Puranapool Submitted by: L.Ajitha

Urban Design of an area with multiple heritage

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Different elements of urban design of an area a studied , analysed and proposals are made for a better place

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Page 1: Urban Design of an area with multiple heritage

Puranapool Submitted by: L.Ajitha

Page 2: Urban Design of an area with multiple heritage


Literature study

Criteria of selection of the area of case study

History of the place



Page 3: Urban Design of an area with multiple heritage

Literature Study

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Image of the city & its elements – Kevin Lynch

• Paths

Familiar routes followed- “Are the channels along which the observer customarily, occasionally, or potentially moves.”

E.g.-streets, walkways, transit lines, canals, railroads

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• Edges

dividing lines between districts- "are the linear elements not used or considered as paths by the observer. They are boundaries between two phases, linear breaks in continuity.”

E.g.- shores, railroad cuts, edges of development, walls ...

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• Districts

Areas with perceived internal homogeneity- "are medium-to-large sections of the city, conceived of as having two-dimensional extent, which the observer mentally enters ‘inside of,’ and which are recognizable as having some common identifying character"

E.g.- center, midtown, its in-town residential areas, organized industrial areas, trainyards, suburbs, college campuses etc.

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• Landmarks

Point of reference- “Are another type of point-reference, but in this case the observer does not enter within them, they are external. They are usually a rather simply defined physical object which makes one orient oneself.

E.g.-building, sign, store, or mountain

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• Nodes

Center of attraction that you can enter- “Are points, the strategic spots in a city into which an observer can enter. The nodes may be simply concentrations, which gain their importance from being the condensation of some use or physical character, as a street-corner hangout or an enclosed square .”

E.g.-primary junctions, places of a break in transportation, a crossing or convergence of paths, moments of shift from one structure to another

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Imagibility & Legibility• IMAGIBILITY: The quality of a physical object which gives an observer a strong

vivid image. He concluded that a highly imageable city would be well formed, would contain very distinct parts, and would be instantly recognizable to the common inhabitant.

• LEGIBILITY: It is one particular visual quality: the apparent clarity of the cityscape. The ease with which type characters can be read.

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Criteria of selection

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• The presence of many historically significant buildings and the activity in them.

• Presence of a river in the area and problems associated with it

• The activity all over the place and human commutations.

• Pre dominant tourist activity in the place is of interest.

All the above factors make this place give a scope for many improvements in the place that might drastically vary the place & activities associated.

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History• PuranaPul meaning old bridge,

spanning the Musi was built in 16th century during the reign of Qutb Shahis, for quick travel between Golconda and Hyderabad.

• It was the entry bridge into the capital of Hyderabad state.

• There was an immense damage during the flood of Musi river in 1900 which was then repaired.




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Imagibility & Legibility of the place

Imagibiligty Legibility





6 12

Public opinion

Yes No Speculative

Source: Survey done from 60 samples under random sampling( includes tourists, workers , occasional commuters , others)

IMAGIBILITY:According to our perception the place is imagible

as it leave a remark on anyone’s mind who visits this place for once with its magnificent buildings, variety of activities going on at the same place at the same instance as they are distinct and vivid elements along the river front though there is ambiguity in the interior parts.

LEGIBILITY:The place lacks legibility aspect as a person

cannot read the place very easily as there are sharp blind curves in the road network and there are many places where buildings cover the further path and create sense of ambiguity also there is lot of confusion as we move into interior fabric.

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Imagibility & Legibility of the place• 4 people were asked to draw the cognitive maps of the place which were as


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Imagibility & Legibility of the place• These gave the following inferences.

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Elements present in the place : NODES

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Elements present in the place: LADNMARKS

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Elements present in the place: PATHWAYS

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Elements present in the place: EDGES

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Elements present in the place: DISTRICTS

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Elements present in the place: COLOUR , BUILDING TYPOLOGY & HARMONY

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Elements present in the place: SKYLINE& DOMINENCE

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Elements present in the place: RELIGIOUS STRUCTURES

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Determinants of form of the place

• Activity : The activity of the place has lot of heterogeneous elements that happen hand in hand which lead to emergence of new elements on the streetscape of the area

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Determinants of form of the place.

• River : The river played a vital role the placement and orientation of buildings as it provided a view and added to prominence and domination of area by acting as a counter space and also added the 4 element of depth to the area

• History : History of the place being very vibrant place also is associated with historical and cultural significance and with no exaggeration has almost all the elements of the form with historical and architectural interests

• Culture: Culture of the place is also a determinant of the place, during Fridays the place is found with heavy traffic also during festivals like Ganesh Chathurti and Id the place becomes too crowded

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Street Scape• The area has street furniture like bus stops, Dustbins

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Open spaces• The open spaces in the region vary from left out place on the river bed with greens to green

belts and small green spaces. Also has Ghats

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Issues observed

• Traffic congestion near Afzalgunj bus stop, Madena circle, State central library.

• Accident prone junctions with low legibility and unforeseen pedestrian activity

• Foul smell in the rainy season & streets not suitable for pedestrian movement in those days.

• Commercial & informal activity creating chaos in the area

• Garbage dumping into Musi and on the edges spoiling the image of the place.

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Multi level Parking Commercial complex

Tourist Ropeway

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Walking track

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Street side Cafeteria

Park with seating arrangements

Pedestrian green bridge

Rope house

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Dust bin Placement

Sensor reaction when trash is put