Ellie goulding Digipak Analysis

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Page 2: Ellie goulding Digipak Analysis

The title is in sans serif making the cover seem more cutting-edge and modern with it’s streamline look and harsh edges.

The album name matches the same font and colour as the text of the artists name, making the cover flow and match.

The artists name is at the top and in larger text showing that the artist is more important than the album’s name.

The female artist has long flowing hair showing her femininity, which is conventions of a female artist.

The artist is also wearing make up to increase her sex appeal and therefore sell more records which follow Andrew Goodwin’s Theory.

The colours used are vibrant pink and strong dark blue. These colours are both highly contrasted which give connotations of dance music. The pink as represents the artists femininity again.

Page 3: Ellie goulding Digipak Analysis

Barcode, so people can buy it.

Record label logo

Term & Conditions as well as Copyrights

Track listing has the same font as the front cover making the album flow and match up.

The colour is the same as the front cover, again making the album flow and have continuity.

The track listing is in the middle of the back cover taking up much of the space implying they’re the most important thing.

There is no image of the artist on the back, giving a sheek, minimalist look which conveys modernity relating to dance music.

Page 4: Ellie goulding Digipak Analysis

Again the font matches the rest of the album tying it all together and making it flow.

Like the front cover the album name is at the bottom and in smaller text implying the artist is more important than the name of the album.

Record label logo

The CD cover is predominately black. Instead of having a picture of the artist they’ve opted for this plain colour so it again gives a minimalist which is contemporary relating to dance music.

The colour of the text is the same shade as pink in the front and back cover of the album, once more making the concept of the album flow.