Agile UX Design Continuous Collaborative Product Evolution Clive G Hughes [email protected] http://uk.linkedin.com/in/cliveghughes @pinkhelix

Agile UX Design by Clive G Hughes

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This presentation briefly touches on Lean/Agile UX methodology and how Clive uses Axure for creating rapid prototypes.From facilitating collaborative Design Studio workshops to creating an Axure wireframe as a specification of the product vision and when's the right moment to move to live product code.

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Page 1: Agile UX Design by Clive G Hughes

Agile UX Design

Continuous Collaborative Product Evolution

Clive G Hughes

[email protected]



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Agile UX Design Model

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• Cross functional group• Collaborative• Problem Definition and constraints• Ideation process (focus on persona and pain points)• Gets all the arguments on the table upfront• Gets buy-in from key stakeholders

Design studio workshop

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6 – 8 - 5

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Team Converges

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Present, Critique & iterate

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Short & Sharp

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• Wireframe prototype is the design vision (not the product)• It is a hypothesis which needs validating• Validate using usability testing• Becomes the project specification document

Design Vision

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• Keep UX short and sharp• Do just enough to communicate the ideas• Doing too much is wasteful• 90% Doing, 10% making sure your doing it right• Product launch is just the beginning• Triangulate using expert opinion, quantitative and qualitative research methods

Wireframe vs product code?