The Hibernate project: moving forward to NewSQL and beyond Sanne Grinovero Hibernate team Sr Principal Software Engineer Red Hat

The Hibernate Project: Moving Forward to NewSQL and Beyond

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Page 1: The Hibernate Project: Moving Forward to NewSQL and Beyond

The Hibernate project: movingforward to NewSQL and

beyondSanne Grinovero Hibernate team

Sr Principal Software Engineer Red Hat

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Take awayRefresh of Hibernate

Overview of Hibernate projects

What’s new?

What’s next?

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Sanne Grinovero10+ years working with & on Hibernate

Team blog: Twitter:


Contributing to many more OSS projects in the data space

Apache Lucene, Elasticsearch

WildFly, JBoss Enterprise Application Server

In�nispan, JBoss Data Grid

Red Hat, 7+ years

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Page 5: The Hibernate Project: Moving Forward to NewSQL and Beyond

How is it doing?

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Let’s take some Maven stats

A,B,C,D are well known, economically viable projects, anonymisedfor their protection

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… then include Hibernate stats

The scale had to change. {A..D} hare not missing.

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Need to use a Logarithmicscale ?!

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Looking at geographicalusage

Bangalore, India has most daily downloads

Guess China ?

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Java Persistence APIJPA

Hibernate implements the standard interface

The Hibernate community in�uences next gen spec

Recruiters get very confused

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Hibernate Portfolio

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EcosystemJava EE (JPA implementation, JBoss EAP, WildFly)

Spring, Spring Boot

Groovy / Grails

Many many more!

loads of tooling

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Hibernate ORM 5

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CleanupBootstrap via well de�ned phases


WildFly, OSGi, Java 9

extensions, integration points with ORM


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Java8: Date and TimeDATE: java.time.LocalDate

TIME: java.time.LocalTime, java.time.OffsetTime

TIMESTAMP: java.time.Instant, java.time.LocalDateTime,java.time.OffsetDateTime and java.time.ZonedDateTime

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AutoClosable, Genericstry ( Session session = sessionFactory.openSession() ) { Address address = session.get(Address.class, id); return address.getCity(); }

AutoClosable resources:

Session / StatelessSession



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Bytecode instrumentationSmarter change detection

Better Maven and Gradle support

Lazy loading of properties


Automatic bi-directional management

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Association management -before

//Create relation Order order = new Order(); LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(); order.getLineItems().add( lineItem ); lineItem.setOrder( order );

//Relation established: lineItem.getOrder().getName();

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Association management -after

//Create relation Order order = new Order(); LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(); order.getLineItems().add( lineItem ); //lineItem.setOrder( order ); Not required!

//Relation established: lineItem.getOrder().getName(); // NPE automatically prevented!

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ByteBuddyNew ByteButty based enhancer, thanks to Rafael Winterhalter

To replace Javassist?

No runtime dependency

Based on ASM

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SAP HANAA new exotic database…

Support for the powerful SAP HANA "in memory data platform"

Thanks to the SAP engineers!

Not just a new Dialect

What’s next?

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Second level cacheOptimisations on the key types

Cache by reference (immutable entities)

JCache integration point

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Second level cache, byreference

<property name="hibernate.cache.use_reference_entries" values=“true"/>

@Entity @Immutable @Cacheable @Cache( usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY ) public class MyReferenceData { @Id private Integer id; private String name; private String theValue; .... }

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Hibernate Search

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Full-text searchInverted index

Object level



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What is new in 5+?Upgrade Lucene without breaking APIs

Signi�cant perf improvements

since 5.6: Elasticsearch !

WildFly Swarm and Spring Boot

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An @Indexed @Entity@Indexed @Entity public class Address { @Id Integer id;

@Field String street1;

@Field(analyze=NO) @SortableField @Facet String city;

@IndexedEmbedded Country country;

... }

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What’s coming in HibernateSearch 6?

Full abstraction from Lucene API

easier to plug additional full-text engines


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Hibernate OGMAn ORM for NOSQL ? OMG!!

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JPA for NoSQLMongoDB







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First steps to get started<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate.ogm</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-ogm-neo4j</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies>

<persistence> <persistence-unit name="ogm-neo4j" transaction-type="JTA"> <!-- Use Hibernate OGM provider: configuration will be transparent --> <provider>org.hibernate.ogm.jpa.HibernateOgmPersistence</provider> <properties> <property name="hibernate.ogm.datastore.provider" value="neo4j"/> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence>

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How to use OGMIt’s just JPA!

Java Persistence API

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How to integrate with OGMIt’s just Hibernate!

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Hibernate Validator

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Bean Validation 2.0beanvalidation.org

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class User { @Email String email; @Positive int age; @NotNull @Size(max=50) String firstName; }

@Stateless class UserService { public void createUser(@Valid @NotNull User user) { ... } }

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Collections and othercontainers

public class User { @Size(max=10) public List<@NotNull @Email String> emails;

Optional<@Email String> defaultEmail; }

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Validator 6: faster!http://in.relation.to/2017/10/31/bean-validation-benchmark-


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Hibernate Spatial

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Hibernate Search Spatial vsHibernate Spatial

Hibernate Search uses Lucene indices outside of the database

can be combined with full-text, relevance "fuzzy logic"

Hibernate (ORM) Spatial uses RDBMS spatial functions

Oracle DB, Postgis (PostgreSQL), MySQL, GeoDB (H2),SQLServer, HANA

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Code !org.hibernate:hibernate-spatial


@Entity(name = "Event") public class Event {

@Id Long id;

@Type(type = "jts_geometry") Point location; }

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QueryEvent event = entityManager.createQuery( "select e " + "from Event e " + "where within(e.location, :filter) = true", Event.class) .setParameter("filter", new WKTReader().read( "POLYGON((1 1,20 1,20 20,1 20,1 1))")) .getSingleResult();

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Hibernate EnversIs getting more love

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Hibernate 6 & beyond

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Semantic Query ModelRefactoring Hibernate’s Type contract to unify Hibernate ORM, JPAand SQM type systems

Query and SQL execution performance

Migration to SQM for query interpretation/representationHQL/JPQL

(JPA) criteria queries

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And much more… Jandex based annotation scanning

Always more performance

new Connection pool integrations

Using new tools extensively during design: JMH, java-object-layout

OSGi, Java 9: better modularity

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Java 9Hibernate ORM → just works

Hibernate Validator → just works

Hibernate Search → just works

Hibernate OGM → WIP, depends on the NoSQL database

Not as modules yet!

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ConclusionsReliable yet innovating

Comprehensive data platform

way beyond the 10y old relational-only ORM !

A friendly, open, deeply technical community

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Q&ATry Hibernate *, you’ll love them

Contribute: feedback, battle stories, advice, code, (failing) tests..
