and buy a 20 minutes playlist to exercise to as you are just about to start a new exercise regime.

You want to buy at least 20 minutes worth of appropriate music to get your heart pumping whilst you do cardio vascular exercise.

You will indicate you have finished this task when you are redirected to the iTune store.

Don’t worry you wont buy anything by accident.

Printed task card given to participants

Critical path


a workout category

preview tack

buy playlist

Page 11: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ Task 2


POST ­ Task 2* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how satisfied are you with the ease of completion of the task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completly unsatisfied completely satisfied

How satisfied are you with the music you selected for this task? *

1 2 3 4 5

completely unsatisfied completely satisfied


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Post Task 2 questionsAfter the task users will be asked how satisfied they where with the ease of completing the task and the music they found.

Page 12: Usability study_of

This is a fairly straight forward test of what the site is centered around, creating meaningful playlists and sharing. The twist is the sharing part, how the users interpret the second part of this task will show weather the “STY4U” (musical e-card) function is recognized and used in.

This task will have a limit of 3 songs in the playlist to save time and avoid salience. The person will be imaginary and they will be given my email address to send the result to. Time on task will end when the email is sent.

Task 3Make a playlist that reminds you of being 19 and share it with a friend to congratulate them on their own 19th birthday.

Task 3Make a playlist that reminds you of being 19 and send it to a friend with a message that congratulates them on their 19th birthday.

your friends email address is:“[email protected]

You will indicate you have finished when the email is sent.

This is my email address.

Printed task card given to participants

Critical path

my soundtracks

create soundtrack

use search function

add track

edit details

enter name

send a STY4U

enter email

enter a greeting


Page 13: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ Task 3


POST ­ Task 3* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how satisfied are you with the ease of completion of the task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completly unsatisfied completely satisfied


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Post Task 3 questionsAfter the task users will be asked how satisfied they where with the ease of completing the task.

Page 14: Usability study_of

This task was originally meant to test one of the promises made in the promotional video.“Find out what undertakers play at funerals”Until I realised this task was impossible to complete not only because of the lack of current users to populate the database, but also as the only way to select an occupation is to select it from a rather short list of ambiguous professions. I had to settle on one of the few categories that has more than one user “technology” and picked a common job title that could be categorised under it.

This task is designed to find out how people go about using the site to find detailed information. It is also to find out how satisfied people are with the sites ability to help then find interesting musical information. I have picked a profession that comes under “technology” In the task scenario the participants would have been asked to tell a curious friend the answer to the question. I will ask users to tell me an answer and use that as an indicator of task completion.

Task 4Find out what music IT professionals listen to

Task 4Find out what sort of music IT professionals listen to.

A curious friend has recently asked you a burning question, what sort of music does the IT department listen to?

The conductor will play the part of your curious friend.

You will indicate you have competed this task when you tell the conductor what sort of music you think IT professionals listen to.

Printed task card given to participants

The task will have a time limit of 3 mins as I know the answer will be ambiguous and I don’t want the participants to spend to long looking for information that is not there.

Critical path

users > all

occupation > technology

a profile

view soundtracks

Page 15: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ Task 4


POST ­ Task 4* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how satisfied are you with the ease of completion of the task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completly unsatisfied completely satisfied

How credible do you feel the the site is for the information you have found? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

no credibility complete credibility


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Post Task 4 questionsAfter the task they will be asked how credible they considered and satisfying the information was and how satisfied they where with ease of completion of the task.

Page 16: Usability study_of

11/29/12 Post study questions


Post study questions* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Over all how satisfied where you with the ease of using the site? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completely unsatisfied completely satisfied

Any other comments on the site in general?

Please indicate your level of agreement with this statement: *"This site allow users to create meaning full playlists associated with memories past, present andfuture."

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

strongly dissagree strongly agree


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Post task questionsAfter the 4 tasks are complete participants will then be asked to rate the site overall.

Page 17: Usability study_of


SummaryThe site has promise but is no where near usable.Initial I did not expect that task 1 would yield meaningful results but it was an are where all users struggled with.

