PCB COMMENTARY SUMMARY NOTES BY: Jiawen, Ameen, Rengie & Yanquan T2C03 DEgage is the name of our magazine. The first two letters are highlighted to symbolize DE, as the magazine holds content about the different courses of Design & Environment faculty, and also since we’re DE students. As a whole the word “degage” means “free and relaxed in manner”. It means our magazine is for readers to relax and enjoy the content in a calm and easy pace. Readers will be care free from the other troubles. After a long day at work or school, readers can calm down and indulge themselves in the contents of the magazine. Elements covered: Information quality. Format used must be short and sweet thus able to present it more effectively to consumers and also some description at the side so readers can either focus more on the point or glance through.

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PCB COMMENTARY SUMMARY NOTES BY: Jiawen, Ameen, Rengie & Yanquan T2C03

DEgage is the name of our magazine. The first two letters are highlighted to symbolize DE, as the magazine holds content about the different courses of Design & Environment faculty, and also since we’re DE students. As a whole the word “degage” means “free and relaxed in manner”. It means our magazine is for readers to relax and enjoy the content in a calm and easy pace. Readers will be care free from the other troubles. After a long day at work or school, readers can calm down and indulge themselves in the contents of the magazine.

Elements covered: Information quality.

Format used must be short and sweet thus able to present it more effectively to consumers and also some description at the side so readers can either focus more on the point or glance through.

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Editorial Page:

It’s requested in our requirements because in a magazine there must be editorial team to introduce to show the readers whose doing all these designing and how to contact them.

We also include short and sweet note at the bottom highlighting editor notes to entice readers to find out more about what our design members have come up with in the later parts of the magazine.

Elements covered: Color, Perceptual Vigilance Reasons Why:

1. Color These few pages we will be using different colour schemes to differentiate different courses to keep readers attention from dropping. adding pictures of the students doing their work will also entice readers as they get to see what the students go through real life rather than only in words.

2. Perceptual vigilance This concept is also included as readers who are wanting to go to the various courses will pay closer attention to this section as they are in need of knowing about what’s going to happen in the courses. This part can be very helpful students who are going through their secondary 4 education in school.

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Elements covered: Surrogate indicator- celebrity endorsement In the area of advertising and promotion, celebrity endorsement is a testimonial which consists of a written or spoken statement, or picture from a person figure. The Leo Messi's advertisement is chosen because it is related to the article on social media. The advertisement is influential, and it affects thoughts and behaviour of readers. His ID in the app was printed on the advertisement, showing that he actually uses the app, and that this app must be really useful and convenient such that even a soccer star is using it.

With the use of interesting tittle capture reader attention. Simple design and layout, just like the line of Apple products- simplicity.

Elements covered: format

Simple straight forward presentation receives more attention than complex ones. Short write up tells you directly what the article is going to be talking about.

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Instead of using words and tittle to bring out content, pictures are used instead. This will make the reader feel afresh and wanting to carry on reading.

Elements covered: low involvement learning.

Most of the consumer learning is in low involvement. The information is presented to the reader. No addition research is need. Readers will most likely read for extra information and recreation. Little effort and motivation is need to process the information. No thinking is required,

Instead of using tittle, questions are used to spark the curiosity of the reader and make them wanting to read more to know about the answer.

Elements covered: contrasting colour, Opinion leader.

1. Contrasting colour

To attract consumers’ attention, the stimuli must contrast with the background. The question, answer and back ground are of different colour and degree of shades. It’s easy to read and differentiate the questions from the answer.

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2. Opinion leader

Opinion leaders are people who are very knowledgeable on a certain topic which the consumer is interested in. they help filter, provide and interpret information. As such, the shop interviewee in this case is considering an opinion leader because he is very knowledgeable on hand phones as that is his job. Having high involvement with the product category. Able to provide feedback both positive and negative through personal observation

Most people would trust and follow his advice as he is very knowledgeable and due to the nature of his job on the topic.

Elements include: Message involvement, format, relevant to concept and size and intensity.

1. Message involvement.

The extent to which consumer is involved in the message. Consumers who are involved in the message of the advertisement are the people that like this shampoo brand or can relate to the “bad hair” days. As such, they have learnt that Herbal essence had launch a new shampoo product and most likely to try it out.

2. Format.

Manner in which message is presented to consumer. We made it simple and straightforward presentations so that it will received more attention than complex ones and also easier for us to get to the point.

3. Relevant to concept.

Herbal essence is a well-known shampoo brand for having silky and healthy hair. It’s somehow related to fashion because having long and nice smelling hair forms part of your fashion tips.

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4. Size and Intensity.

Consumer will pay more attention to advertisement that is bigger and brighter. As such, we have enlarged the newly-launched shampoo in the middle to attract consumer attention.

Elements include: FORMAT

We have use short and sweet format because it will entice readers to want to find out more. Easier to focused attention on the main point. At this situation, the contrasting words already say it all. “People will stare. Make it worth their while.”

