Brazilian experience on M&E capacity building: The Ministry of Social Development (MDS) case Paulo Jannuzzi Secretariat of Evaluation and Information Management SAGI/MDS

NEC presentation Paulo Januzzi

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NEC presentation Paulo Januzzi

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Page 1: NEC presentation Paulo Januzzi

Brazilian experience on M&E capacity building:

The Ministry of Social Development (MDS) case

Paulo Jannuzzi

Secretariat of Evaluation and Information Management


Page 2: NEC presentation Paulo Januzzi

Brasil has gone through intense social advance since the 1988 Constitution setting, specially under the 12 last years, in all

regions and even more in the more vulnerable ones

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MDS role: multisectoral policies to multifaced poor target groups

• MDS was created 10 years ago to lead with social programs to vulnerable people (hunger, homeless, small farmers, less paid workers...)

• It runs Bolsa Família Cash Transfer Program, Food Acquisition Program, Social Services, Inclusive Growth programs and other 30 programs

• It coordinates Brasil Sem Miseria Plan, dealing with 5,5 thousand municipalities, 27 states, 10 Ministries and more than 100 programs

• It is has a policy evidence based orientation since the begining (because of

its strategic role, new bureacracy, skilled staff )

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• Articulate laws, regulations and Cash Transfer Programs, Social Assistance, Food and Nutritional Security and Productive Inclusion, coordinated by MDS, created in 2004

• Integrate the set of social policies that structure the Social Protection System (in continuous process of developing), particularly after the 1988 Constitution

• Represent programmatic innovations that seek to overcome the fragmented strategy of actions aimed to vulnerable groups in health and nutrition and access to food by the distribution of food baskets, which operated in the 1980s

Social Development Policies

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Human Rights

Racial Equality


Agrarian Development

Poor and vulnerable Families

Social Assistance Services


Food and nutrition security


Cash Transfer

PBF, BPC, Aids

Productive Inclusion

QP, MEI Labour

Social Security

Social Development Programs in the Brazilian Social Protection System

Policies for Women

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Brasil Sem Miséria Plan - Axes of action

Poverty is deprivation of access to the


Guarantee of means for survival, access to the public

services and opportunities for personal emancipation

Enhancing income Increase of the conditions of well-being

Income Guarantee Urban and Rural

Productive Inclusion

Access to Public Services

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The Public Policies for Social Development

Poor Population

Quilombo communities

Family farmer

Rural workers

Unemployed and underemployed in urban areas


Universal Coverage Policies and Programs

Specific targeted programs

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Structure of MDS: Secretariat to produce information and knowledge to its Policies and Programs

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Legenda: CG = Coordenação-Geral

SAGI – Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação

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Institutional Mission / Products

• The Secretariat for Evaluation and Information Management of the Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger is responsible for the actions of evaluation, monitoring, information management and policies qualification and programs of the Ministry and the Plan “Brazil Without Extreme Poverty”

– Conducts research of evaluation, technical studies, informational tools and panels for monitoring

– Develops training courses and short, medium and long term, and distance learning

– Publishes informational products with contents of the various themes of the Ministry, distributed in printed publications and digital format

– Support technicians and managers of the three levels of government - federal, state and municipal - to improve their activities, design and management of programs

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The Public Policies for Social Development

Poor Population

Quilombo communities

Family farmer

Rural workers

Unemployed and underemployed in urban areas


Mainly Parterneship with National Agency

Contracted and SAGI studies runned by surveys and registers

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MDS demand for information: very specific and not avaiable ten years ago

• 1st Strategy: to produce its own data by qualitative, quantitative and impact evalutions, conducted by different institutions, to produce information on different targets publics, implementation problems and their effects (189 studies so far)

• 2nd Strategy: to contract National Statistical Agency to collect data (12 surveys for far, 20 million dolars in 10 years). Side effect: to influence Statistical Surveys Plan

• 3rd Strategy: to explore data integration techniques to produce panel evaluation studies on Syngle Registry (Cadastro Único, with 70 million persons, 30% of the poorest, updated every 2 years) with Education, Health and Employment administrative and program data

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1st Strategy: Contract and do Evaluation studies and surveys

SAGI – 2004 a 2014

1 11

36 46



89 94 98














2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Pesquisas Acumulado

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2nd Strategy: Partnership MDS and IBGE

• National Household Survey PNAD - Suplementos

2004 - Aspectos Complementares de Educação e Acesso a Transferências de Renda de Programas Sociais e Segurança Alimentar

2006 - Aspectos Complementares de Educação, Afazeres Domésticos e Trabalho Infantil e Acesso a Transferências de Renda de Programas Sociais

2007 - Aspectos Complementares da Educação de Jovens e Adultos e Educação Profissional

2009 - Segurança Alimentar

2013 – Segurança Alimentar

2014 – Qualific.Profissional, Inclusão Produtiva, Cadastro Único, Mob. Social

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• Program Management Capacities Surveys

– MUNIC – Pesq.Inf.Básicas Municipais – 5.560 cities and towns • 2005 , 2009 e 2013 - Assistência Social

• 2014 – Inclusão Produtiva

– Estadic – Pesq.Inf. Básicas Estaduais – 27 states and FD • 2012 e 2013 - Assistência Social

• 2014 – Inclusão Produtiva

• Services capacities Surveys

– Pesquisa de Entidades da Assistencia Social 2007 e 2013

• Cadastro Único – Formulário da versão 7 e compatibilização endereços

• Pesquisa Painel Longitudinal de Pobreza – Plano amostral e Acompanhamento técnico

2nd Strategy: Partnership MDS and IBGE

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New project PPP – Poverty Longitudinal Panel

Semiárido Sudeste Metropolitano

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Censo Educ Superior





3rd Strategy: Do evaluation studies by Big Data – Integrating longitudinal data from Cadastro Único, Bolsa Família e other Administrative data

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MDS “deliveries” involve many technical people over the country

• There are 3.0000 servants in Brasilia, 20 ths in States, 300 ths in cities and towns and 300 ths in social services institutions

• Everyone plays a role in program performance and should be able to access M&E data

• 1st Strategy: customized data reports and internet tools, according to their role and education level

• 2nd Strategy: offering M&E training, on line and presential, covering different capabilities in three courses:

– How to do a diagnosis study (social indicators etc)

– How to monitor programs and actions

– How to understand evaluations and uses it to improve program

– How to design social projects at local level

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Customized publications and reports to differente users

Evaluation reports

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Revista Brasileira de Monitoramento e Avaliação

Academic seminars

Customized publications and seminars to differente users

M&E Brazilian Review

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Customized tools to different needs and users

One of the most used tool: Brasil Sem Miseria in your city website

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Customized tools to different needs and users

5-page program report at local level every 2/3months

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Monitoring indicators at local level every month

Customized tools to different needs and users

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Presential and distance courses, textbooks, exercises, forum on Moodle plataform

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From 5.000 users/mo in 2011 to 50 thousand/mo in 2014

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• H Impact Factor de

18 • 29 articles with

SAGI content were cited 10 times or more

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Post NEC International Seminar in November 3 and 4 at

Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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Thanks !!

www.mds.gov.br/sagi - [email protected]