The redesigns later in this document focus on the most common issues first.

The issues I have addressed are superficial ones and I believe the site needs a more defined direction in general and to re-asses its core functions and goals.

One user refused to carry on with the tasks after getting very frustrated with the site, he put is user name and password in a total of 4 times and I would not say he was being foolish at all. In fact he was a music enthusiast, exactly the sort of person the site should attract.

Some of the data I collected has was not relevant to the study so has not been shown here. The missing data is from the following questions:

• What is your gender? • What is your age? • How do you generally buy music • How often do you seek out music you

have not heard before? • What do you make of the appearance

of the site? Does it appear how you expected?

• How satisfied are you with the music you selected for this task?

• How credible do you feel the the site is for the information you have found?

• Any other comments on the site in general?

• Over all how satisfied where you with the ease of using the site?

• Please indicate your level of agreement with this statement: “This site allow users to create meaning full playlists associated with memories past, present and future.”

These questions where to open ended and after conducting the study I shifted the focus of the study which rendered the answers to these questions irrelevant.

The answers where somewhat tainted by my own poor conduct. The biggest mistake I made was not stressing the goals of the study which left some users feeling like they would hurt my feelings if they answered honestly.

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Task success data

Task success was recorded slightly differently for each task but any task where users required a major assist (help desk role play) was marked as a fail.

Task 1The users that got a partial success where ones who entered their date of birth wrong.

Task 2A partial success on task 2 was recorded when one user through they had bought and album but actual purchased a single track.

Task 3A partial success on task 3 was recorded many times where users sent the email but not using the “STY4U” (musical e-card) also in one case the user sent the message to the wrong person.

Task 4 It was not really possible to get a partial success on task 4 as the answer was subjective.





1 1


2 2

0 0 0

2 2








1 1 1







2 2

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8

Task success 0=fail 1=partial 2=success

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Participant 2 failed all the tasks due mostly because of needing major assists.

Participant 4 failed the first task after needing a major assist to find the area to edit the profile. The rest of the tasks failed because he was so frustrated by the site he refused to do all the tasks.

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Assistance data




1 1 1 1


1 1 1

0 0


0 0 0

1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8

Minor Assists reference to help page

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4



0 0 0 0


0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0


0 0

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8

Major Assists help desk role play

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Only one user managed to resist looking at the help area to help them complete a task. Nearly everyone needed to look at the help to find out where the profile area even was let alone how to edit it.

With regards to task 1 most of the minor assists where a result of first the site crashing upon trying to edit the profile and then being unable to navigate back to the profile area form the home page .

A couple of people needed major assists, I had to step in with participant 7 on the first task as they started to get quite upset.

Participant 2 needed a lot of help on all the tasks and on one task needed to ask me for help twice on task 2.

Page 20: Usability study_of

Error data










Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8

Errors deviation from critical path

Task  1  

Task  2  

Task  3  

Task  4  



26 20








Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Total errors per task

Total errors per task

Everyone encountered errors on the first task, when i set out the study I did not expect to find much out on this task but after seeing the results there are clearly major issues with the users initial stages with the site.

The repeated errors on task 1 are the result of users going in circles again and again unable to find the profile area even after consulting the help.

Only one user managed to notice the sign-up button hidden at the bottom of the login screen.

The next source of repeated errors was task 3. The reason for these errors was the dragging function, that only 1 participant managed to successfully figure out after getting very angry.

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Time on task data





0:00   0:01   0:02   0:04   0:05   0:07   0:08   0:10   0:11  

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Average Time on task (error bars represent 90% confidence interval)

The fasted time for task 1 was 4min 58sec.To take this long to figure out how to get started with the site is a big ask and would mean alot of users will be put off at a crucial stage.

Page 22: Usability study_of

Satisfaction data









0   1   2   3   4  


Participant 1

Participant 2

Participant 3

Participant 5

Participant 6

Participant 7

Participant 8

Unfortunately this data is not much use as the graph shows no correlation whatsoever.

