Fashion designing

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Fashion Designer Career

A career in fashion designing is one of the most promising prospects in today's world. It is also one of the most rewarding careers as designs by well-known designers are worn by the rich and famous and are considered a status symbol. Since this career is all about creativity, it enhances a person's aesthetic sense. Moreover, the rising demand for fashion apparel and accessories in the market assures a good amount of money.I am a fashion designer and here are some of mine designing products. I hope you all will like them and please free to sahre your nice reveiws.


People choose to throw parties for a number of reasons. For starters, parties can make better teams. Project kick-off parties are good opportunities to break the ice and help team members to know each other better. Victory parties create a sense of success andbelonging. Companies do not see parties aswastesof money and allocate budget to support such events. Moreover, parties often leave good memories. From our own experiences, we all have happy memories of our birthday parties when we were little. Every family has great photostookon family parties in their album. In addition, contrary to what some people believe that spending on parties is a waste of social resources, parties actually create value, either by employing people in the party planning business or by offering people better party experiences.The popularity of parties, however, causes some tension in the society. Parties are hard on introverted people who find themselves uncomfortable in parties. This is a clinic symptom which psychologists callitsocial anxiety disorder. There are other ways to celebrate important events that may have greater value for their cost. For instance, companies could send out gifts after successful projects and parents could take their children on family trips to celebrate birthdays.In my opinion, while a party is a form of social event that brings many benefits to individuals and the society, other choices should also be considered, either to cut spending or to relieve the stress of those who are not fond of parties.