Elements include: Opinion leaders, Format, Episodic memory.

1. Opinion leaders

They acts and serve as a role model to other teenagers as they share similar taste in clothing and fashion. They can also influence attitude and behavior change of their followers which is

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the consumers. For example, one guy mentioned that he would love to shop at Uniqlo, cotton on because it is affordable and nice to wear, so consumers would follow suit and try it out.

2. Format

Manner in which message is presented to consumer. Simple and straightforward presentations received more attention than complex ones and easier to get to the point.

3. Episodic memory

It is proven that guys tends to remember memories of sequences of purchasing goods from particular shops in which they participated which they enjoyed their goods and thus remembering the brands.

Elements covered: perceptual vigilance and deliberate exposure.

1. Perceptual vigilance

It refers to the tendency to have heightened awareness of stimuli that are relevant to their current needs or interest. Teenagers love fashion and mostly follow trends so they would be more attentive to fashion pages as they would want to get clothing which is affordable and comfy too.

2. Deliberate exposure

Consumers deliberately seek information to help achieve certain goals which in this situation is to know more about trends and learn how to dress well from guidance given. Thus, they will deliberately flip to this page just to know more about how idols dress and they can apply themselves too.

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Elements covered: Preference Strategy, Colorful ads, Information Influence.

1. Preference Strategy

Basically refers to anticipating and know where consumers will search and then listed the “featured” clothing in those popular stores that sells these featured clothing thus leading consumer to the stores.

2. Colorful advertisement

We purposely create 4 different colors contrast advertisement because colorful advertisements & interesting packaging can attract more attention to catch consumer attention.

3. Information influence

Behaviours and opinions of reference groups are used as potentially useful pieces of information. Consumers will most likely to follow information given by them.

Elements covered: External information search

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Basically includes opinion and attitudes from friends, internet and also professional information like articles magazine, books, and internet. External information search tends to increase when you are paying much attention to those particular items. For this situation, girls who saw this may be highly interested in these clothing and amazed by the mix and match outfits and would search various information to find these clothing.

Elements covered: vicarious learning concept, Identification influence

1. Vicarious learning concept.

It refers to the imitation of others through the observation of others. Thus, by giving the examples of famous female celebs wearing this floral theme outfit, there will be many girls wanting to learn and follow suit to the concept of wearing the outfit and match with other accessories like what the celebs do.

2. Identification influence.

When an individual uses group as a reference point for his/her own self-image. Like if consumer finds this reference point is nice, she will go and purchase and match accordingly to the reference point. Consumer would most likely wants to behave like them in terms of dressing.

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Elements covered: High involvement learning

It refers to consumer has a high motivation to learn. It is usually when a situation where the consumer is highly involved regarding to his interest or likes. This is when consumer would be more heightened in terms of learning and wanting to learn. They would pay more attention to the tips given because in a way or so will affect them in their thinking and mindset to look good in the long run.

Elements covered: Information quality.

All consumers only have limited capacity to process information. To attract attention, there must not be too much information to prevent information overload.

Reference group:

A group of people or organization of which an individual conforms to, identifies with, or aspires to join. Adjust to the standards of the new reference group if consumers find it is nice. Especially to clothing.

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Highlighting of keywords to capture the reader attention.

Elements covered: other oriented value, affective interpretation. Self-actualization

1. Other oriented value.

Reflect a society’s’ view of the appropriate relationships between individuals and groups within that society. Society always have this view that man are always strong than women, men are muscular. Just like the Greek god. By letting they choose between a fit and skinny guy, we hope that because of their other oriented value. They will choose the fit guy and continue reading our magazine.

2. Affective interpretation

Processing and adding meaning by feeling. By using a picture of a fit guy and a skinny guy, hoping to add motivation to reader to work out to be like the fit guy.

3. Self-actualization

Self-actualization is Focusing on individual challenging themselves to fulfill their reaching their full potential. The words and the picture are serving as a contrast. Giving them motivation to transform from the skinny guy into the fit guy to fulfill their potential.

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A brief overview of the training program.

Elements covered: color, imagery, high involvement learning

1. Colour

Making use of red color, which is a bright color compare to the back ground. In this way we could capture their attention on smaller details which people tend to miss out or skip pass

2. Imagery

Forming images mentally. By putting the starting and ending position, we give the reader space to imagine. Imagine the process and that will lead them to high involvement learning.

3. High involvement learning

Readers would have high motivation to learn as the information give is incomplete. Human are curious creature, as such, they would want to know how the exercise is done correctly. By making them wanting to find out, they will be highly motivated to do research lead to high involvement learning.

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Finer details what type and how much exercise is in the program.

Elements covered: Information quality

Reader has limited ability to process information. To attract attention, there must not be too many information. To minimize information overload for the readers, we would show the exercise and the number of time you have to do them. Information on how to perform them can found easily.

Elements covered: Deliberate exposure

Readers deliberately seek information to help them achieve goals. In this case, it’s because they are being motivated by the article. They would want to continue to read on to gain more information on how to becoming fit.

