You Should Be Thankful You Didn’t Take that Job Offer Amy L. Adler CEO

You Should Be Thankful You Didn't Take that Job Offer

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In the career management field, we measure our success by how well our clients succeed in the employment marketplace. This means we talk about and celebrate the number of interviews and job offers you, as an executive, receives. There are cases, however, in which we also value not accepting the job offer. Read on to learn more about why not taking the job can be a boon to your job search.

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You Should Be ThankfulYou Didn’t Take that Job Offer

Amy L. Adler


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Measure Your Success

• Celebrate the number of interviews and job offers you receive.

• Understand that not accepting the job offer can be a boon to your job search.

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Job Search as a Numbers Game

• Executives often view the job search as a numbers game.– More resumes sent.– More interviews theoretically

gotten.– More competing offers


• This doesn’t take into account the executive’s brand or corporate need.

• Not every job is right for a particular executive, and a particular executive isn’t right for every job.

Image courtesy of Stock.xchng / gundolf

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Explore Your Professional Needs

• Some executives don’t know themselves well and are willing to run away from what they are doing into any role that presents itself.

• Other executives take the time to explore their professional needs, wants, and goals have the fortitude and discernment to know when a role is wrong for them.– It’s very hard to walk away from a

process during which you’ve pursued a company and the company has pursued you.

– Being wanted is a heady thing. Image courtesy of Ohmega1982 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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When You Reject a Seemingly Well-Placed Offer

• You telegraph that you value your brand.

• You refuse to compromise on the value you can offer a company.

• You don’t let yourself be drawn into a role that predicts the wrong future for your career.

• You don’t eliminate the mental space or time in your calendar that will enable you to seek and achieve the executive role that is appropriate to your needs and aspirations.

"Image courtesy of stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net."

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In other words, you can be thankful

that you didn’t take the job offer.

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Is Your Offer Right for You?

• Are you not sure whether your offer is right for you?

• Call Five Strengths to discuss the value of this offer.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Amy L. Adler, CEO(801) 810-5627

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