This is likely the result of the participants having to give feedback whilst being recorded and also because I did not stress enough the aims of the study.

One thing to note was I noticed this during the study and made these points to participants 7 and 8 who’s metrics are lower than most.

Completly satisfied

Completly unsatisfied

Page 23: Usability study_of

Table of issuesWhen analysing the recorded footage of the sessions I found 40 unique usability issues. I also noted which percipients experienced the same issue and if issues where experienced on different tasks.

I have given a cause and also a solution for each issue.

I also recorded technical issues but did not attempt to find solutions for them, except on one case I made a suggestion. The full table of issues can be read in the appendices.

We will now take a look at the issues found in different areas of the site.

Page 24: Usability study_of

Issues on the Home page and genral site wide issues

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

The biggest problem was not being able to navigate to the profile area.

Although most people learned to live with it, not being able to use the back button is problem.

Page 25: Usability study_of

Issues on the Login / signup screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

Nearly everyone entered a username and password and clicked login befor being told they had done it wrong by the site and then clikcing the sign up button.

Page 26: Usability study_of

Issues on profile screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

Alot of people where fustrated by the date of birth input starting with todays date.

Most people could not find how to edit the profile easily.

The task was made alot more dofficult by the crashes mentioned below, fixing these technical errors should be a high priority as it put most users in a situation where they would have given up on the task.

Page 27: Usability study_of

Issues on the soundtracks and tracks screens

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

The dragging of songs into a soundtrack is a major issue as only 1 person of the 8 managed to successfully use it and only after several failed attempts.

Users where not sure how long the soundtracks where and many asumed all the soundtracks where only 3 songs long.

Not everyone eventualy found the button to expand the soundtrack to its full length.

Page 28: Usability study_of

Issues on the soundtrack creation screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

Many users reviced only a partial completion on task 3 for sending a playlist via email and not through the more apropiate STY4U.

Users when straight for the mail icon to share their playlist.

Page 29: Usability study_of

Issues on the STY4U creation screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

Only 3 users found this screen and one of them needed to look at the help several times and also enter the helpdesk roleplay to find it.

Of the 2 who found it on their own, one sent the birthday message to the wrong person.

Only the yonger people figured out what a “STY4U” stood for, I belive this is due to peoples ability to abstract slowly diminishing past the age of around 21. http://www.inclusivedesigntoolkit.com/betterdesign2/UCthinking/thinking.html#p50

Page 30: Usability study_of

Issues on the help screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

The key issue with the help area was the terminology used when referencign the profile.

Page 31: Usability study_of

Issues on the search results screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

A lot of users where confused by the results of their serchest using the search feild at the top of the page.

Page 32: Usability study_of

Issues on the users screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

The filtering functions and the way narrow users are catagorised by occupation made it hard for most users to complete fast 4.

Page 33: Usability study_of

Issues on the users screen

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 1 3 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other

1 1 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

Participants Tasks

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

The filtering functions and the way narrow users are catagorised by occupation made it hard for most users to complete fast 4.

Page 34: Usability study_of

RecommendationsHome page




Welcome image


Feature image

Feature image

A sentence or paragraph summerising the purpose of the website. This should be optimised to appear in search search engin results.

A teaser of a feature of the site

A teaser of a feature of the site

Website slogan


The key differences here are the login / signup and the addition of a welcome area to let user know what the site does. Scrolling down would reveal more features about the site.

Most of the redesign is obvious, but the not so obvious thing is this home page is the help area in disguise. The “read more” links take you to that section of the help.

ABOUT Leads to the promotional video and should give more information about the people involved and what their goals where when making the site

Page 35: Usability study_of

Welcome image

A sentence or paragraph summerising the purpose of the website. This should be optimised to appear in search search engin results.

Website slogan

Home page when logged in











Logged in as:

Logged in as:

Once logged in the user should see their own user name at the top.

Clicking it will bring down a menu to get to the more functions of the site that can only be done by signing up.

The settings would be on their own static page.

