Tadiwanashe Masunda CEO FASHION FIXER

Fashion fixer

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Page 1: Fashion fixer

Tadiwanashe Masunda



Page 2: Fashion fixer

Bridgette Benesi

Tadiwanashe Masunda

Beatrice Murape

Our team

Page 3: Fashion fixer


As you can see these people need help As Soon As Possible.

What is the problem?People in zimbabwe and around the world mistake what to wear at what occasion

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An app that will tell u what 2 wear at what occasion...”AN APP THAT WILL FIX YOUR FASHION DISASTERS”

Our solutions

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Our advantagesWhy choose Fashion Fixer? Because of the following:-This app comes with a game.-The game tells the app your sense of style.-The app shows a number of local designers and their designs.

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The marketThe target market

for Fashion Fixer is women around the world ages 18-50.

1,3 billionfemale mobile

users in the world

7,159 billion

people in the world

351 Millionfemale

Androidusers in

the world

Market Oppotunity Number of female andriod users in the world

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Product overview

main features in the app-a game(be yourself)-list of occasions -they will be instructions if u need an help

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How we will make moneyby selling the app for $5 every 4 months-we will be advertising-using flyers-using magazines


2014 2015 2016 2017










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Competitors analysis

Fashion Fixer Other Fashion Apps

-requires internet -requires WI-FI to veiw videos

-tells you what to wear -tells you about weather

-does not cost a lot -cost a lot

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FASHION FIXER- INTRODUCTION-In Zimbabwe a lot women have trouble in matching outfits with the right occasion. This tends to ruin the reputation of women. -”Fashion Fixer “ will help all these women wear it right.It will get the women to help each other know what to wear at what occasion.

Value Proposition

-People would want to use our app because it will allow women to help each other in the correct dresscode.-Fashion Fixer will let communicate with other women in the world, it also lets you vote on what to wear.

Market Size

-The market are women of the age 18-50 years, all around the world but our main market target is Zimbabwean women. The women who may buy this app are about 6,950,155 million in Zimbabwe.

Revenue Streams

-We will get money by charging our app for $2 every 4 months but for the first year it is free.- We will also make money by selling clothes on the app and advertising the app through mejendicing.

Cost Structure

-Teams expenses are transport and food.-If this becomes a business we would work at hypercube in Zimbabwe and $1 per hour.-We need employees and we will hire people who know about apps and computers.

Distribution channels

-We are advertising our app through flyers and radio advertisement.

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Production 40%

Salaries 35%

15% Advertising & PR

10% Reserve

$ 25 000

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Contact Tadiwanashe Masunda


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Beatrice Murape

[email protected]

[email protected]