Sonnet Kenny Kao


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Page 1: Sonnet


Kenny Kao

Page 2: Sonnet

Margaret BurnerThere have been many cats I loved and lost,And most of them were of the mongrel breed;Stray felines have a mighty power to plead, Especially when chilled by snow and frost. No matter if by cares I am engrossed, Somehow I feel that I should intercede, They seem so much like human folk in need– Like waifs by winds of hardship roughly tossed. I think that I should not be satisfied In heavenwith harps and wings and streets of gold, If I should hear by chance a noise outside Like some lost kitten crying in the cold,-- How could Saint Peter think my act a sin If I should tiptoe out and let it in?

Page 3: Sonnet


Structure: Italian Rhymes: abba abba cdcdeeVolta (Turn): Line 9- “I think that I should not be satisfied”

Speaker’s Tone: sorrowful

Page 4: Sonnet

Figurative Language

Line 3 – personificationLine 8 – simileLine 10 – metaphorLine 12 – simileLine 13 – allusion

Page 5: Sonnet

Main Point

There are many varieties of cats that I loved and lost. Homeless cats have emotions too. (line 1-3) But unfortunately, they are left outside in the freezing cold (line 4). No matter how loud my voice is, i can’t make any impact to save these homeless cats (line 5). I think i should get involved

because they have lives too, just like humans (line 6-8). so i think its not fair (line 9), God bless them with shelter and food (line 10), if i ever see another cat wandering around outside (line 11-12), how could divinity (Saint Peter) think what I’m doing is wrong, if I just leave them out there dead.(line 13-14)since there are so many homeless cats, she feels bad to ignore them but she cant help all of them since there’s just too many. she treated and loved cats like human beings and so cats deserves to have shelters like humans.