Charge toward better PowerPoint presentations

Org 536- Assignment #6- How to Make Better Presentations

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Charge toward better PowerPoint presentations

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

―Clare Boothe Luce

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Slides are for support (Guffey & Lowey, 2015) The focus should be on you (Carter, 2005) Use images intentionally (Carter, 2005) Graphics and icons enhance (Sales Insider, 2009) Avoid word distraction (Gray, 2007) Have a clear strategy (Gray, 2007) Make the content crisp (Gray, 2007)

Bad slides = Bad presentations

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Lots of wordsSimple



Clean(CSU Global, 2015)

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Use iconography(Sales Insider, 2009)

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Images can help get to the point(Carter, 2005)

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Draft your outline

first, create your

slides se


(CSU Global, 2015)

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Decide you key message for each slide- and make it clear!

(Gray, 2007)

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Use supporting graphs and data whenever possible.

Don’t explain the graph on the slide, but summarize.

(Guffey & Lowe, 2015)

Final Tips

• Guffey & Lowey (2015) recommend when presenting to:– Be Engaging– Be Knowledgeable– Use a clicker to free your movement– Blank the screen to drive focus to you – Don’t let the slides take-over

(Guffey & Lowey, 2015)

References• Carter, D. (2005). Avoiding PowerPoint poison. Proofs, 88(5),

67.• Colorado State University-Global Campus. (2010). Module 6 –

Research Basics and Business Presentations. [Blackboard ecourse]. In ORG 536– Contemporary Business Writing and Communications (p. 2). Greenwood Village, CO: Author.

• Polish your PowerPoint skills: Good balance means great results. (2009). Sales Insider, 3(54), 4.

• Gray, A. (2007). How to create a compelling company presentation. Westchester County Business Journal, 46(21), 14.

• Guffey, M. & Loewy, D. (2015). Business communication: Process and product (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781285094069

Imagery Reference

• Pixaby. (2015). Free High-quality Images you can use anywhere. Retrieved from http://pixabay.com