Tracking data lineage with Neo4j and Linkurious. SAS founded in 2013 in Paris | http://linkurio.us | @linkurious

Tracking data lineage with neo4j and Linkurious

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Page 1: Tracking data lineage with neo4j and Linkurious

Tracking data lineage with Neo4j and Linkurious.

SAS founded in 2013 in Paris | http://linkurio.us | @linkurious

Page 2: Tracking data lineage with neo4j and Linkurious

French startup specialized in graph-visualization.


Web-scale archiving

Université de Technologie de



>5 years in consulting

Sciences Po + Ecole de Guerre






Created Gephi

Phd in CS and complex systems

from UPMC

Page 3: Tracking data lineage with neo4j and Linkurious

What is a graph?

PERSONname: Séb

age: 29

PERSONname: Jean

age: 31

LOCATIONname: Paris


inLives in


Page 4: Tracking data lineage with neo4j and Linkurious

A graph is a set of nodes and relationships.

This is a node

This is a relationship

PERSONname: Séb

age: 29

PERSONname: Jean

age: 31

LOCATIONname: Paris

This is a property

Page 5: Tracking data lineage with neo4j and Linkurious

What is data lineage?

“Data lineage is defined as a data life cycle that includes the data's origins and where it moves over time. It describes what happens to data as it goes through diverse processes”

- Wikipedia

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A real-world data pipeline.

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Top 5 data lineage questions.

1. Where is this data coming from?

2. Who has access to that information?

3. Do we have sensitive data that’s being propagated unsafely?

4. Is my database still being used in an important company process or can I remove it?

5. What systems and reports would be impacted by a change in that particular process?

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Traditional databases are not adapted to data lineage.

Hard to query

Querying connected data through SQL is a hard and error-prone process.


Slow performances for questions requiring looking up multiple connections.

Too rigid

Hard to accommodate an evolving data model in a relational database.

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The cost of bad data lineage.

● A general lack of confidence in data;

● Potential legal exposure;

● Finding answers and making decisions becomes complex and time-consuming;

...it results in wasted time, money, opportunities, etc.

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Graph DBs are perfect for data lineage.

● Easy to model the flow of data in a graph;

● Query relationships with ease and in real-time;

● Adapt your schema to accommodate new data and relationships;

● Popularity of graph databases has increased 500% in the last 2 years and our partner Neo4j is the leader.

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Linkurious brings ability to find answers.

● Tech and business users can search the data lineage intuitively and find answers;

● Visualization brings ability to understand and communicate complex connections;

● Accelerate and improve decisions.

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Unique ability to store and analyse your data lineage.


Your data lineage is a large graph. Store and query it quickly with Neo4j.


Search and find answers easily through a visual interface.

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Metadata Process


Process Metadata ReportMetadata

System System

Example: a graph model for data lineage.

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Question #1: what’s the data lineage of this report?

Our business people need to know what data was

used to generate this month’s sales report. I need

to understand which metadata, which systems

and which processes were involved.

IT Analyst

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Question #1: visualize the data lineage of a report.

It only takes a few minutes to search a report and analyse its lineage. No need to be an expert!

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Question #2: what is this database used for?

We’re relocating our datacenter and need to move

a server on which a database is stored? Can we

decommission it? I need to understand what

processes and reports rely on this server.

IT Analyst

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Question #2: visualize an impact analysis.

We can visualize and inspect the complex set of relationships involved in the impact analysis.

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