Page 36: Usability study_of


ABOUTThe promotional videoPurpose of siteStaff BioCompany History



CategoryTop level category Sub category


Top level category Sub category


Search SoundtracksCategory

Top level category Sub category

Soundtracks index

TracksSearch TracksCategory

Top level category Sub category

Tracks index

UsersFilter users via search

Individual user profileIndividual user profileIndividual user profile

HELPHelp Catagorys

Profile accessed by clicking user name

Page 37: Usability study_of


View Profile

View Profile

View Profile


The changes to this page are subtle, The button to expand the track list has moved to the bottom right and there is information on the number of tracks and the length of the soundtrack in minutes under the list name.

The category name has been removed, this information is now indicated by highlighting the relevant part of the breadcrumbs.Soundtracks index





<List name>

<List name>

<List name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<number of tracks> <List Length(time)>

<number of tracks> <List Length(time)>

<number of tracks> <List Length(time)>





Logged in as:

Buttons for:• Playing• Like• Share• Buy

Play individual track

rank 1

rank 2

rank 3

Page 38: Usability study_of



The 2 major changes to this page ate that the number of soundtracks the track features in is a link that will show a soundtracks index page for those soundtracks.

Also the drag and drop feature is replaced with a drop-down menu detailed on the next page.Tracks index


<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

Features in:

15 Soundtracks

Features in:

15 Soundtracks

Features in:

15 Soundtracks





Logged in as:

rank 1

rank 2

rank 3

Page 39: Usability study_of

Tracks index

<Artist> - <Song name> Features in:


rank 1

Add TO YOUR SOUndTRACk<Recently created Soundtrack><Recently created Soundtrack>

<catagory populated with soundtrack>

<catagory populated with soundtrack>

<catagory populated with soundtrack>

Add TO YOUR SOUndTRACk<Recently created Soundtrack><Recently created Soundtrack>

<Sub-catagory populated with soundtrack>

<Sub-catagory populated with soundtrack>

<Sub-catagory populated with soundtrack>

Add TO YOUR SOUndTRACk<Recently created Soundtrack><Recently created Soundtrack>

<created Soundtrack>

<created soundtrack>

2 3


Instead of dragging users will have 3 more clicks to pick a soundtrack to add it to. Alternatively the 2 most recently created soundtracks could be chosen from the top of the drop-down.

Page 40: Usability study_of



CREATE your soundtrack in <sub-catagory>


On this page the breadcrumb is again used to show users where they are and the descriptive title for the creation area lets people know what they are doing. The button to create the soundtrack has been moved to the bottom right.Soundtracks creation


<List name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<number of tracks> <List Length(time)>


Search for tracks or arstis

Logged in as:


Buttons for:• Playing• Like• Share• Buy

Page 41: Usability study_of



CREATE your soundtrack in <sub-catagory>


Clicking the one share button will bring up a overlay where you can select comon methos of sharing or sent the formerly know as STY4U now named Musical E-card. Sharing a Soundtrack


<List name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<Artist> - <Song name>

<number of tracks> <List Length(time)>


Search for tracks or artstis

Logged in as:


Send Musical E-card




Page 42: Usability study_of



Filter Results


The Search page will have a section on the left showing filtering options with tick-boxes that show weather a filter is active or not.

If no results a found and error message will take the place of results“Sorry we could not find what you searched

for Would you live to try searching : Users or Tracks instead?” The words users and tracks would be links to the separate search pages.

The layout of these pages would be the same as this one.Search function






Logged in as:

Search in Soundtracks

View Profile

<USERID><List name><number of tracks> <List Length(time)>


View Profile

<USERID><List name><number of tracks> <List Length(time)>


Page 43: Usability study_of

Critical path Critical path

soundtracks E-card

Explore Create

a workout category


preview tackSearch and add tracks

buy playlist Add Message


Critical path


edit profile

Critical path



Filter Users

View user profile

New Critical paths

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Page 44: Usability study_of

• Not clear enough about involvement and objectives of the study.

