Front cover image Original Photoshop I selected this female model to be the main image on the front cover because she is fitting with the current trends, holding a newly released product on the music market (Pill by Beats) and is old enough to engage the older audience I seek to appeal towards. The white background allowed it to be easier to use the Lasso tool to go around and get rid of the background, using the feathering tool between 6-8 to soften the edges.


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Front cover image

Original Photoshop

I selected this female model to be the main image on the front cover because she is fitting with the current trends, holding a newly released product on the music market (Pill by Beats) and is old enough to engage the older audience I seek to appeal towards. The white background allowed it to be easier to use the Lasso tool to go around and get rid of the background, using the feathering tool between 6-8 to soften the edges.

First feature image

Original Photoshop

Second feature image

Original Photoshop

Contents page image

Original Photoshop

Third feature image

Original Photoshop

Article image

Original Photoshop