Outline Introduction Permissions User Details Status Likes Groups Pages NewsFeed Posts Friends Picture Others Facebook Data Analytics using R Dr. C. Naga Raju Associate Professor & Head Praveen Kumar D Research Scholar Department of Computer Science & Engineering YSREC of Yogi Vemana University, Proddatur Kadapa Dt., A. P, India July 29, 2016 Yogi Vemana University, Proddatur, Kadapa Facebook Data Analytics using R July 29, 2016 Slide: 1 / 41

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Facebook Data Analytics using R

Dr. C. Naga RajuAssociate Professor & Head

Praveen Kumar DResearch Scholar

Department of Computer Science & EngineeringYSREC of Yogi Vemana University, Proddatur

Kadapa Dt., A. P, India

July 29, 2016Yogi Vemana University, Proddatur, Kadapa

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1 Introduction

2 Get permissions from facebook

3 Extract Facebook user details with R

4 Update Facebook status with R

5 Extract list of likes of a Facebook friend

6 Search a Group in Facebook with R

7 Search pages that mention a string

8 Extract Recent Posts from the Authenticated user’s newsfeed

9 Extract a post details

10 Extract List of Friends with their Information

11 Extract Facebook Picture of Authenticated User

12 Other Functions in Rfacebook Package

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If we want to analyze the facebook data with R following arerequire

’Rfacebook’, ’RCrul’ packages in R language

Permissions to access facebook data

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Installation & Importing of Rfacebook

In R programming we install packages by usinginstall.packages(”Package Name”) function. i.einstall.packages(”Rfacebook”)install.packages(”RCrul”)

Load Rfacebook & RCrul packages in R using following coderequire(”Rfacebook”) or library(”Rfacebook”)require(”RCrul”) or library(”RCrul”)

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Graph API Explore

If we want to access the facebook data we must have thefacebook account.

For accessing facebook data we used one tool it is Graph APIExplore available in www.facebook.com with provided link:


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Graph API Explore Screen shot

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Obtaining Access Token

When someone connects with an app using Facebook Login, theapp will be able to obtain an access token which providestemporary, secure access to Facebook APIs.

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Get Permission from Facebook

We get permission from facebook by using Graph API Explore byClick on Get Token button, When we click on Get token followingscreen will display:

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Select the Required Permission from Facebook

Choose what kind of facebook data you need to access and clickon Get Access Token

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Check Authentication from Facebook

It will ask login you are not logged in. Other wise it ask fewoptions like change access permission of logged user and alsoshown what permissions it allow to analysis.

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Access Token from Graph API Tool

Finally it will generate Access token. Copy access token for furtheraccessing in R language.That access token valid only 2 hours.

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Get Permanent Access Token

We already discussed Access key is temporary and it is validup to 120 minutes.If we want a permanent access key we need to create anFacebook app and from there we get the access key.(https://developers.facebook.com/apps/) for more detailsHere already an YVU App is created with Uid and Secret key

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Get Permanent Access Token

From the above we get App ID and by clicking show buttonwe get App Secret Key.

Using fboAuth() method we store key permanently.

Example:fb oauth <- fbOAuth (aid=”1702xx”, a secret=”2f9xx”, permissions = T)

Storing and loading this in a file:save(fb oauth, file="fb oauth")

load("fb oauth")

Future we will use fb oauth as an access token

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getUsers() retrieves public information about one or moreFacebook users and private information of the main User.

After version 2.0 of the Facebook API, only id, name, andpicture are available through the API. All the remaining fieldswill be missing.

Syntax: getUsers(users, token, private info = FALSE)

It extract information like User Id, name, username, first name,

middle name, last name, gender, locale, category, likes, picture

If we provide private info as TRUE, along with above detailsit provides birthday , Location, hometown, relationship status etc

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Example to Extract Public Details of User From Facebook

For extracting facebook user details we require ‘Rfacebook’package and ‘Access Token’ We already get these.

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

me< −getUsers("me",token=

fb oauth )

me # printing output

OUTPUTId: 57142XXXXXname: PraveenKumar Dontausername: NAfirst name: PraveenKumarmiddle name: NAlast name: Dontagender : malelocale : en UScategory : NAlikes : NApicture : NA

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Example to Extract Private Details of User From Facebook

Add private info is TRUE to get the Private details of the User.Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

me< −getUsers("me",token=

fb oauth,private info=T)

me # printing output

OutputId: 57142XXXXXname: PraveenKumar Dontausername: NAfirst name: PraveenKumarmiddle name: NAlast name: Dontagender : malelocale : en UScategory : NAlikes : NApicture : NAbirthday : 04/21/1990Location : Cumbum, A. P, Indiahometown : Giddalurrelationship status : Single

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updateStatus() sends a status update that will be displayed on theFacebook profile of the authenticated user.

