Dexter, 2013 Just because it’s open, does it mean it is good? Rob Phillips Daniel Charny Hilary Geoghegan Jess Price Tom Hulme Steven Bamford @rob_dphillips @danino @DrHG @SussexWildlife @thulme @thebamf

Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

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Robert Phillips is a product designer and tutor at Brunel University. He is a PhD candidate researching open design and citizen science. http://www.rdphillips.co.uk/132772/1836116/projects/bee-lab-citizen-science-project

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Page 1: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Dexter, 2013

Just because it’s open, does it mean it is good?

Rob Phillips Daniel Charny Hilary Geoghegan Jess Price Tom Hulme Steven Bamford


Page 2: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Open design is “A movement of fabrication that is democratising manufacture to the user, enabling them to create personal products in the future”.

Malone, Lipson, 2007.

Page 3: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Textile patterns

Page 4: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Additive Subtractive

Design ToolsDigital Manufacture Accessible hardware

Page 5: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips


Page 6: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Citizen Science is “The participation of non-scientists in the data collection for scientific investigation”.

Lee, Quinn and Duke, 2006.

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Page 8: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

"1 in 3 bites of food is thanks to pollinators, contributing £14.2bn to EU economy"

Langworthy G, Henein M. 2009. "The vanishing of the bees" 1st ed. USA: Hive Mentality Films.

Page 9: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

observation / research

Page 10: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

observed mutual data

Page 11: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips
Page 12: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

If your beehives could talk, what would you like it to tell you?

Page 13: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Design / Make / Research

beelab.org @beelab_open

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The project

Page 15: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

What’s in the kit

PCB4050B Hex


INA 125 IC

RTCClock Mount

LCD Mount SD Mount

16 DIL Socket

Screw TerminalTemperature +Humidity Sensor

SD Card Reader Clock

Screw Terminal

Capacitors ARTMEGA Socket


Push Button


LCD Screen

Load Cell

Force Sensor

220 Ohms Resistors

1K Resistors

1M Resistors

4K7 Ohms Resistor

3.3 Ohms Resistor


Page 16: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Weight of beehive, weight of feeder, temperature /

humidity and weather

Page 17: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

Victoria & Albert Museum Digital Design weekend 2013

Page 18: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

“A world full of crapjects and blobjects”Bruce Sterling, Shaping Things, 2005

Page 19: Bee Lab presentation by Robert Phillips

This work was supported by RCUK through the Horizon Digital Economy Research grant


Just because it’s open, does it mean it is good?

Rob Phillips Daniel Charny Hilary Geoghegan Jess Price Tom Hulme Steven Bamford
