Inspire 2015 – General Session Keynote: George Mathew, President & COO, Alteryx

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1. George Mathew President and COO, Alteryx 2. Analytics. For the People. 3. Data Workers 4. Analytic Independence 5. Analytics. Of the Past. 6. The Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution 7. John Hancock Thomas Crafts Samuel Adams Paul Revere William Dawes John Adams Joseph Warren 8. Analytics. Of the Future. 9. Analytics 1.0 10. Analytics 2.0 11. Analytics 3.0 12. More People, More Data 13. Quantified Self 14. Home Work 15. Internet of Things Analytics of Things 16. Mark Patel Partner McKinsey & Company 17. Analytics Platform. For the People. 18. The Next Release of Alteryx 19. Accelerate Productivity for New Users Getting Started Screen Improved File Menu Simplified Tool Palette New Tutorials/Samples 20. Browse Everywhere Reporting/Charting New/Enhanced Connectors Intuitive Workflow Development Create Smarter Tools for Power Users 21. Heterogeneous Homogeneous Additional Platforms New Summary Tools Predictive Analytics Scale Performance with Big Data Sources 22. Collaboration & Version Control Scheduling Options Scaling & Redundancy Administration & Governance Deliver Enterprise-Grade Analytics 23. Big Data. For the People. 24. Hadoop Landscape until 2014 HiveQL & SQL Impala 1.3.1 (SQL Optimizer) MapReduce (Via Hive) HDFS2 (Redundant, Reliable Storage) Interactive (Tez) Online (Hbase) Streaming (Storm, S4) Graph (Giraph) Y A R N 25. HiveQL & SQL Impala 2.2.0 (SQL Optimizer) MapReduce (Via Hive) Interactive (SparkSQL) Online (BlinkDB) Streaming (Spark Streaming) Graph (Graph X) Y A R N HDFS2 (Redundant, Reliable Storage) Hadoop Landscape in 2015 26. Spark Core Engine BlinkDB (Approximate SQL) SparkSQL Spark Core Engine Spark Streaming (Streaming) MLlib (Machine Learning) GraphX (Graph Computation) SparkR (R on Spark) 27. Spark Core Engine BlinkDB (Approximate SQL) Spark Streaming (Streaming) GraphX (Graph Computation) SparkR (R on Spark) Spark Core Engine Node Node Node SparkR Console MLlibSparkSQL 28. Ion Stoica CEO, Databricks 29. Visual Analytics. For the People. 30. Predictive Visualizations 31. Andrew Beers Vice President of Product Development Tableau Software 32. Ships Q3 2015 Next Release of Alteryx