Syntax: updateStatus(text, token, link = NULL)

From above text is a string of message we want to poststatus. token means Access token

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Example to Update Facebook status with R

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

text< −"Hi.. This post is

posted from R"

updateStatus(text,fb oauth, link



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Example to Update Facebook status along with Link withR

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

text< −"Hi.. This post is

posted from R"



updateStatus(text,fb oauth,



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getLikes() retrieves information about a friend’s likes. To retrievethe number of likes for a page

Syntax: getLikes(user, n , fb oauth )

From above user is any valid user id, fb oauth means Accesstoken and ’n’ indicates max number of like you want toretrieve.

This method gives output as "id" "names" "website"

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Example to Extract list of likes of a Facebook friend

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

likes< −getLikes(‘me’, n = 500,

token= fb oauth )



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Use searchGroup() in combination with getGroup to scrape publicposts on Facebook groups.

Syntax: searchGroup(name, token)

From above name is any valid String, token means Accesstoken

This method gives output as "name" "privacy" "id"

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Example to Extract list of Groups with given string

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

name< −"india"

groups< −searchGroup(name,

fb oauth )



Name Privacy IDIndian Job Seekers CLOSED 664407993570414INDIAN PAINT-INGS

OPEN 162815470570453

Jobs In India OPEN 655519397913849IEEE ComputerSociety - IndiaCouncil

CLOSED 338878412832563

Indian superstarprince maheshbabu fans

CLOSED 238349126246139

india OPEN 121233277959929

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getGroup() retrieves information from a public Facebook group.

Syntax: getGroup(group id, token, n = 100, since =

NULL, until = NULL)

From above group id is any valid Id of a open group, tokenmeans Access token

This method gives output as from id","from name",

"message", "created time", , "type", "link", "id"

, "likes count", "comments count", "shares count"

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Example to Extract list of Posts in a open Group

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

group id=655519397913849

groupdetails< −getGroup(group id

, token=fb oauth, n = 100, since

= NULL, until = NULL)


Outputfrom id: 1700931806812215from name: Swarna Cherukurimessage:http://tollywoodmonkeys.com/jet-airways-walkin-freshers-for-cabin-crew-from-dec-1-to-dec-12/created time: 2015-12-06T05:22:49+0000type: linklink:http://tollywoodmonkeys.com/jet-airways-walkin-freshers-for-cabin-crew-from-dec-1-to-dec-12/id: 655519397913849 743777472421374likes count: 20comments count: 13

shares count: 3

Complete output in a text file: ClickHere

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searchPages()retrieves public pages that mention a given keyword

Syntax: searchPages(name, token , n)

From above name is any valid String, token means Accesstoken and n indicates number of maximum pages retrieve.

This method gives output as id, about, category,

description, general info, likes, link, city,

state, country, latitude, longitude, name,

talking about count, username , website

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Example to Search pages & its information that mention astring

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

pages < − searchPages(

string="university", token=

fb oauth, n=500 )


OutputId: 14483644XXXabout: Indian Space Research Organizationcategory: Govt. Org.description: Driven by inquisitiveness, Mankinds....general info:NA likes: 1117479link: https://www.facebook.com/ISRO/city: Bangalorestate: NAcountry: Indialatitude: 13.03825longitude:77.56492name: ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisationtalking about count: 6378username: ISRO

website: http://www.isro.gov.in

Complete output in a text file: ClickHere

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getPage() retrieves information from a public Facebook page. Notethat information about users that have turned on the ”follow”option on their profile can also be retrieved with this function

Syntax: getPage(page, fb oauth , n = 80, since =

NULL, until = NULL, feed = FALSE)

From above page is any valid Page id, fb oauth means Accesstoken and n indicates retrieve maximum number of post in apage .

