A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models 1 Sam Roweis, Zoubin Ghahramani Feynman Liang Application #: 10342444 November 11, 2014 1 Roweis, Sam, and Zoubin Ghahramani. “A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models.” Neural Computation 11.2 (1999): 305–45. Print. F. Liang Linear Gaussian Models Nov 2014 1 / 18

A Unifying Review of Gaussian Linear Models (Roweis 1999)

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Page 1: A Unifying Review of Gaussian Linear Models (Roweis 1999)

A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models1

Sam Roweis, Zoubin Ghahramani

Feynman LiangApplication #: 10342444

November 11, 2014

1Roweis, Sam, and Zoubin Ghahramani. “A Unifying Review of Linear GaussianModels.” Neural Computation 11.2 (1999): 305–45. Print.

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Page 2: A Unifying Review of Gaussian Linear Models (Roweis 1999)


Many superficially disparate models. . .

(a) Factor Analysis (b) PCA

(c) Mixture of Gaussians (d) Hidden Markov Models

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Page 3: A Unifying Review of Gaussian Linear Models (Roweis 1999)


Basic model

Inference and learningproblems

EM algorithm

Various specializations ofthe basic model

Factor Analysis



Kalman Filter

Gaussian Mixture Model













0 εI

A 6=0







A 6=0

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Page 4: A Unifying Review of Gaussian Linear Models (Roweis 1999)

The Basic (Generative) Model

Goal: Model P({xt}τt=1, {yt}τt=1)Assumptions:

Linear dynamics, additive Gaussiannoise

xt+1 = Axt + w•, w• ∼ N (0,Q)

yt = Cxt + v•, v• ∼ N (0,R)

wlog E[w•] = E[v•] = 0

Markov property

Time homogeneity

xt xt+1









Figure: The Basic Model as a DBN

P({xt}τt=1, {yt}τt=1) = P(x1)τ−1∏t=1



P(yt |xt)

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Why Gaussians?

Gaussian family closed under affine transforms

x ∼ N (µx ,Σx), y ∼ N (µy ,Σy ), a, b, c ∈ R=⇒ ax + by + c ∼ N (aµx + bµy + c , a2Σx + b2Σy )

Gaussian is conjugate prior for Gaussian likelihood

P(x) Normal,P(y |x) Normal =⇒ P(x |y) Normal

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The Inference Problem

Given the system model and initial distribution ({A,C ,Q,R, µ1,Q1}):

Filtering: P(xt |{yi}ti=1)

Smoothing: P(xt |{yi}τi=1) where τ ≥ t

If we had the partition function:

P({yi}τi=1) =


P({xi}, {yi})d{xi}


P(xt |{yi}τi=1) =P({xi}, {yi})


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The Learning Problem

Let θ = {A,C ,Q,R, µ1,Q1}, X = {xi}τi=1, Y = {yi}τi=1.Given (several) observable sequences Y :

arg maxθ L(θ) = arg max logP(Y |θ)

Solved by expectation maximization.

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Expectation Maximixation

For any distribution Q on Sx :

L(θ) ≥ F(Q, θ) =

∫XQ(X ) logP(X ,Y |θ)−

∫XQ(X ) logQ(X )dX

= L(θ) + H(Q,P(·|Y , θ))− H(Q)

= L(θ)− DKL(Q||P(·|Y , θ))

Monotonically increasing coordinate ascent on F(Q, θ):

E step: Qk+1 ← arg maxQ F(Q, θk) = P(X |Y , θk)

M step: θk+1 ← arg maxθ F(Qk+1, θ)

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Continuous-State Static Modeling


x is continuously supported

A = 0

x• = w• ∼ N (0,Q) =⇒ y• = Cx• + v• ∼ N (0,CQCT + R)

wlog Q = I

Efficient Inference Using Sufficient Statistics: Gaussian is conjugateprior for Gaussian likelihood, so

P(x•|y•) = N (βy•, I − βC ), β = CT (CCT + R)−1

Learning: R must be constrained to avoid degenerate solution. . .

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Continuous-State Static Modeling: Factor Analysis

y• = Cx• + v• ∼ N (0,CCT + R)

Additional Assumption:

R diagonal =⇒ observation noise v• independent along basis for y


R : variance along basis

C : correlation structure of latent factors


Scale invariant

Not rotation invariant

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Continuous-State Static Modeling: SPCA and PCA

y• = Cx• + v• ∼ N (0,CCT + R)

Additional Assumptions:

R = εI , ε ∈ RFor PCA: R = limε→0 εI


ε : global noise level

Columns of C : principal components(optimizes three equivalent objectives)


Rotation invariant

Not scale invariant

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Continuous-State Dynamic Modeling: Kalman Filters

Relax A = 0 assumptio.

Optimal Bayes filter assuming linearity and normality (conjugate prior)

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Discrete-State Modeling: Winner-Takes-All (WTA)Non-linearity

Assume: x discretely supported,∫7→

∑Winner-Takes-All Non-Linearity: WTA[x ] = ei where i = arg maxj xj

xt+1 = WTA[Axt + w•] w• ∼ N (µ,Q)

yt = Cxt + v• v• ∼ N (0,R)

x ∼WTA[N (µ,Σ)] defines a probability vector π where πi = P(x = ei ) =probability mass assigned by N (µ,Σ) to {z ∈ Sx : ∀j 6= i : (z)i > (z)j}

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Static Discrete-State Modeling: Mixture of Gaussians andVector Quantization

x• = WTA[w•] w• ∼ N (µ,Q)

y• = Cx• + v• v• ∼ N (0,R)

Additional Assumption: A = 0“Mixture of Gaussians”:

P(y•) =∑i

P(x• = ej , y•) =∑i

N (Ci ,R)πi

All Gaussians have same covariance R


P(x• = ej |y•) =P(x• = ej , y•)

P(y•)=N (Cj ,R)πj∑i N (Ci ,R)πi

Vector Quantization: R = limε→0 R0F. Liang Linear Gaussian Models Nov 2014 14 / 18

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Dynamic Discrete-State Modeling: Hidden Markov Models

xt+1 = WTA[Axt + w•] w• ∼ N (0,Q)

yt = Cxt + v• v• ∼ N (0,R)


Any Markov chain transition dynamics T can be equivalently modeledusing A and Q in the above model and vice versa.

All states have same emission covariance R

Learning: EM Algorithm (Baum-Welch)

Inference: Viterbi Algorithm for MAP estimate

In discrete case, MAP estimate 6= least-squares estimateApproaches Kalman filtering as discretization gets finer

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Linearity and normality =⇒ computationally tractable

Universal basic model generalizes idiosyncratic special cases andhighlights relationships (e.g. static vs dynamic, zero noise limit,hyperparameter selection)

Unified set of equations and algorithms for inference and learning

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Critique / Future Work


Unified algorithms not the most efficient

Can only model y with support Rp, x with support Rk or {1, . . . , n}Future Work:

Increase hierarchy beyond two levels (e.g. Speech → n-gram →PCFG)

Relax time homogeneity assumption (e.g. Extended Kalman Filter)

Extend to other distributions

Try other (likelihood,conjugate prior) pairsApproximate inference (MH-MCMC)

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S. Roweis, Z. Ghahramani.A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models.Computation and Neural Systems, 11(2):305–345, 1999.

Image Attributions:

http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/ parg/projects/ica/riz/Thesis/Figs/var/MoG.jpeg




http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Basic concept of Kalman filtering.svg

http://learning.cis.upenn.edu/cis520 fall2009/uploads/Lectures/pca-example-1D-of-2D.png

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