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the role of influence of print and electronic media on public opinion

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Investigating the role of the influence of print and electronic media on public opinion.

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Page 1: the role of influence of print and electronic media on public opinion


Investigating the role of the influence of print and electronic media on public opinion.



Table of content

1. Acknowledgement

2. Abstract

3. Methodology

4. Introduction

5. Types of electronic media




Page 2: the role of influence of print and electronic media on public opinion

5.4Electronic advertising

6. Types of print media

6.1 Newspapers



6.4 Brochures

6.5 Posters

7. Types of Influences of print and Electronic media on public opinion

7.1Psycho sell

7.2Cultural icons

8. Conclusions

9. References

Page 3: the role of influence of print and electronic media on public opinion


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher professor Shahila Zafar who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ‘Investigating the role of the influence of print and electronic media on public opinion’, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things.

I am really thankful to them.

Secondly I would also like to thank friends who helped me a lot in finishing this project within the limited time.

I am making this project not only for marks but to also increase my knowledge.



This project will explain the impact of influence of print and electronic media on public opinion. Basically it is of two types’ psycho sell and cultural icons. How Media shapes public perceptions

and opinions about significant political and social issues. It is widely accepted that what we know about, think about and believe about what happens in the world, outside of personal experience, is shaped by the events which are reported in newspapers and communicated through the medium of radio and television. Media influences policies, which has been the

subject of some research, but is not generally taken seriously in the relevant disciplines. Also it plays a large role in influencing the government's agenda through highlighting issues and

directing public and political opinion. According to this research media have both negative and positive effects on public and their opinion.

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In this project I first took the survey of some question related to negative and positive effects of print and electronic on public and their opinion, effects on government and their policy.

I have categorized the effects of print and electronic media in 2 types first is Psycho sell and second is cultural icon these are the methods used by media to set the mind of public opinion.

The data is gathered and analyzed from survey response and through many articles of media influence and policy and mechanism.

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The role of the electronic and print media in influencing public and political opinions and social issues has been the subject of both speculation and research. It is widely accepted that what we know about, think and believe about what happens in the world, outside of personal experience, is shaped and these events are reported in newspapers and communicated through print and electronic media.

The print and electronic media organize public understanding. However, the overall interpretations they provide can be preferred those with economic power. All media companies supporting any opinion or condemning the alternative opinion of others based on the premise if people hear enough on a media issue they will assume that it is right.

That's what makes the media of today so dangerous that it seems nothing is confirmed before reporting. Previously all news had to be confirmed by 2 sources before reporting any agreement within the whole industry but not now the race being on too transmit, that's why the media reports all as 'news and views' - nothing therefore is a proven fact.

“The National Readership Survey, 2006 presents some interesting data. The country’s 230 million Television viewers (in 112 million homes) now exceed its 203.6 million newspapers readers. Cinema going has declined from 51 million filmgoers to 39 million filmgoers a month. FM radio listeners now total 119 million. Indian language newspaper readership is fast growing, especially in Hindi belt, while the comparable figure for English dailies has been stagnating at around 21 million.

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This tells us about the groups which were unable to participate effectively in local governance or national affairs. However, the print media is thrusting out into the remoter countryside, a bit slowly.

An experiment ‘Jan Vani’ was done, an interactive Oriya newspaper that has been the Mission to supply to the State’s mainly dalits, tribes and OBCs through rural reporters drawn from their ranks and trained job”. The duty of the journalist is to reach those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of issues. Currently the Indian Press both print & electronic seems to be driving towards on trivialization and sensationalism of news.

Indian press during freedom struggle played a great role in influencing public of that time, which today it seems to be ignored. Now, with rare exceptions, the most successful Indian papers run increasingly on corporate line. We now have full time correspondents for fashion, glamour, design, even for eating outs. One non financial daily has minimum nine correspondents covering business in a society where less than two percent of the population is invested. Correspondents covering education are often loaded with several other unrelated beats because education is not considered a weighty enough topic.

And no paper has a full time poverty, unemployment or housing correspondent. The media has proved increasingly inept at covering development issues. The equation is simple, the more corporate a newspaper becomes in its ownership and culture, the less space there is for public interest. When the media is driven by no higher cause than maximization of profit, it can seldom serve the public interest. When corralled by corporate interest, journalism gets devastated.

Types of Electronic media

1) Radio

The radio is the oldest form of electronic media. There are 171 AIR FM Transmitters and 248 Private FM Radio Stations in India and advertisements are frequent features on most of these. Advertising on radio has been done from many years and are the first form of spoken advertisement rather than a printed advertisement.