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Informal layout, to enhance reading

Elements covered: informational influence, reference group

Behavior and opinion of reference group are used as potential sources of information. This this case the reference group which are the people that are interview can share with them some insight into gym life and can change their opinions on going to gym.

The advertisement is link to the article because people normally uses supplement after going to gym. The product is used for recovery purpose. So by putting it after the article, people may consider buying it or trying it.

Elements covered: Product positioning, isolation

1. Product positioning A marketing strategy developed to present a specific image for a product. In this case, the slogan is also part of a marketing strategy. It tries to gives people the mindset that

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it is the most popular product in the market. If you do not know about it, you must go find out about it.

2. Isolation A technical of separating the stimulus object form other object to gain attention. In this poster, the line of products are line in the center with a huge white back ground that makes it stand out. The poster is also very simple and not wordy .

Elements covered: Information quality, format

This article is an educational article. Although social media is very common and almost everybody knows how to operate them. We can see what makes people, especially the marketers’ use social media to achieve great success. Using of social media as a means to reach out to their target audiences especially the teenagers who are the main user of social media.

1. All consumer only have limited capacity to process information, to attract attention, there must not be too much information. The use of images are to aid visuals and break monotony

2. The use of different color to bring out the information that we wishing to present. It contrasts with the white background, making the words more obvious and the page less dull. Overall, a more attractive look to an article. Article is colourful so as to bring out the excitement social media can bring us.

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Elements covered: High involvement learning, vicarious learning

1. Vicarious learning refers to the imitation of others through the observation of others. By stating that people now a day would see photos on Instagram with Overlays on it, many people would like to learn how it works, and be like any other Instagram users.

2. High involvement learning refers to consumer has a high motivation to learn. It is usually when a situation where the consumer is highly involved regarding to his interest or likes. Readers who are interested will be looking forward to this page and maintains a high level of interest in learning how Overlays are being done.

These 2 pages consists the step by step to applying Overlays. Words are minimized and many pictures are used to aids visualbitiy and allows the entire segment to be interesting to readers. This segment is colourful because this is an informal article, whereby it's interactive and tutorials have to be made fun for readers. And at the same time, easy to follow.

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The globe with filled with the stamps gives the idea of travelling the world.

Elements included: Deliberate exposure to stimuli, Size and intensity

1. Deliberate exposure to stimuli

Readers are going to expose themselves to the travelling tips, especially the readers who are wanting to go to Hong Kong. they get to reach their immediate goals, such as increasing their knowledge about the trip.

2. Size and intensity,

The globe fills up the whole page, readers will pay attention to the different stamps that are available on the globe. this will attract their attention easily too.

This page,shows the overview of the article as thera as are a lot questions on the page enticing readers to know more about the article.

Elements used: Imagery, Color, Bolding words

1. Imagery

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The paper aeroplane symbolizes travel as this article is about travel too.

2. Color and Bolding words

We used different colors for some words, enlarged some and also bold some words to show the emphasize on some words which are important for this article. These are the words that require more importance, and by making some words stand out, people will tend to be interested in looking at the words more.

Elements covered: Opinion Leaders.

1. Opinion Leaders We are using the comments of people who went for the trip previously as they are opinion leaders as readers who are looking forward to go for the trip will consider the opinion of the people important. It’s easier to influence the readers as the people we have interviewed have gone for the trip and have benefited.

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We’ve added pages of picture to the article to interest the readers. They would have higher level of involvement towards the article when you give the readers information in pictorial form. Naturally readers will pay more attention to photos. Looking at the photos, readers will be more motivated to go for the trip as they can see first-hand the experiences they will go through during the trip. Elements used: Problem recognition The desired state to be there for the readers also increases as they witness the pictures. It breaks monotony of words too. The desired state of the readers will increase as their current state would be very far away from the desired.

Budget travelling ad is related to the Hong Kong trip. Short trips such as from Singapore to Hong Kong, people will usually take budget airlines to cut costs.

The magazine is released in the June Holiday period, so readers who are parents or students, might be looking for ways to get a cheap and quick getaway.

Elements covered: Size and intensity

The page uses size and intensity as the piggy bank fills up the 2 whole pages and the person putting money into the piggy bank symbolizes savings.

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An interesting and informal article, for leisure reading.

Elements covered: Colour and imagery

Using calm colours like white and blue which ties in well with horoscopes, can allow readers to feel calm while reading the article as the magazine is coming to an end. The use of images can further aid visuals and make the article look attractive

Reasons why:

1. Position

Placing item or advertisement at consumers’ visual field to attract their attention.

The suspense that is built up on the back page which is blank, attracts customers attention more. since the packaging of the magazine will only allow the visibility of the front and back page, readers would be curious to know what’s inside the magazine.

2. Isolation

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Isolation as the back page is just blank with the contrasting colors of black and white. it captures the attention of the readers more easily.

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