• Should have been more specific about the tasks.

• Should have left the room for filling out questionnaires.

• Should not have recorded the questionnaires.

• Should have worded nearly all the questions very differently and repeated that they be answered objectively.

• The open ended questions where to frequent and not of much use. Instead of the open ended questions should have only asked for negative points.

• Mistake on one of the questionnaires is a scale of 5 instead of 7.

• One of the scales is reversed goes from positive to negative.

• The pre-questionaire questions are largely irrelevant.



Page 45: Usability study_of

Appendices• Full Table of Issues• Task Cards• Task notes• Task data Entry sheets

Page 46: Usability study_of

Issues found by 8 participants on www.soundtracktoyour.com

Record order

Location Description Cause Solution (redesign recommendation) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∑ t1 t2 t3 t4

1 Home unsure if logged in No direct indication of login status have username display top right on every page 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

2 Home difficulty navigating to profile Confusing terminology " my soundtracks" Click username to enter profile (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

3 Login / Signup Difficulty on Sign up Sign up text too small clear separate button for signup 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1

4 Global frustration with help balloons Help balloons obscure site and disappear before being read click to remove and tick to not show again 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1

5 Profile can't find edit profile Edit profile is expected to be at top right with username show "settings" and "edit profile" next to username (see 1) 1 1 1 1 1 5 1

6 Profile CRASH “Begin creating your profile by clicking here.” link broken on profile page ? 1 1 1 1 4 1

7 Profile CRASH Loading animation stuck upon entering help area via top link from profile page ? 1 1 1

8 Soundtracksunexpected result from clicking rank

rank button has a magnifying glass change to button showing 2 triangles up and down 1 1 1

9 SoundtracksUnsure how long soundtracks are

no info on length in truncated view add number of songs in playlist to truncated view and make this the button to expand 1 1 1 1 4 1

10 Search resultsDisorientation from following search result link

Results pages shows links that take you to a list of soundtracks, does not appear relevant to search

highlight search result after following link or have the search page give results in stacks titled by results location within the site and have the title the only link also give a summary of results and optional filter or pick from a category e.g. "tracks"

1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

11 Global TECH The regular back button on the browser does not workPossible solution: http://www.covenantdesign.com/blog/make-bookmarking-and-back-button-still-work-ajax-page-loads

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

12SoundTrack creation

Not noticed STY4U Confusing name "STY4U" and share function has email optionshould be listed under "share" as extra option when selecting "by email" and less confusing terminology

1 1 1 1 1 5 1

13Users Occupation

Hard to find peoples actual occupation

Categories for occupation asked for at signup are to vagueUser entered Occupations then support for searching them alternatively a comprehensive list of professional areas but to select this from a dropdown would not be usable as the list would be to long

1 1 1 3 1

14 Profile CRASH "error: [object Object]" upon clicking "edit profile" from profile page ? 1 1 1 3 1

15 Helpdifficulty finding help on how to edit profile

confusing terminology "Your VOICE" rename You VOICE with your profile at least in the help area 1 1 2 1

16 SoundtracksDifficulty and frustration with dragging

Dragged item jumps to right upon drag, target area to small, still allows drag when no soundtrack available to land on, help balloon and tool top text not specific enough

remove dragging feature from site as it is difficult to use on many platforms and prone to errors even when executed well, replace with: "add > soundtrack > soundtrack cat > Soundtrack Name" as a dropdown under add button or in the area where My Soundtracks tab opens

1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1

17 Profile Frustration with DOB inputDescribed by quote: "A calendar is for planning and you don’t have to plan your own date of birth" The calendar starts with todays date, Also the incorrect input dialogue defines a different format to the accepted one i.e. "did/mm/yyyy" when actually "did-mm-my"

Replace date of birth input with 3 dropdowns for day month and year 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1

18 Global Difficulty navigating to STY4UHelp area instructs users to start the STY4U process at the home page which one user could not get to

Restructure of site navigation and repurpose of home page(see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1

