The 8 Hats of Data Visualisation Design Andy Kirk

An approach for data visualisation

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  1. 1. The 8 Hats of Data Visualisation Design Andy Kirk
  2. 2. The popular emergence of data visualisation
  3. 3. The representation and presentation of data that exploits our visual perception abilities in order to amplify cognition What is data visualisation?
  4. 4. http://www.google.com/insights/search/#q=%22Big%20Data%22%2CInfographics&date=6%2F2007%2058m&cmpt=q Popularity Google Insights: Keyword Infographic
  5. 5. http://www.flickr.com/photos/visualizeyahoo/sets/72157629000570607/ #1: Data Periscopic: Yahoo! C.O.R.E Data Visualization (2012)
  6. 6. http://eyeofestival.com/ #2: Technology The eyeo Festival (2011-2012)
  7. 7. #3: Exposure Hans Rosling: TEDTalks Myths about the developing world (2006) http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_shows_the_best_stats_you_ve_ever_seen.html
  8. 8. The skills required for most effectively displaying information are not intuitive and rely largely on principles that must be learned. Stephen Few, Show Me the Numbers Whats Missing?
  9. 9. Art & Science
  10. 10. Doing data visualisation well is less a technology problem, more a people problem. Paraphrasing Aron Pilhofer, New York Times Whats Missing?
  11. 11. http://images.wikia.com/marvel_dc/images/9/93/Adventures_of_Superman_424.jpg | http://www.adobenido.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/wonder_woman.jpg
  12. 12. So, why the 8 hats of data visualisation design?
  13. 13. Edward de Bonos 6 Thinking Hats http://www.debonogroup.com/six_thinking_hats.php
  14. 14. http://realtimeshortstories.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/mr_benn.jpg | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMSJNrzQ3PM Mr Benn, a man wearing a black suit and bowler hat, leaves his house at 52 Festive Road and visits a fancy-dress costume shop where he is invited by the moustachioed, fez-wearing shopkeeper to try on a particular outfit. He leaves the shop through a magic door at the back of the changing room and enters a world appropriate to his costume, where he has an adventure (which usually contains a moral) before the shopkeeper reappears to lead him back to the changing room, and the story comes to an end. Mr Benn returns to his normal life, but is left with a small souvenir of his magical adventure.
  15. 15. Designer Initiator DataScientist ComputerScientist Journalist CognitiveScientist Communicator ProjectManager
  16. 16. Design Process Mindsets /Roles
  17. 17. Initiator
  18. 18. Initiator http://www.ratestogo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/thinker.jpg
  19. 19. Initiator The leader seeks a solution Person with problem/curiosity/ opportunity Appetite to explore, find answers Researcher mindset, seek evidence Creates the analytical direction Sets the tone of the project Identifies and sets parameters
  20. 20. Initiator Brief: Open, strict, helpful, unhelpful Format: Static, interactive, video Audience size: One, group, www Audience type: Domain experts, general Resolution: High level, detail, exploratory
  21. 21. Initiator
  22. 22. From Information Dashboard Design and http://centerview.corda.com/corda/dashboards/examples/sales/main.dashxm l Initiator
  23. 23. http://www.npr.org/2011/10/31/141816460/visualizing-how-a-population-grows-to-7-billion Initiator
  24. 24. http://oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/united-kingdom/ Initiator
  25. 25. http://hci.stanford.edu/jheer/files/zoo/ Initiator
  26. 26. http://www.chrisjordan.com/gallery/rtn2/#gyre2 Initiator
  27. 27. Data Scientist
  28. 28. Data Scientist The data miner acquires the data Addresses the data for quality Prepares the data for its purpose Enhances and consolidate the data Strong statistical knowledge Undertakes initial descriptive analysis Undertakes exploratory visual analysis
  29. 29. Journalist
  30. 30. Journalist The storyteller establishes narrative Formulates the questions Finds the stories/key angles Deeper researcher mindset Validates the analytical enquiry Gets answers
  31. 31. Journalist What questions or curiosities are you hoping to answer through this visualisation? What stories should users/readers be able to derive from this visualisation?
