design-bloggers-conference.com The “art” of PR is like backup singing….. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=pCPads4i9ug&feature=youtu.be

Andrew Joseph - PR for Bloggers: Turn Up the Volume on Your Publicity Efforts!

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The “art” of PR is like backup singing…..


Page 2: Andrew Joseph - PR for Bloggers: Turn Up the Volume on Your Publicity Efforts!


ANDREW JOSEPH PR is a full service communications firm specializing in shelter, design and lifestyle brands. We create programs that are customized to support client business goals and communication needs as well as to drive bottom-line results. Our approach goes beyond publicity and product placement; we start with brand strategy. We are a dynamic, passionate boutique agency with large agency capabilities. Our senior level talent is intimately involved with each client, and our excellent credentials and contacts with key lifestyle, design and shelter publications, producers, blogs and influencers, make us a powerful force.

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Client List


















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Pro Bono Work


The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island is the 100th house of over 300 Ronald McDonald House programs worldwide that provide stability and resources for families with seriously ill children, giving them a cozy and safe place to call “home” while they’re away from their own. Located in New Hyde Park, NY, The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island offers home-cooked meals, private bedrooms, playrooms for children, and more, allowing families to face the weight of illness together while their child undergoes medical treatment at the nearby hospitals. RMHLI has touched the lives of over 18,000 families by providing a safe reprieve for those most in need.


Dwell With Dignity

Dwell with Dignity is a non-profit group of Interior Designers and volunteers dedicated to creating soothing, inspiring homes for families struggling with homelessness and poverty. We provide and install home interiors for families that include furnishings and art, bedding and kitchen supplies, and food in the pantry.

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The old school definition •The definition of public relations used by the Public Relations Institute of America is: “The deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between and organization (or individual) and it’s (or their) publics.”


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•Public relations is no longer about getting press release out and faxing it to the masses. It’s about networking, connecting the dots and it’s very individual.


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Public Relations is also the balance between PERCEPTION & REALITY

• Not everyone is ready to hire a public relations firm.

• PR is a very expensive commodity and you have to be ready for it.

• There are many things you can do on your own to get your name out there.

• Conferences like The Design Bloggers Conference and events at your local design centers.

• Blogging and social media are essential promotional platform to elevate your brand and get your individual story honed and refined.

• Go to Design Camp. Read Amy Flurry’s book: Recipe for Press!

• Build your brand and then explore PR.


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How do you build your brand?

• Networking is essential – there is power in numbers. • Fellow designers / manufactures / even

other public relations firms are not to be seen as competitors but rather a source of creativity and ideas on how to build your brand and get to the next level.  • The future is ALL about collaboration.


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When are you ready to hire and collaborate with a public relations firm?

• Once you have developed your brand and have some great projects to share you need: PHOTOGRAPHY - PHOTOGRAPHY – PHOTOGRAPHY!

• Let social media be your friend not your foe.

• Don’t post your projects on your social media platforms or your website!

• You can tease the social media realm with tiny vignettes, that client you only did a living room for or post what inspires you but DO NOT post full projects.


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Successful Public Relations is ALL ABOUT the tension (and dance) between THE WE & THE I!

• The more a client provides the AJPR team with ideas, projects, and story angles the more rewarding the process and outcome.

• It’s not like buying advertising where you spend money and getting exactly what you want right down to the placement of your logo.


• Working with a Public Relations professional means you have to get creative and connect the dots ……... and that leads to the BIG IDEAS?


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What do HGTV, Social Media and Public Relations have in common?

• HGTV gives a false perception to the end user that projects can be completed in 36 hours.

• Social Media, with it’s instant gratification of likes and comments on a post gives the false impression that getting your project placed in a print magazine happens overnight.



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Crockpots VS Microwaves


It’s better to cook in a crockpot than heat up in a microwave….


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Public Relations firms are not all the same. • Big Agency vs. Small Boutique Firms…. everyone aims for the

same results, which means INK or stories on blogs and in newspapers and magazines.

• Working with a big agency means meeting with the heads of the firm and getting your account turned over to a junior executive in their early twenties.

• Working with small boutique agencies (usually) means you are working with senior level professionals that have deep understanding of the business and process of public relations.

• Good PR people see themselves as an extension of your businesses’ internal team.

• How we get paid… More often than not, it’s a monthly retainer. But Special Projects and short-term arrangements do apply. 90% of my clients are long term open ended


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Finding the right fit for you..• Finding the right fit is very personal. •Different strokes for different folks. • All very personal and subjective who the right fit is for you. • Everyone has different style and a different set of skills. • Research the options and the players.


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•Tamar Mashigian [email protected] 

•Rich Pedine www.richpedinepr.com

•Sean Yashar www.theculturecreative.com

New York  

•Christina Juarez www.cjandco.com 

•Jan MacLatchie www.janmacbrands.com 

•Elizabeth Blitzer www.blitzerandcompany.com

•Head and Hand PR www.headandhandpr.com

And that’s JUST the tip of the iceberg.


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In Seth Godin’s book: The Icarus Deception, he challenges readers to find the courage to treat their work as a form of art. • Everyone knows that Icarus’s father made him

wings and told him not to fly too close to the sun; he ignored the warning and plunged to his doom. The lesson: Play it safe.   

• But we tend to forget that Icarus was also warned not to fly too low, because seawater would ruin the lift in his wings. Flying too low is even more dangerous than flying too high, because it feels deceptively safe. 


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Painting isn’t worth very much but ART is!!!

• In Dafen, a suburb of the coastal city of Shenzhen in China's south-eastern Guangdong province, thousands of artists labor constantly to reproduce famous paintings for the mass market. That’s not ART it’s painting.


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While it may seem counter intuitive to say - my predominate mantra in running my business is embracing that I don’t always know what I am doing. • The fear is that if I get locked into being overly confident “in knowing the

path” the road will change and I have to find my way again.

• SO I embrace my work like an artist would. Creating brushstrokes that create a masterpiece.

• That’s what good PR is all about - like a Monet painting it takes thousands of brush strokes to create a good PR campaign to come into focus.

• Dorothy Draper was quoted saying "Never look back, except for an occasional glance, look ahead and plan for the future. Success is not built on past laurels, but rather on a continuous activity. Keep busy searching out new ideas and, experimentally, keep ahead of the times, or at least up with them.” 

• So my final thought: keep growing and evolving as a designer and small business owner….. and most importantly find your wings and fly!
