P E R L made by B Chari K working in semiconductors domain

First steps in PERL

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made by B Chari K working in semiconductors domain

What is PERL

PERL stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language.

PERL is a programming language specially designed for text processing

Can be used for system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more.

B Chari K

PERL Features

Perl takes the best features from other languages, such as C, sh, and BASIC, among others.

Perl supports both procedural and object-oriented programming.

Perl is an interpreted language.

Perl program, first compiled into byte code, which then compiled to machine instructions

B Chari K

PERL Basics

Can make perl files self executable by making first line as #! /bin/perl.

Perl files must be saved with .pl or .PL

All commands have to end with “;” Pound sign ‘#’ is the symbol for comment entry

There is no multi line comment entry in perl

B Chari K

PERL Basics

Whitespaces Perl doesn’t care about


Single and Double quotes Only double quotes

interpolate variables and special characters

But single single quotes does not interpolate

B Chari K

PERL Basics

Print command used

to print any thing in between double quotes or single quotes

Perl uses Backslash character to escape any meta character to print

B Chari K

HERE Documents

Can store or print multiline text with the ‘here’ document

Can make use of variables inside ‘here’ document

$var = <<“EOF”

B Chari K


To store the values there are three types of variables

Scalar variable preceded by sign “ $ “ Array variable preceded by “ @ “ Hash variable preceded by “ % “

Can store integers, decimals, or strings in these variables.

Can use the same name for scalar, array, hash.

$foo and @foo are different variables

B Chari K

Scalar ($)

Scalar is a single unit of data.

$str = “string”; Can do scalar

arithmatic operations

B Chari K

Scalar Operations

Array (@)

Stores an ordered list of scalar values @arr =

(“one”,”two”,”three”) The index starts from


To refer single element of an array, will use $ with the varialble name.

B Chari K

Sequential Number Arrays

(..) is a range operator

B Chari K

Add/Remove elements in array

Slice and Replace array elements

Can extract an elements from an array

Splice() function removes the elements, replace them with list

splice [@array, offset [ , length [ , list ] ]

Split() and Join functions

split [ pattern [ , expr [ , limit ] ] ]

Join expr, list

Hash ( % )

Hashes are like arrays

Hash preceded by “%”

To refer to a single element of a hash, hash variable name preceded by a "$" followed by the "key" associated with the value in curly brackets

A hash is a set of key/value pairs

B Chari K

Extracting Keys and Values

Can get a list of keys using ‘keys’ function

Keys = %HASH

Can get a values using ‘values’ function

Values = %HASH

B Chari K

Add and remove elements in Hash

Getting User input


$input = <STDIN>

Print “you entered : $input”

STDIN accepts the input from keyboard

B Chari K








Conditional Statements

B Chari K

Conditional Statements

If (boolean_expression) {

# statement(s) will execute if the given condition is true

} else {

# statement(s) will execute if the given condition is false


Unless (boolean_expression) {

# statement(s) will execute if the given condition is false

} else {

# statement(s) will execute if the given condition is true


B Chari K

Example : Conditional


$a = 100;

if ( $a < 20 ) {

printf "a is less than 20\n";

else {

printf "a is greater than 20\n";


print "value of a is : $a\n";

Unless..else $a = 100;

unless ($a == 20 ) {

printf "given condition is false\n";

} else {

printf "given condition is true\n";


print "value of a is : $a\n";

B Chari K







B Chari K

Example : loops



while(condition) { statement(s); }


$a = 10;

while( $a < 20 ){

printf "Value of a: $a\n";

$a = $a + 1; }

Until Syntax

until(condition) { statement(s); }


$a = 5;

until( $a > 10 ) {

printf "Value of a: $a\n";

$a = $a + 1; }

B Chari K

Example : loops

For Loop


for ( init; condition; increment ){ statement(s); }


for( $a = 10; $a < 20; $a = $a + 1 ){

print "value of a: $a\n"; }



foreach var (list) { ... }


@list = (2, 20, 30, 40, 50);

foreach $a (@list){

print "value of a: $a\n"; }

B Chari K

define and call a Subroutine

To define a subroutine

sub subroutine_name{

body of the subroutine }

To call a subroutine

subroutine_name( list of arguments );


# Function definition

sub Hello{

print "Hello, World!\n"; }

# Function call


B Chari K

Passing Arguments to subroutine


# Function definition

sub Average{

# get total number of arguments passed.

$n = scalar(@_);

$sum = 0;

foreach $item (@_){

$sum += $item; }

$average = $sum / $n;

return $average;

print "Average for the given numbers : $average\n"; }

# Function call

Average(10, 20, 30);

The arguments accessed

inside the function using


B Chari K

Passing lists to subroutines


# Function definition

sub PrintList{

my @list = @_;

print "Given list is @list\n";


$a = 10;

@b = (1, 2, 3, 4);

# Function call with list parameter

Print list($a, @b);