This method gives output as "from id" "from name"

"message" "created time" "type" "link" "id"

"likes count" "comments count" "shares count"

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Example to Extract list of posts from a public Facebookpage

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

page< −1448364408720250

pdetails < − getPage(page,

fb oauth, n = 10, since = NULL,

until = NULL, feed = FALSE)

pdetails # printing

Outputfrom id: 1448364408720250from name: ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisationmessage: A Kannada poem about the NAVICconstellati....created time: 2016-05-04T05:44:52+0000type: ”photo”link:https://www.facebook.com/ISRO/photos/a.1448404935382864.1073741828.1448364408720250/1727183020838386/?type=3id: 1448364408720250 1727183020838386

likes count: 672 comments count: 69 shares count: 124

Complete output in a text file: ClickHere

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getNewsfeed() retrieves status updates from the authenticateduser’s News Feed

Syntax: getNewsfeed(token, n)

From above token means Access token (Must be the extendedaccess token) and n indicates number of maximum postsretrieve.

This method gives output as "from id", "from name",

"to id", "to name", "message" , "created time",

"type", "link", "id" , "likes count",

"comments count", "shares count"

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Example to Extract list of posts from a public Facebookpage

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

news < −getNewsfeed(token=fb oauth)

news # printing

Outputfrom id: 290897664260544from name: The BACK Benchersto id: NAto name: NAmessage: THAT DIFFERENCE...created time: 2016-05-09T12:00:00+0000type: photolink:https://www.facebook.com/the.../photos/a.715704...1.1073741846.29089766../1421...747/?type=3id: 290897664260544 1421818854501747likes count: 46362comments count: 237shares count: 8194

Complete output in a text file: ClickHere

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getPost() retrieves information about a public Facebook post,including list of comments and likes.

Syntax: getPost(post, token, n, comments = TRUE,

likes = TRUE, n.likes = n, n.comments = n)

From above token means Access token, n indicates number ofmaximum posts retrieve and post indicates postID.

This method gives output as "post", "likes",


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Example to Extract Likes and Comment details of a Post

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

postid="1909681024XX 54558XX"

Postdetails < − getPost(postid,

fb oauth, n = 10, comments =

TRUE, likes = TRUE,n.likes = n,

n.comments = n)

Postdetails # printing

Outputid: 1909681024XX 54558XXlikes count: 112214comments count: 1235share count: 124

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getFriends() retrieves information about the user’s friends.

Syntax: getFriends(token, simplify = FALSE)

From above token means Access token, simplify If TRUE,function will return only name and id for each friend. IfFALSE, it will return additional information from theirprofiles: gender, birthday, location, hometown, relationshipstatus and profile picture.This function requires the use of a OAuth token withextended permissions and only friends who are using theapplication (Facebook App) that you used to generate thetoken to query the API will be returned.

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Example to Extract Friends Information

Source coderequire("Rfacebook")

load("fb oauth")

my friends < −getFriends(token=fb oauth,

simplify = TRUE)

my friends # printing output

OutputCurrently no user accessing App.so No output

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Facebook Profile Picture Extraction

If we want to extract facebook profile picture we need httr packagealong with Rfacebook it is also installed. In this package we haveto use two function: GET() and content() to extract the image.

Syntax of GET():GET(url = NULL, config = list(), ..., handle = NULL)

Syntax of content():content(x, as = NULL, type = NULL, encoding = NULL,


We get URL of profile picture from Graph API toolhttps://graph.facebook.com/me/picture?fields=url,redirect=FALSE

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Example to Extract Profile Picture from Facebook

Source codequery < −’https://graph.facebook.com/me

/picture? fields=


z = GET(query, config=fb oauth)

z1 = content(z)

z1<-as.Image(z1) # Convert raw

data to image



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Extract All Images of Authenticated User at a time




query< −"https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me?fields=photos.limit(100)%7Bpicture%7D&access token=EAACEdEose0cBANsOCg0ufGUQaESdpwEyYs4vG"

z< −callAPI(query, fb oauth)


MC tokenizer(z[1][1]$photos[1][[1]])

scan tokenizer(z[1][1]$photos[1][[1]])

strsplit space tokenizer < − function(x)

unlist(strsplit(as.String(x), " "))

z4< −strsplit space tokenizer(z[1][1]$photos[1][[1]])

z5< −matrix(z4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)

detach("package:tm", unload=TRUE)

for(i in 1:100){ query< −z5[i,2]z< −GET(query, config=fb oauth)

z1< − as.Image(content(z))

z1< −image(rotate(z1,-90))}

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Output of all images

Display all images one on another.

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Other Functions in Rfacebook Package

Following packages are not working in current version of GraphAPI Tool due to security& privacy issue.

getCheckins() retrieves information about a friend’scheckins

getInsights() Extract Insights metric from a Facebookpage (admin role required)

getFQL() connects to Facebook’s Graph API and executes aFQL query.

searchFacebook() retrieves public status updates thatmention a given keyword

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thank You

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