19 GlobalDifficulty finding created soundtracks

The My Soundtracks pop out tab is not clear and shows categories that have no playlists so will not seem relevant also the profile area is difficult to find

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out or have it only show the created soundtracks or "no soundtracks created" when empty, once the user has more than a few then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also Restructure of site navigation (see details and illustrations in main document)

1 1 1 3 1 1

20 STY4UDisorientation when creating STY4U

clicking image of birthday instead of "create" button takes users to "tracks>party>birthday"This task should have another stage after selecting birthday asking weather users wish to create on or see what other users have chosen first

1 1 1

21Users Occupation

Confusion with results or filtering by occupation

No indication on how or if how the results are filtered A visually separate filtration area that shows which filters are active and possible 1 1 2 1

22 Tracksfrustration with not being able to explore from "tracks" over to the "soundtracks" it features in

the "# soundtracks" on the tracks page that indicates how many soundtracks the track features in is expected to be a link to those soundtracks

Make "# soundtracks" a link to the soundtracks that the track is in 1 1 1 3 1

23 Profile Pale yellow text hard to read Not enough contrast between yellow and background Darker coloured text to replace light yellow, or outline, or darker background 1 1 1

24 ProfileConfusion about what the buttons on the profile page do

the layout does not indicate that the functions on the profile page are only applicable to the logged in user

If the main site navigation is restructured and the profile area functions placed under the username at top right there will be enough distinction between areas. When viewing other user profiles it may work to use the current layout.

1 1 1

25 Search resultsSearch appears broken when no results are fund

there is no feedback on search results profile a "nothing found when you searched for <users search>" type of message 1 1 2 1 1

26 SoundtracksDisappointment with not knowing how appropriate songs are for exercise

No info on BPM Adding BPM information 1 1 1

27 Soundtracks TECHWhen playing a soundtrack, after the first 30 second preview is over the second song begins but the artwork, name and artists from the first song persist

? 1 1 1

28 HomeFrustration with the movement on the home page

The movement on the homepage moves to frequently and cannon be stopped to read. One user said it reminded them of adverts and would have immediately left the site.

If this is to be on the home page it should be smaller, and have a more subtle animation, should change less frequently and be able to be frozen so the user can read or keep what is there.

1 1 2 1

28 Soundtracks CRASH When clicking "tracks>9 to 5" dialogue box :"error: [object Object]" ? 1 1 1 3 1

29 STY4U sent button a little hard to findpeople seem to expect it to be at the bottom, but I think that the positioning and style gives users banner blindness to that area

move the send button to be aligned with the creation box 1 1 2 1

29Terms and Conditions

has to retype details again after going back from terms and conditions page

no accept button on terms and conditionsterms should be either a separate window (with a print button perhaps?) or have an accept button at the bottom or be a collapsible or scroll box

1 1 1

30 Global Can't search for years No support for searching via timeWould need the search function to be redesigned to and turned into a more complicated function in itself.

1 1 2 1

30Soundtrack creation

CRASHWhen adding a perhaps lesser known song:"error: [object: Object]url:/SoundTrack/<user>/AddTrack? Trackid= <track meta >

? 1 1 2 1 1

31 Help Spelling Draw should be "drawer" in this context drawer not draw 1 1 1

32 GlobalMy Soundtracks drawer largely useless

The displayed categories are to broad to have relevance to every task but this area is always around but serves no use as the drag function is unusable.

Remove the My Soundtracks pop out then introduce the sorting categories and only ones that are populated with created soundtracks, Also

1 1 2 1

33Soundtrack creation

cannot add song once search dropdown disappears

If you click play from the search dropdown you are given a 30 second preview and by the time this has finished the add button has gone

put an add track to playlist button onto the preview area 1 1 1

34Soundtrack creation

CRASH The buy button on the preview player has a broken link ? 1 1 1

35 Home"philum" not recognized as a link to the video

The reasoning behind this naming is not explained Change link title to be more descriptive 1 1

