Denise Borges [email protected] • deniseborges.com CREST Website Redesign Project

Crest website redesign project

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Denise Borges [email protected] • deniseborges.com

CREST Website Redesign Project

Project Background

Client: Center for Responsible Travel (aka: CREST)

CREST is a non-profit whose mission is to advocate for better tourism policies through research and projects

Time: September 2014 - March 2015

Role: UI Designer Consultant

Goal: Create a better website that targets specific audiences and is more user friendly.


What was wrong?

● The website was outdated.

● There was a lot of content that wasn’t organized.

● It was text heavy with few visuals.

● It was very difficult to navigate throughout site.




User research Sketching ideas Wireframing Final documentation

Design Process


Stakeholder interview Survey Card sorting

User Research

● Identify target audiences.

● Learn more about CREST and what they really want.

● Figure out which problem to solve first.

● Survey results showed a heavy emphasis on fixing the navigation.

● Use card sorting to better understand how users organize information.

● Create a better information architecture.


Sketch ideas Make paper prototypes

Sketching & Ideation

● Explore ideas before getting too invested in the design.

● Iterate on ideas quickly.



Build interactive wireframes


● Once designs were established, mid-fidelity wireframes were built through Axure.

● Visual interactive mockups were created to give the client an idea of what the final outcome could look like.

Make visual mockups


Final Documentation

Design specification document

● Create a design specification document for the developer.

● Show background of project and explain why design decisions were made.

● Beyond the project:○ Review how site is functioning

once fully built. ○ Address any additional issues.

