PE-MC-EAE Page 1/14 Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©© This worksheet can be freely used and modified mentioning its source. Unit Yesterday Activity 1 Speaking Look at the following pictures with the whole group and try to explain what Peter does every morning (present simple).

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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Unit Yesterday

Activity 1 – Speaking

Look at the following pictures with the whole group and try to explain

what Peter does every morning (present simple).

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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a) Give the following cues to the students so they can explain what peter

did yesterday morning (past simple).

Yesterday Peter...

Attended a meeting

Cooked breakfast

Arrived at work

Worked in his office

Had a sandwich for lunch

Woke up

Ran to the bus

Had a shower

Got up

Met his colleagues

Had breakfast

Left home

b) From the previous cues the students should elicit the rules for past

simple (positive).

Activity 2 – Writing

Look at the pictures from Activity 1 and write a composition explaining

what Peter did yesterday (about 80 words).

Connectors to be used in the writing task: After that, later, then, etc.

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Activity 3 - Speaking

Look at the following pictures and explain to your partner what Peter did

yesterday after work.

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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Verbs to use:

Regular Irregular


Pick up a flower





Go for a walk


Take a picture

Have dinner


Go back home

Activity 4 - Writing

Look at the pictures from Activity 3 and write a composition about what

Peter did yesterday after work (about 80 words). Remember to use

different connectors!

Activity 5 - Listening

Complete the song with the right form of the verb. Check your answers

listening to the song.

"You're Beautiful" (James Blunt) http://youtu.be/oofSnsGkops

My life ___________ (be – present) brilliant. My life ___________ (be – present) brilliant. My love ___________ (be – present) pure. I ___________ (see – past) an angel. Of that I ___________ (be – present) sure. She ___________ (smile - past) at me on the subway. She ___________ (be – past) with another man. But I won't lose no sleep on that, 'Cause I__________________ (have got – present) a plan. You___________ (be – present) beautiful. You_________ (be – present) beautiful.

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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You___________ (be – present) beautiful, it___________ (be – present) true. I ___________ (see – past.) your face in a crowded place, And I ___________ (not know – present) what to do, 'Cause I'll never be with you. Yeah, she ___________ (catch – past) my eye, As we ___________ (walk -past) on by. She ___________ (can - past) see from my face that I _________ (be – past), Flying high, [ - video/radio edited version] / Fucking high, [ - CD version] And I ___________ (not think – present) that I'll see her again, But we ___________ (share - past) a moment that will last till the end. You___________ (be – present) beautiful. You_________ (be – present) beautiful. You___________ (be – present) beautiful, it___________ (be – present) true. I ___________ (see – past) your face in a crowded place, And I ___________ (not know – present) what to do, 'Cause I'll never be with you. You___________ (be – present) beautiful. You_________ (be – present) beautiful. You___________ (be – present) beautiful, it___________ (be – present) true. There must be an angel with a smile on her face, When she ___________ (think – past) up that I should be with you. But it___________ (be – present) time to face the truth, I will never be with you.

Activity 6 - Reading

Read the following extracts of Emma’s personal blog.

A quiet Valentine’s Posted on February 14, 2014

I gave myself a Valentine treatment at Soap.

Walking around the city, love was everywhere. I saw so many guys walking

around with flower bouquets and every time, I was too late with my camera to

capture it, damn! They all looked so sweet and everyone who saw them were

exchanging sympathy looks with the others around and also trying to show the

man himself that they had acknowledged how sweet he was.

Even one of the girls, working at the salon got a flower delivery when I was


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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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Perfect Sunday past, moving on Posted on February 16, 2014

I had one of the best weekends so far in 2014. We didn’t go out and spend

money. We actually stayed in and made money instead. Well, we did not

actually stay in, we went to the flea market. I saw so many nice things but of

course there was no point in buying since we are moving. Paul was quite happy

about it. (…) I spotted so many nice things for the house… But no, no. Not

allowed this time.

I had two portions of poffertjes1 for lunch. But I did miss the whipped cream and

jam with it. That’s how we eat them in Sweden. In The Netherlands you eat

them with butter.

Another gold medal to Sweden this afternoon! I watched it while I was at the

gym. It really raised my adrenaline and made me run faster than ever! Thank


Adapted from http://emmaslifestories.com/

a) Decide if the following sentences are true or false. If they are false,

explain why.