  32. 32. Journalist Good content reasoners and presenters are rare, designers are not. Edward Tufte http://adage.com/article/adagestat/edward-tufte-adagestat-q-a/230884/
  33. 33. Computer Scientist
  34. 34. Computer Scientist http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/WarGames-Sheedy-and-Broderick-on-computer.jpg
  35. 35. The executor brings the project alive Has the critical technical capability Acquires, handles and analyses data Technical illustration skills Technical programming skills Computer Scientist
  36. 36. Computer Scientist http://www.visualisingdata.com/index.php/resources/
  37. 37. Designer
  38. 38. Designer http://degaryan.blogspot.com/2011/03/introduction.html
  39. 39. Designer The creative conceives the solution Understands the message Understands the possibilities Explores and pursues different options Rationalises and reasons design options Balances form and function
  40. 40. Designer The data visualisation anatomy Data representation layer Colour and background layer Animation and interaction layer Layout, placement and apparatus layer The annotation layer
  41. 41. Designer Colour Length Blur/Focus Radius/Diameter Slope Luminance Height Orientation Area Angle Curvature/Arc Volume Motion Texture Transparency Shape Glyph Position Label Saturation Size Speed Direction Flow
  42. 42. Designer
  43. 43. Cognitive Scientist
  44. 44. Cognitive Scientist The thinker visual perception Knows how the eye and brain work Understands principles like Gestalt Laws Colour theories, HCI Memory, attention, decision making
  45. 45. Images from http://psychology.about.com/od/sensationandperception/ss/gestaltlaws.htm Cognitive Scientist
  46. 46. Visible pixels on left graph: blue = 82% pink =18% Visible pixels on right graph: blue = 91% pink = 9% Office for National Statistics: Presentation by Alan Smith, The Curious Incident of Kevins in Zurichand other stories Cognitive Scientist
  47. 47. http://colorbrewer2.org/ Cognitive Scientist
  48. 48. Communicator
  49. 49. Communicator The negotiator needs a hard hat Acts at the client-designer gateway Manage expectations Present possibilities Launch and publicise
  50. 50. Project Manager
  51. 51. Project Manager http://www.bat-mania.co.uk/main/heroes/images/alfred_batphone.JPG
  52. 52. Project Manager The manager looks after the project Manages the progress, cohesively Understands brief Understands capabilities Finishes, checks, attention to detail Concerned with visualisation/stats ethics Identifies and sets parameters
  53. 53. Project Manager Pressures: Timescales, editorial Rules: Structure, layout, style, colour Capability: Design, technical, technology People: Individual, team, collaboration
  54. 54. Project Manager http://v2.centralstory.com/about/squiggle/
  55. 55. Purpose & parameters Prepare & explore data Formulate questions Design concepting Construct & launch Initiator Designer Data Scientist Journalist Cognitive Scientist Project Manager Communicator Computer Scientist
  56. 56. Purpose & parameters Prepare & explore data Formulate questions Design concepting Construct & launch Initiator Project Manager Communicator
  57. 57. Purpose & parameters Prepare & explore data Formulate questions Design concepting Construct & launch Initiator Data Scientist Project Manager Computer Scientist
  58. 58. Purpose & parameters Prepare & explore data Formulate questions Design concepting Construct & launch Initiator Data Scientist Journalist Project Manager Communicator
  59. 59. Purpose & parameters Prepare & explore data Formulate questions Design concepting Construct & launch Designer Cognitive Scientist Project Manager Computer Scientist
  60. 60. Purpose & parameters Prepare & explore data Formulate questions Design concepting Construct & launch Designer Cognitive Scientist Project Manager Communicator Computer Scientist
  61. 61. Designer Initiator DataScientist ComputerScientist Journalist CognitiveScientist Communicator ProjectManager
  62. 62. http://images.wikia.com/marvel_dc/images/9/93/Adventures_of_Superman_424.jpg | http://www.adobenido.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/wonder_woman.jpg
  63. 63. The 8 Hats of Data Visualisation Design Andy Kirk
  64. 64. Thank you!