www.digital-me.nl +31 411 61 65 65 www.qiyfoundation.org www.dappre.com Brief information to explore possibilities for collaboration August 2017

Info qiy foundation digital me - dappre-eng-aug17

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www.digital-me.nl +31 411 61 65 65

www.qiyfoundation.org www.dappre.com

Brief information to explore

possibilities for collaboration

August 2017

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QIY FOUNDATION The Qiy Foundation is an independent foundation facilitating public and private parties to collaborate on an international set of agreements, a Scheme, aimed at sharing data under the control of the individual.   Based on the Qiy Scheme, market parties who adhere to the agreements can develop solutions in line with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with the so-called Qiy Trust Principles.   The Qiy Scheme is based on a 4-role model, whereby users (individuals on the one hand and market parties on the other) are connected to a secure infrastructure by licensed Qiy Service Providers. The infrastructure is developed and/or exploited by these Qiy Service Providers. The Qiy Service Providers' infrastructure constitutes the Qiy Trust Framework, based on the Qiy Scheme.

Market parties can provide data to individuals (in their role of data provider) and they may request data (in their role of relying party), all under the control of the individual and in line with the GDPR.   To connect to the infrastructure, an individual is facilitated with a so-called Qiy Node that allows the individual to access (validated) data, and route and manage it within the Trust Framework.   The Qiy Foundation receives support from its Members. These are public and private parties supporting the Qiy Foundation through their financial contribution and their knowledge.   More information: www.qiyfoundation.org

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DIGITAL ME Digital Me is a commercial company which founded the Qiy Foundation in 2010. The reason was the strong belief in an independent and non-commercial scheme approach to realize the mission:

'Digital Self-determination for everyone!' In 2015 Digital Me has obtained a ‘License to Operate’ from the Qiy Foundation for its role as Qiy Service Provider.

Digital Me develops and operates an infrastructure based on the Qiy Trust Principles. Digital Me also develops and operates the Dappre application. In addition, Digital Me provides consultancy and ICT services related to the promotion of the Qiy Scheme and the implementation based upon the Qiy Scheme.   More information: www.digital-me.nl

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DAPPRE The Dappre application uses the infrastructure of the Qiy Trust Framework to establish secure and reliable 1-on-1 connections between people and between people and organizations. Dappre adheres to the Qiy Trust Principles. With Dappre, people can exchange information with each other and with organizations easy and secure. Based on a 1-on-1 connection, people have access to (validated) data and are able to route this data to others within the network. Dappre, based on the Qiy Trust Principles provides trustworthy 1-on-1 connections on a mass scale!

Within Dappre an infinite amount of functionality is possible based on 1-on-1 connections. Just a few examples:   -  Subscribe to the data an individual wants to

give to you as a person or as an organisation -  Secure messaging -  Communication within groups (Tribes) -  Routing Identifying Attributes (Identity) -  Self-profiling through profile information,

interests or preferences -  Payments (PSD2) -  ...

  More information: www.dappre.com

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www.digital-me.nl +31 411 61 65 65

www.qiyfoundation.org www.dappre.com

Founder Development

License to Operate

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3. APPS & APPLICATIONS | people & organisations

2. INFRASTRUCTURE | based on a ‘License to Operate’Competitive level playing field

Competitive level playing field

1. QIY SCHEME | organisational, legal & technical rules & regulationsPre-Competitive collaboration facilitated by the Qiy Foundation

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Working together on the Qiy Scheme

July 17

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QIY MOVIES | https://www.youtube.com/user/qiyalgemeen/videos

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www.digital-me.nl +31 411 61 65 65

www.qiyfoundation.org www.dappre.com

Working together on the Qiy Scheme

The Qiy Foundation asks parties to support the mission of the Qiy Foundation by becoming a Member. For more information see: https://www.qiyfoundation.org/membership/

From its role as infrastructure operator Digital Me seeks parties to collaborate on the development of the infrastructure. In addition, Digital Me, in her role as an app developer, seeks strategic partners to accelerate the development of Dappre.

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