Emma’s husband offered her a treatment at Soap.

She took a lot of photos of boys walking around with flowers.

Only one girl in the salon received a flower.

Emma didn’t like her weekend.

Emma and Paul went out to a flea market.

Emma spent a lot of money in the flea market.

Emma didn’t buy anything because they are moving.

Emma thinks that poffertjes in Sweden are as good as in the


Emma won a gold medal for Sweden.

b) Write the negative sentence for all the sentences that are false about


1 Dutch word to refer to small pancakes.

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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Activity 7 - Reading

Adina, a Romanian student, travelled to an Italian city. She speaks us

about her experience. Read the text and answer the questions.

Last April I was in Arezzo, a city located in the beautiful region of Tuscany, in

Italy. Four schools from Italy, Spain, Turkey and Romania gathered there for an

international project. Its purpose was promoting English as means of

communication in European adult education.

I met lovely, funny, intelligent, dedicated people from who I had a lot to learn.

Arezzo has a lot of historical buildings which take you back in time. You can

imagine Michelangelo himself walking around the city. In Arezzo, Guido

Monaco showed the world how sounds look on paper. The Italian medieval

poet Francesco Petrarca was also born in Arezzo.

We had a very warm welcome and the relationship between students and

teachers was very nice. With the help of Simona, my host, and her family I

discovered a place that I could easily get to call home.

Text by Adina Necula

a) Give the following cues to the students so they can explain what peter

did yesterday morning (past simple).

1. Where is Arezzo located?

2. What was the purpose of the meeting?

3. Name three historical Italian celebrities who were born or spent some

time in Arezzo.

4. Who helped Adina to discover Arezzo?

5. Complete the adjectives from the countries:

a. Romania -> Romanian

b. Italy ->

c. Spain ->

d. Turkey ->

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Activity 8 – Reading + Writing

Aithor, a Spanish student, travelled to Romania on holidays with his

family. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Aithor and last summer I went on holidays to Transylvania with my

family. Transylvania is a region in the middle of Romania surrounded by

mountains. We spent there a week travelling by car and visiting very nice towns

and villages.

One day we visited Bran castle where count Vlad

used to live. Vlad the Impaler, also known as Vlad

Dracula, was a very cruel ruler who lived in the 15

Century. Inspired by this historical count, Bram

Stoker, an Irish writer, created in 1897 his fiction

character Dracula.

When we were visiting Bran castle, we saw some

pictures of count Vlad Dracula. My little sister was

very scared and that night she had a nightmare. She dreamt she had been

bitten by a vampire and that then she was one of them.

Text by Aithor Cifré Image source: Wikicommons

a) Having this text as a model, write a text explaining a holiday experience

(about 80 words). This can be the beginning:

My name is __________________ and last _____________ I went on holidays

to _______________ with my ________________. __________________ is a

region in ___________________. We spent there ______________ travelling

by ______________ and visiting __________________________________.

One day we visited _____________________ where …

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Activity 9 – Reading

Read carefully the following test about a Catalan musician.

Pablo Casals (Pau Casals i Defilló) was a Spanish Catalan cellist, born in El

Vendrell, a village between Barcelona and Tarragona, in 1876. He is generally

thought of as the greatest cellist of his time. He made the cello popular as a

solo instrument and inspired many cellists of the younger generation.

Casals made many recordings of solo, chamber, and orchestral music. Perhaps

his best known recordings are the ones he made between 1936 and 1939 of the

Cello Suites by Bach. When the dictator General Franco started to rule Spain

he felt very strongly about the political situation. When the democratic

government was defeated in 1939 he said that he would never go back to Spain

until democracy had been restored. In fact, he died in San Juan de Puerto Rico

in 1973.

In his later years he was also a conductor as well as a composer. One of his

last compositions was the Himne a les Nacions Unides (Hymn of the United

Nations); he conducted its first performance

in a special concert at the United Nations on

24 October 1971, 2 months before his 95th


Casals was a great teacher, and he learned a

lot about playing through his teaching and

showed his pupils how their left hand could

be strong but also relaxed.

The International Pau Casals Cello

Competition is held in Germany once every

four years. It was started in 2000 to help

young cellists to start their careers.

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a) Answer the questions

1. Where is El Vendrell?

2. Which instrument did Pau Casals play?

3. When was the Hymn of the United Nations play for first time? How old

was he then?