2) TV

Television provides us the electronic media advertising. There are hundreds of advertisements shown on each channel per day and some slots are sold for millions to the advertisers as they will have such a high audience to watch their advertisement. Television is the most popular medium for companies to advertise but the space is expensive and many companies will not be able to afford to advertise during prime time.

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3) Internet

Advertising on the internet has become increasingly popular as you can advertise to your target audience. It can be done on websites that targets customers and data can be collected from most of the population. This will give the company figures and statistics about how successful the advertisement is.

4) Electronic advertisingAdvertising on boards at bus stops, shopping centers and on ATM screens have also increased in the last decade. These usually advertise services, facilities and shops close by public so that

consumers will have them fresh in their minds when they are in the area.

Types of Print media

1) NewspapersNewspapers are the most popular forms of print media. The advertiser can choose from a daily newspaper to give advertisement. Different types of newspaper provided to various audiences and one can select the particular category accordingly.

2) Magazines

Magazines also offer advertisers an opportunity to incorporate various new techniques and ideas. Magazines give us a more specific target group to the client. The client can make a choice of the particular magazine as per the product.

3) Newsletter

Newsletters form an important part of print media. It targets a specific group of audience and gives the information on the product.

4) BrochureBrochures give detailed information about the product. It is mainly distributed at events or even at the main outlet when a consumer needs to read in detail about the product.

5) PostersPosters are forms of outdoor advertising. The message on a poster has to be brief as it targets a person on the move and the message is in pictorial form. Apart from these media, direct mail marketing, flyers, handbills/ leaflets, banner advertising, billboard advertising, press releases, etc. are also various types of print media.

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Types of Influences of print and Electronic media on public opinion

1) Through Psycho sell

It is a system used by media outlets, such as television channels and radio stations to mentally convince their audiences to buy any product. It gives importance to the desired target, customer. For instance: like if you went to any auto showroom salesperson want to sell to a car (suppose of black car), he would first offer you a black coffee so as to set your mind for black but If you do not get into it, then you are probably one in hundreds of people, who do not fall victims to psycho-sell.

2) Through Cultural icons

In this case media advertisement takes famous personality who are recognized and admired by whole society. These individuals have the "Power" to convince their followers or fans into taking any kind of action or decision. For example most of us get convinced by seeing any famous personality giving add (like actor Amitabh Bachchan giving polio ads).

How do print and electronic media influence public opinion?

The degree of influence depends on the availability of electronic media. All of the traditional mass media still have great influence over our lives. Books once were supremely influential because they came first before newspapers, magazines, radio or television. Newspapers and magazines became great influencers after they were developed. Sound recordings and film are influential. But Radio and then television were very influential. Media shape public opinion in different ways depending on the content. Here's an example:

Following the 9/11 terrorism, media coverage followed accusations by government authorities

that pointed toward al Qaeda as the group that carried out the attack on the United States and Osama bin Laden as leader of that group. Those news reports on the attack and the aftermath shaped public opinion to support the war on terrorism. Other ways to influence public opinion include political advertising. Trends against political candidates are measured by public opinion polls. Candidates raise money to pay for media exposure political advertising that influences public opinion so they will receive more votes on Election Day.

How does Advertisement influence us? The media altogether receive billions of dollars in revenue from the advertising they sell and that we are exposed to. Advertisement in print, on the air and on the Internet tells us what products and services are

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good. After seeing thousands of persuasive advertising messages, we make buying decisions based on what we saw in newspaper and magazine ads, saw and heard in television and radio ads, and saw and heard in ads on websites. Those ads tell us we can trust a product or service and that many people we know are buying the product or service and liking it. We buy what we see on TV or in the newspaper or on a Web page. We buy things to which our favorite celebrities testify. We buy goods that media tell us are fashionable and acceptable to society.

For example

If any sport gets a lot of attention from media and through that media exposure your friends will begin to enjoy it, you will be more likely to engage in the sport.

How does electronic and press influence youth people?

We buy what we are told to be good, after seeing thousands of advertisings we make our buying decisions based on what we saw on TV, newspapers or magazines.

These are the effects of mass media on teenagers, they prefer to buy what they see on TV, what their favorite celebrity advertise and what is acceptable by society on the fashion. Also more women are obsessive with losing weight even when they are not obese; there are many thin women that want to look like the super models and thin celebrities so they engage in eating disorders which lead to severe health issues and even death. We see infinite number of images of advertising and marketing, suffering and relief, sexuality and violence, celebrity, and much more.