36 Global Rollover is annoying The rollover is far to large and contains to much and is difficult to make it disappearmenu rollovers should be only links to pages or specific functions not parts of a function (see navigation redesign)

1 1 2 1 1

37 STY4UConfusion over if the recipient is correct

once the email is entered on the STY4U screen the email address has a "gg_" at the beginning If it is a unique naming issue then it should be hidden from users 1 1 1

38 Login / SignupDidn’t notice that had not ticked terms and conditions

no error feedback on terms and conditions tick box, also the tick box it quite small make the checkbox larger and add red feedback text 1 1 1

39 GlobalSettings dropdown wont go away

User are not expecting this to a toggle on and off action make this a rollover or have it disappear after a second or 2 1 1 1

40Users Occupation

TECH When filtering to Sports and Leisure the text is repeated in another font on top of the main text ? 1 1 1

Participants Tasks

Page 47: Usability study_of

Task 1Sign up for soundtracktoyour.com

You have decided to explore a new site for discovering and sharing music.

You wish to sign up and then add relevant details about you to your area within the site.

To indicate you are finished please tell the conductor “I’m finished”

Page 48: Usability study_of

Task 2Find and buy a 20 minutes playlist to exercise to as you are just about to start a new exercise regime.

You want to buy at least 20 minutes worth of appropriate music to get your heart pumping whilst you do cardio vascular exercise.

You will indicate you have finished this task when you are redirected to the iTune store.

Don’t worry you wont buy anything by accident.

Page 49: Usability study_of

Task 3Make a playlist that reminds you of being 19 and send it to a friend with a message that congratulates them on their 19th birthday.

your friends email address is:“[email protected]

You will indicate you have finished when the email is sent.

This is my email address.

Page 50: Usability study_of

Task 4Find out what sort of music IT professionals listen to.

A curious friend has recently asked you a burning question, what sort of music does the IT department listen to?

The conductor will play the part of your curious friend.

You will indicate you have competed this task when you tell the conductor what sort of music you think IT professionals listen to.

Page 51: Usability study_of

Need help?If you get stuck try to persevere, as we are interested in improving the experience for everyone and we learn more for mistakes than success.

If you get really stuck try and find a help area, or if you feel it is beyond that you can make a fake call to the help desk.

To signal you wish to speak to the help desk pick up this card and a telephone role play will begin.

Page 52: Usability study_of

Task order:

Participant:Task 1


Critical path

login / signup

my soundtracks

open my voice

edit profile

Page 53: Usability study_of

Task order:Task 2


Critical path


a workout category

preview tack

buy playlist


Page 54: Usability study_of

Task order:Task 3

NOTES Critical path

my soundtracks

create soundtrack

use search function

add track

edit details

enter name

send a STY4U

enter email

enter a greeting



Page 55: Usability study_of

Task order:Task 4


Critical path

users > all

occupation > technology

a profile

view soundtracks


Page 56: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ Task 4


POST ­ Task 4* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how satisfied are you with the ease of completion of the task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completly unsatisfied completely satisfied

How credible do you feel the the site is for the information you have found? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

no credibility complete credibility


Powered by Google Docs

Report Abuse ­ Terms of Service ­ Additional Terms

Page 57: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ Task 3


POST ­ Task 3* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how satisfied are you with the ease of completion of the task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completly unsatisfied completely satisfied


Powered by Google Docs

Report Abuse ­ Terms of Service ­ Additional Terms

Page 58: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ Task 2


POST ­ Task 2* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how satisfied are you with the ease of completion of the task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completly unsatisfied completely satisfied

How satisfied are you with the music you selected for this task? *

1 2 3 4 5

completely unsatisfied completely satisfied


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Page 59: Usability study_of

11/29/12 POST ‑ task 1


POST ­ task 1* Required

Participant number: *to be answered by the conductor

Overall how easy was this task? *create a profile and add bio info

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Easy Difficult

What do you make of the appearance of the site?Does it appear how you expected?