4. What is the purpose of the International Pau Casals Cello Competition?

5. In the text there are highlighted ten verbs in Past Simple. Give the

infinitive form of all of them and tell if they are regular or irregular.

Activity 10 – Listening

Watch this video about Henri Matisse’s life (http://youtu.be/T70mJ_tTLTQ).

a) Answer the questions

Which colours did Matisse use when he started painting?

In which language does fauve mean a wild beast?

How long did Matisse play the violin?

Did Matisse like music?

Did he play the violin after painting?

What can you see in one of Matisse most famous paintings?

What did Matisse use his scissors for?

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Activity 11 - Speaking

Ask yes/no questions to your teacher to discover the solution.

Do you know what happened to me yesterday? I was in a café in Istanbul, the

one next to Sultanahmet, do you know it? So, I was sitting there when a man

walked into and asked for a glass of water. The waiter thought for a minute and

pulled out a gun pointing it at him. The man said, "Thank you," and walked out.

Activity 12 – Listening

Watch the video about the recent History of English language:


a) Try to write down the meaning of these acronyms that appear in the video.







b) Watch the video again and answer these questions:

When was the first email sent?

What arrived soon after the first email was sent?

What came back into fashion thanks to the Internet?

What became shorter than the average attention’s path?

Did these changes remain only in written English?

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Activity 13 – Speaking

STUDENT A Fill in the gaps asking your partner the missing information. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, ________ and engineer. Along with Leonardo da Vinci, he is often called a "Renaissance man" which means that he had great talent in many areas.

Michelangelo was born near _______ in 1475. He lived an extremely busy life, creating a great number of artworks. Some of Michelangelo's works are among the most famous that have ever been made. They include two very famous marble statues, __ ________in Saint Peter's Basilica and David which once stood in a piazza in Florence but is now in the Accademia Gallery. His most famous paintings are huge frescos, the ___________ __________ ______________ and the Last Judgement. His most famous work of architecture is the east end and dome of Saint Peter's Basilica.

A lot is known about Michelangelo's life because _______________________ _______________________. Because he was so famous, he became the very first artist to have his biography (story of his life) published while he was still living. In 1546, when he was his seventies, he was given one of his most important jobs, finishing the new St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He designed a huge dome, taller than any other dome in the world, but he died, when he was 88, before it was completed. His biographer, Giorgio Vasari, said that _______ _______________________. He was sometimes called Il Divino ("the divine one"). Other artists said that he had terribilità, (his works were so grand and full of strong emotion that they were scary). Many other artists who saw his work tried to have the same emotional quality. From this idea of terribilità came a style of art called Mannerism.

Chalk portrait of Michelangelo

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

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STUDENT B Fill in the gaps asking your partner the missing information. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and _______. Along with Leonardo da Vinci, he is often called a "Renaissance man" which means that he had great talent in many areas.

Michelangelo was born near Arezzo in _____. He lived an extremely busy life, creating a great number of artworks. Some of Michelangelo's works are among the most famous that have ever been made. They include two very famous marble statues, the Pieta in Saint Peter's Basilica and ______ which once stood in a piazza in Florence but is now in the Accademia Gallery. His most famous paintings are huge frescos, the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and the Last Judgement. His most famous work of architecture is

________________________ ______________________________.

A lot is known about Michelangelo's life because he left many letters, poems and journals. Because he was so famous, he became the very first artist to have his biography (story of his life) published while he was still living. In 1546, when he was his seventies, he was given one of his most important jobs, _________________________ _________________. He designed a huge dome, taller than any other dome in the world, but he died, when he was 88, before it was completed. His biographer, Giorgio Vasari, said that he was the greatest artist of the Renaissance. He was sometimes called ___ _______ ("the divine one").[Other artists said that he had terribilità, (his works were so grand and full of strong emotion that they were scary). Many other artists who saw his work tried to have the same emotional quality. From this idea of terribilità came a style of art called Mannerism.

Chalk portrait of Michelangelo

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Created by Yolanda Cabre and Rafael Guinovart under ©©

This worksheet can be freely used and modified mentioning its source.

Tags: speaking, writing, listening, reading, reading comprehension, grammar,

past simple, present simple, connectors, negative, questions, yes/no questions,

wh questions, acronyms, everyday activities, Italy, Romania