Example: Advertising can have a negative influence on teenagers through the depiction of celebrity movie stars using tobacco products, exposure to thousands of junk food ads, the constant excessive exposure of sexual and violent images, and endless beer ads. Media depict idealized images of handsome men and beautiful women. Media depict idealized characteristics of a successful person. If you are not like those beautiful, handsome and successful people, advertising tells you it's time to buy the goods necessary to look like they look.Teenage obesity has been identified in recent years as nationwide problems. Even while millions of adolescents presumably are fighting obesity, they are exposed to number of advertisements of fattening junk. Many girls and women of normal BMI (body mass index) want to look like the images of super-thin models and celebrities they see in media, so they allow themselves to acquire eating disorders, which lead to health issues.

Effects of violence in the media

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When we watch TV or a movie we usually see many images of violence and people hurting others. The problem with this is that it can become harmful especially for children. Kids that are grow up and shaping their personality and beliefs can become aggressive and can lose a sense of reality. Another problem is that war is used as a form of entertainment by the media, kids and teens should be aware that war is not a form of entertainment, in real war everyone lose.

Electric and print media influence on government opinion

Even after the election, the media still influences the government's agenda through highlighting issues and directing public and political concerns. Wood argues that while the media may not be a source of new ideas for the White House, it still has an effect on policymakers because "the public's familiarity with political matters is closely related to the amount and duration of attention these affairs receive in the mass media" It can be argued that in some incidents the media can set the political agenda by covering issues the government does not want to focus on. This was evident through the media's coverage of U.S. interventions in Somalia and Bosnia and the media's pressure on the government to take action. This is an example of the media informing the public by highlighting an issue that would otherwise be unknown. This incident caused President Clinton to say the media was "trying to force me to get America into a war“.

Influence of Electric and Print media on public policy

Recently global warming has become a topic of great discussion. This can be found in all aspects of the media like news, books, blogs, topics of talk radio, and others. By bringing these issues to the public, the media hopes to initiate policy and legislation. Media can also help to check corruption within the government.

Influence of electric and print media on foreign policy

Recent events have proved that electric and print media can shape political events and cultures across the world. Media does not influence policymakers directly, but may work through public opinion by shaping what people know and believe about foreign politics. Public opinion about politics or in election results can have considerable influence on policymakers that need approval from the electorate.

“The invention of print, however, made it easier to manipulate public opinion." This quote from George Orwell's book 1984


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• It is very existent that media plays a relevant role in spreading information and helping the public forms an opinion. The influence it has on the viewers is very much apparent and it has to be taken into consideration that it can go either way. The Public’s mind is not to be trifled with or it can have some serious consequences. Public opinion, embodied in predominant political views or in election results, can have considerable influence on policymakers that need approval from the electorate. It checks corruption within the government. The media initiate or reform policy and legislation, by bringing these issues to the public. So, let me conclude the project by saying that media is truly a platform where information is vital and has to be handled properly. Media’s reach is incomparable and it has an influence of growth in the knowledge of the receiver.



1)www.wikipedia.org/influence of media

2) www.wikipedia.org/massmedia





India today (issue August and December 2012)


1) How to judge a product shown on Advertisement?

1. Take a trial version of the product.

2. Wait for Public reviews.

3. Follow the advertisement

2) Do you think that media has bad effect on youth?

1. Yes

2. No

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3. can’t say

3) How great a role do the media play in influencing the judgment of the public on any issue?

1. Influences very much

2. not very appealing

3. No effect

4) Often nowadays, does the media, especially the TV news broadcast, pick up and showcase the events of crucial significance or otherwise?

1. Often

2. Sometimes

3. Never

5) Do media play an important role in influencing government amendments?

1. Often

2. Sometimes

3. Never

6) Is it true that media actually sensitizes most of the issues to stir the public opinion?

1. Often

2. Sometimes

3. Never

Data analysis

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This graph represents the views of the common people about how to judge any product which has been shown on advertisement and maximum people prefer waiting for public reviews (66.67%), before trying it out themselves.

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This graph represents the views of the common people about the fact that weather media has an adverse effect on youth or not, and maximum people feel that it’s not so, i.e. the media does not have an adverse effect on the youth.

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This graph represents the views of the common people about whether the role that media plays in influencing the judgment of the public on any issue, and maximum people believe that there is actually a huge influence of the media.

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This graph represents the views of the common people about the news broadcasted on the TV, by the media, and its significance, and most of the people feel that the media, only sometimes actually broadcasts the news of crucial significance.

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This graph represents the views of the common people about the role played by the media in influencing government amendments, and most of the people feel that the media, only sometimes plays an important role in this aspect.

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This graph represents the views of the common people about whether the media actually sensitizes most of the issues to stir the public opinion, and most of the people believe that often this does happen.

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