By Bailee Brooks Evaluation and feedback

Evaluation and feedback

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Page 1: Evaluation and feedback

By Bailee Brooks

Evaluation and feedback

Page 2: Evaluation and feedback

Overall the peer’s that assessed my work my pleased with the variety of shots and how they were presented to the audience, however they did find that the establishing of Alex drawing within the title sequence was not linked as well as it could have been to the conversation.

Similarly they also believed that the shots of the conversation could have been changed as it they felt watching was ‘awkward’ due to how the set up of the characters was shown.

Both these aspects will be improved by re filming the conversation using separate shots at a later date.

Filming- Weaknesses

Page 3: Evaluation and feedback

Overall the title sequence was aesthetically pleasing to the audience members. They believed the focus pulls and pan shots were particularly well performed as well as ‘excellent use of shaky camera for action’

The peers that marked our rough cut gave us all the highest bands for our filming meaning they believed we had done an exceptional job at performing the shots and camera work.

Filming- Strengths

Page 4: Evaluation and feedback

Overall our feedback claimed the main weakness of our production is continuity. This is because in certain parts the editing shows one clip of running, then one of walking, then back to running. Meaning the editing doesn’t match how the shots should be prepared.

Also, titles were claimed to ‘not match the genre’ and ‘are not unique to the narrative’ however this will be altered for the final reduction as miles who took on the role of editor will fix both aspects for the ending sequence.

Editing- Weaknesses

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The feedback that was given on our opening sequence claimed that the editing was fast pace which matched the genre quite well, meaning audiences will stayed engaged and not lose interest due to slow editing.

Similarly, the pace is smooth and fits well together making the production more visibly pleasing to watch. I agree with this as I like how the title sequence is slower and the kidnapping scene is faster and increases the intensity of the scene.

Editing- Strengths

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Overall I think there are only some minor things that could be changed with our draft. The main elements I would change the titles and some of the shots however these can be easily fixed when creating our final production by re-filming and spending more time on creating the titles. I agreed with majority of what my peers claimed about my production and I will act upon fixing them.

Overall evaluation and my view