Top 10 graphic and web design tools in 2015

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Top 10 Graphic & Web Design Tools in 2015


Webydo is a great choice for designers looking to create website designs without needing to hand write code or rely on a web developer to help them. One of the most exciting features in Webydo is the ability to create pixel-perfect responsive web designs that work great on a variety of


This prototyping tool allows you to turn your designs into interactive prototypes. Transitions and animations, along with real-time design and collaboration capabilities and version control and sync capabilities, make Invision a multi-faceted tool that may fit a number of needs for


Ink allows you to easily create responsive HTML emails that work on any device. They go on to add that their emails work in even Outlook, a sore point for many designers who have to work on HTML emails and who struggle to make them work well in Outlook!


Infogram is a data visualization product that allows you to quickly and easily turn your data into infographics, charts, and even interactive visualizations. There are over 30 interactive chart types available in the system currently; covering a wide range of data visualization needs for websites, presentations, and other instances where a picture will explain much more than text


If youve used Photoshop before, then the Pixlr Editor will be very familiar. Pixlr even opens .PSD files and retains all the original layers, making it a great alternative to Photoshop. Another good use of Pixlr is for clients who have very simple image editing needs (resize, crop, etc.)


Rinse provides photographers with a unique way to display a portfolio of their work and tell the stories behind that work. Basic accounts allow you to upload one story, while Advanced accounts, which are by invitation only, allow up to 10 stories to be


Material Design is Googles visual language, including specifications on animation, style (color, icons, images, typography), layout, components, patterns, and more . Material-UI is a CSS Framework and a Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material


If you need an easy way to preview prototypes on iOS devices, then Frameless for iOS 8 is here for you. With a transparent UI and customizable gestures (swipe, tap with three fingers, shake the device, etc.), Frameless is perfect for prototyping and previewing any HTML content in a native


Select a starter font from the drop down list of available choices and the site will give you some examples of fonts that pair well with that selection. They even include a visual example of the two fonts being used together in a design so you can see how they look side by


You can also share your work with the community on Skillshare, a nice feature for learners who want more than just some video tutorials.Free Skillshare accounts give you access to a number of classes, but for a small fee (currently $8/month), you will have unlimited access to all the classes they offer. Additionally, in line with their focus on community, for every annual membership they sell on the site, they donate a free membership to a student in