14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Application (AICCSA’17), 30 October 2017 1 Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis Diab Abuaiadah [email protected] Waikato Institute of Technology New Zealand Dileep Rajendran [email protected] Waikato Institute of Technology New Zealand Mustafa Jarrar [email protected] Birzeit University Palestine

Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

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Page 1: Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Application (AICCSA’17), 30 October 2017 1

Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

Diab Abuaiadah

[email protected]

Waikato Institute of Technology

New Zealand

Dileep Rajendran

[email protected]

Waikato Institute of Technology

New Zealand

Mustafa Jarrar

[email protected]

Birzeit University


Page 2: Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Application (AICCSA’17), 30 October 2017 2

This talk is based on:

Diab Abuaiadah, Dileep Rajendran, Mustafa Jarrar:

Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis.

Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International

Conference on Computer Systems and Applications.

IEEE Computer Society. DOI



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Characteristics and challenges of Arabic Tweets

Short text: “Less statistical data” implies poor result, thus less effective information retrieval algorithms.

Dialectal language: vast geographical area which includes the Middle east and north Africa.

Informal language: does not follow language grammar and rules.

Different regions have different dialects.

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Importance of extracting knowledgefrom Arabic tweets

Social and political sentiments: measures the popularity of political and/or social policies.

Marketing products : extracting positive and negative opinion, discovering recent trends and detecting product popularity.

Sarcastic and non-Sarcastic tweets: also important for detecting sentiments.

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What preprocessing steps are needed?

Removing stop words!

In many applications removing stop words may improve the performance

In sentiment analysis removing stop might result in loosing valuable information. For example: keeping negative terms such as “no” can be useful to indicate negative sentiments


More challenging with informal and short text

May produce high errors ratio


Also has high error ratio for informal short text

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Similarity Functions

Most information retrieval algorithms employ a similarity (or distance) function to measure the similarity between :

two documents (Tweets)

or a document (Tweet) and a group of documents (Tweets)

There are five commonly used similarity functions in natural language processing applications: Euclidian, Cosine, Pearson, Jaccard and averaged Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD)

The goal of this paper is to evaluate and compare these functions in clustering Arabic tweets for sentiment analysis

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The similarity functions

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Our Datasets and Preprocessing

An open dataset with 2000 tweets (Jordan dialect)

N. Abdulla, N. Mahyoub, M. Shehab and N. Al-Ayyoub, "Arabic sentiment analysis: Corpus-based and lexicon- based," in In Proceedings of The IEEE conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT)., 2013.

Other datasets were available but the labeling was immature at the time of writing the paper.

Preprocessing includes removing stop words, Light10 and Khoja stemmers.

Clustering using the K-Means (and Bisect K-Means) algorithms.

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Implementation Khoja’s stemmer: the Java code was taken from the author

home page. http://zeus.cs.pacificu.edu/shereen/research.htm

Light10 and removing stop words: in-house Java code. The

implementation is straightforward as it simply strip off a

predefined fixed set of prefixes and suffixes.

Clustering and Bisect clustering: in-house Java code using

Hashtable to represent TF-IDF of each document.

(TF: Term Frequency, IDF: Inverse Document Frequency)

Purities and entropies: in-house Java code.

To measure the quality of the algorithm’s results

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Testing the code

The code for the similarity functions, K-Means clustering, purity and entropy measures were tested by applying it to a well-known dataset20 Newsgroup dataset: http://csmining.org/index.php/id-20-newsgroups.html

The purities and entropies results (when applying the K-Means) is comparable to that of Huang (2008):


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Purities: K-means algorithm

Raw: no pre-processing NoSW: Only removed stop words (the known list)Light10: Removed stop words + Light10Root: Removed stop words + Khoja’s

- Each test was repeated 50 times, and the average is used. - The Euclidian was bad

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Purities for K-Means KLD clearly outperformed the Cosine similarity function

KLD outperformed the Cosine similarity function

This is of interest as the Cosine similarity function is commonly used in many products and published papers.

The Cosine function outperforms KLD for normal-sized texts, but for tweets, as our experiment is showing.

Kohja's stemmer (Root) clearly outperforms the Light10 stemmer

However, Light10 stemmer outperforms Kohja’s stemmer for normal-sized texts

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Purities: optimized K-Means

The optimized K-Means (Bisect K-Means) improves the results compared to that of K-Means (68% to 76%).

KLD and Kohja’s stemmer retained their superiority compared to other similarity functions and other processing.

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Future Research

Lemmatization: could be more effective than stemmers

Are other clustering algorithms more effective than K-Means? Hierarchical algorithms produce better clustering results but have higher running time

N-gram preprocessing is an interesting approach that could lead to higher accuracies

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Thank you



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