How satisfied where you with the completion of this task? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

completely unsatisfied completely satisfied


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Page 60: Usability study_of

Minor Assists (refer to help page)    - Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Participant 1 1 1Participant 2 2 1 1Participant 3 1 1Participant 4 1Participant 5 1Participant 6 1 1 1Participant 7 1Participant 8

Major Assists (help desk role play)- Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Participant 1Participant 2 1 2 1 1Participant 3Participant 4Participant 5Participant 6 1Participant 7 1Participant 8

Errors (deviation from critical path)  - Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Participant 1 2Participant 2 3 3 3 1Participant 3 7 2 8 5Participant 4 10Participant 5 4 2 4 5Participant 6 14 7Participant 7 11 4 4 2Participant 8 5 7

Task success 0=fail 1=partial 2=success- Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Participant 1 2 2 1 2Participant 2 0 0 0 0  Participant 3 2 0 1 2Participant 4 0 0 0 0Participant 5 1 2 2 2Participant 6 1 2 1 0Participant 7 0 1 1 2Participant 8 2 2 1 2


Task  1 Task  2 Task  3 Task  4Total  errors  per  task 56 11 26 20

Page 61: Usability study_of

Time on Task 1 start end totalParticipant 1 00:01:37 00:07:36 00:05:59 Mean: 00:09:44Participant 2 00:00:00 00:11:55 00:11:55 Median: 00:09:14Participant 3 00:02:20 00:09:03 00:06:43 Standard Deviation: 00:04:23Participant 4 00:00:00 00:18:45 00:18:45Participant 5 00:02:35 00:07:33 00:04:58Participant 6 00:00:00 00:09:42 00:09:42Participant 7 00:00:14 00:11:19 00:11:05Participant 8 00:00:00 00:08:47 00:08:47

Time on Task 2 start end total TimeParticipant 1 00:09:26 00:13:36 00:04:10 Mean: 00:05:46 Task  1 00:09:44Participant 2 00:31:58 00:39:49 00:07:51 Median: 00:05:07 Task  2 00:05:46Participant 3 00:19:33 00:24:40 00:05:07 Standard Deviation: 00:01:35 Task  3 00:07:25Participant 4 Task  4 00:04:17Participant 5 00:18:31 00:23:50 00:05:19Participant 6 00:21:25 00:29:36 00:08:11Participant 7 00:16:19 00:21:23 00:05:04Participant 8 00:26:30 00:31:10 00:04:40

Time on Task 3 start end totalParticipant 1 00:14:42 00:19:50 00:05:08 Mean: 00:07:25Participant 2 00:15:03 00:26:39 00:11:36 Median: 00:07:25Participant 3 00:26:12 00:34:43 00:08:31 Standard Deviation: 00:03:15Participant 4Participant 5 00:08:43 00:12:48 00:04:05Participant 6 00:30:21 00:34:10 00:03:49Participant 7 00:20:44 00:28:09 00:07:25Participant 8 00:12:29 00:23:51 00:11:22

Time on Task 4 start end totalParticipant 1 00:20:24 00:22:22 00:01:58 Mean: 00:04:17Participant 2 00:27:19 00:31:00 00:03:41 Median: 00:03:42Participant 3 00:12:49 00:17:25 00:04:36 Standard Deviation: 00:02:20Participant 4Participant 5 00:13:50 00:17:32 00:03:42Participant 6 00:10:38 00:19:00 00:08:22Participant 7 00:28:22 00:34:21 00:05:59Participant 8 00:24:09 00:25:50 00:01:41





0:00   0:01   0:02   0:04   0:05   0:07   0:08   0:10   0:11  

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Average Time on task (error bars represent 90% confidence interval)

Page 62: Usability study_of

Task  1 Task  2 Task  3 Task  4Participant  1 6 4 6 6Participant  2 5 3 2 1Participant  3 3 6 7 5Participant  5 4 4 4 3Participant  6 6 2 7 3Participant  7 1 1 2 1Participant  8 3 3 1 6









0   1   2   3   4  


Participant 1

Participant 2

Participant 3

Participant 5

Participant 6

Participant 7

Participant 8