The my operator confines

a variable to a particular

region of code

B Chari K


Arithmatic Operators

Numeric Equality Operators

String Equality Operators

Assignment Operators

B Chari K

Arithmatic Operators

$c = $a + $b

$c = $a - $b

$c = $a * $b

$c = $a / $b

$c = $a % $b

$c = $a ** $b

B Chari K

Numeric Equality Operators

If ( $a == $b ) { … } If ( $a != $b ) { … } $c = $a <=> $b

If ( $a > $b ) { … } If ( $a >= $b ) { … } If ( $a < $b ) { … } If ( $a <= $b ) { … }

== Equal

=! Not equal

<=> returns -1 0 1 if less than, equal, greater than

> Greater than

< Less than

>= greater than or equal

<= less than or equal

B Chari K

String Equality Operators

if( $a lt $b ) { … }

if( $a gt $b) { … } if( $a le $b ) { … } if( $a ge $b ) { … } if( $a ne $b ) { … }

Lt less than

Gt greater than

Le less than or equal

Ge greater than or equal

Ne not equal

B Chari K

Assignment Operators

Operator Example

= (simple assignment) $c = $a + $b will assigned value of $a + $b into $c

+= (Add and assignment) $c += $a is equivalent to $c = $c + $a

-= (Subtract and assignment) $c -= $a is equivalent to $c = $c - $a

*= (Multiply and assignment) $c *= $a is equivalent to $c = $c * $a

/= (Divide and assignment) $c /= $a is equivalent to $c = $c / $a

%= (Modulus and assignment) $c %= $a is equivalent to $c = $c % a

**= (Exponent and assignment) $c **= $a is equivalent to $c = $c ** $a

B Chari K

File Handle

An internal Perl structure that associates a physical file with a name.

Basic File handles are




File handles are capable for read/write access

B Chari K

Opening and Closing Files

Open Function


Ex: open(DATA, "<file.txt");

open(DATA, "+<file.txt");

open DATA, "+>file.txt“ open(DATA,">>file.txt")

open(DATA,"+>>file.txt“ Close Function


Entity Definition

< or r Read

> or w Create, write, truncate

>> or a Writes, appends, creates

+< or r+ Reads and writes

+> or w+

Reads, writes and truncates

+>> or a+

Reads, writes appends and creates

B Chari K

Reading and Writing Files

$name = <DATA>

Returns a single line from the file.

@lines = <DATA>

Returns a list of lines from handle.

getc <STDIN>

Returns a single characters

B Chari K

Copying Files

open(DATA1, "<file1.txt");

open(DATA2, ">file2.txt");

while(<DATA1>) {

print DATA2 $_;


close( DATA1 );

close( DATA2 );

B Chari K

Rename and Delete files

Rename the files

rename (“/usr/test/file1.txt", “usr/test/file2.txt" );

Delete the files

unlink ("/usr/test/file1.txt");

B Chari K


Display files

$dir = "/dir/*";

@files = glob( $dir );

print “@files”;

Creates New directory

$dir = "/dir1/perl";

mkdir( $dir )

Removes a directory

$dir = "/dir1/perl";

rmdir( $dir )

Changes a directory

$dir = "/dir1/perl";

rmdir( $dir )

B Chari K

Special Variables

Variable Description

$_ Reading single line from a file

$0 Name of the file currently being used.

$[ Index of the first element in the array.

$] Version of perl being used.

@_ All the parameters passed from subroutine.

@ARGV Command line arguments passed to the program

$< User id of the process

B Chari K

Regular Expressions

Binding Operators ( ~= )

Match Regular Expressions ( m// )

Substitute Regular Expressions ( s ///)

Translation Regular Expressions ( tr /// )

B Chari K

Match Operator , ( m// )



$bar = "This is you and again


if ($bar =~ /you/i ) {

print "matching\n";

} else {

print "not matching\n"; }

Modifier Description

i Match case insensitive

g Globally finds all matches

x Allows whitespace in expression

o Evaluates expression only once

used to match a string or statement to a regular expression.

B Chari K

Regular Expression variables

Variable Description

$ Contains last group match

$& Entire match

$` everything before matched

$’ Everything after matched

Ex: $string = “This is you and again you"; $string =~ m/you/;

print "Before: $`\n";

print "Matched: $&\n";

print "After: $'\n";

B Chari K

Substitution Operator ( s/// )

Allows to replace the text matched with the new text.


$string = “This is you and

again you";

$string =~ s/you/me/;

print "$string\n";

Modifier Description

i Match case insensitive

g Globally finds all matches

x Allows whitespace in expression

o Evaluates expression only once

B Chari K

Translation Operator ( tr/// )



$string = ‘this is me and again me';

$string =~ tr/m/h/;

print "$string\n";

Modifier Descriptions

c Complements search list

d Deletes found but unreplaced characters

s Squashes duplicate replaced characters

Replaces all occurances of characters in search list with the corresponding characters in replacement list

B Chari K

made by B Chari K