Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity Making Sense of Wearables ITP, Spring 2015 Class 5 Identity 1

Making Sense of Wearables: Identity and the Qualified Slef

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Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity

Making Sense of Wearables

ITP, Spring 2015

Class 5



Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

otherBodies Minds

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

otherBodies Minds

relationship with others

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

otherBodies Minds

relationship with others

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

otherBodies Minds

relationship with others

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

otherBodies Minds

relationship with others

place space



Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity



relationship with self

otherBodies Minds

relationship with others

place space



Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity10

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity

A coat of arms is a unique heraldic design on an escutcheon (i.e. shield), surcoat, or tabard. A surcoat, and subsequently a coat of arms was used by medieval knights to cover, protect, and identify the wearer. Thus these are sometimes called coat armory.

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity13

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

The Wardrobe Politics of Greece’s New Prime Minister - NYT

Commending Greek PM Tsipras' victory, Mayor @BilldeBlasio went tie-less with him this morning.


Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity14

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

The Lessons of the Michelle Obama Head Scarf Hoo-Ha - NYT

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity15

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

6 Women Tell the Stories of Their Lives Through the Stories of Their Jewelry

New York Magazine

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity16

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity17

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity18

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

I think therefore I am

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity19

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

I (feel) therefore I am

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity20

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

I tweet therefore I am?

Twitter Dress, Cute Circuit

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity21

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

data leak

Gordon Bell, MyLifeBits

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity22

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

data capture

Nicholas Felton, Daytum

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity23

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

what make me “me”?

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity24

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

online identity

plastic identity

capturing the self

altering / expressing the self

Making Sense of Wearables | Despina Papadopoulos | ITP, NYU Spring 2015 Class 05: Identity25

Armor of George Clifford , Third Earl of Cumberland,

ca. 1580

“What are the new ways of being and seeing yourself when you’re able to blend multiple selves between the virtual and the real?” he asked. “It will be really interesting to see what kind of new social configurations emerge.” Slater’s work points toward a future in which virtual reality will increasingly shape analog reality, in which our illusions will have consequences. Philosophers, ethicists, and even poets will have to adjust accordingly.

This is your Avatar Speaking, The New Yorker