What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 6

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


Page 2: Question 6

One of the main technologies which I have used within this project is Photoshop. I have used this software to actually create my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I have learnt how to construct a magazine by using this software, I have learnt how to use certain tools such as the magnetic lasso tool, which allowed me cut around my cover image and place it in front of my masthead. I have also developed skills in other areas within Photoshop, for example I have learnt how to change the exposure/colour of an image, this allowed me to create a more intimidating feel to my magazine. As well as how to use the blemish tool, which allows me to give my model a professional flawless look. I have also learnt how to add various types of text and images.I learnt how to add and merge layers together, this allowed me to experiment with the layout of my magazine as well as help in creating my own house style for my genre.

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When constructing my magazine I used technology in the form of cameras. With these I was able to take pictures which would be included in my magazine. I learnt how to focus the camera correctly on the model so my image wouldn't not turn out blurry. By using the cameras I was able to take good quality pictures which can rival with real media text.I also was introduced to a studio room, which included a number of different lighting sources. With this I was able to learn how to use light to create a certain atmosphere, for example with my magazine contents I had the whole room dark and one light to give the image a more tough feel.

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Other tools which I have used to present my work on my blog.

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YouTube has allowed me to post videos which discuss my practical work. I was able to post videos of my audience feedback as well as post videos on how I constructed certain features on my magazine.Before posting my videos onto YouTube I first used video software to edit my recordings. I used Windows Movie Maker a lot to create videos as well as voiceovers.