Idea Generation Jonah Adshead

Idea generation

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Idea Generation

Jonah Adshead

This house style idea is one aimed at adults. The shades of blue will feature throughout the products and will concentrate more on the preservation of our amazing beaches and marine environment rather than on the bad things with this style.

To get my colour scheme I visited Paletton.com and chose a starting colour and from here the site works out colours that will go with your starting colour.

I wanted to use blues for this house style idea but wanted the colours to be quite bright and pleasant to reflect the positive tone of this house style.

Idea 1


I like the leaflets I have seen with collages of images to break up text.

I could adopt this into my work easily, on leaflets, membership forms and posters it will work well and could even feature on a t-shirt or mug and other merchandise.

There's the more scrapbook, messy style above or the uniformed grid like style to the left.

I will experiment with both.

The images I will use will all be very positive, of people gaining victory cleaning the beaches, surfing or happily using the clean beaches.

These images will hopefully make people realise what we have and make them not want to loose it.

Idea 2




This idea will be aimed at adults again but instead of the positive, it will focus on the negatives that we need to stop.

This idea will play on the acronym of Surfers Against Sewage; “SAS” being shared with that of the special forces regiment of the British Army. It will call for a fight to protect out oceans and beaches.

Because of this idea I have chosen dark greens and greeny blues for the colour scheme and for the headings I will use a font inspired by army stencil type lettering.

Army propaganda style posters could be effective, and could also look on t-shirts or other merchandise products.