Jake Hyatt UV Mapping

Uv mapping

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Jake HyattUV Mapping

Jake HyattUV Mapping

First I opened up the house in modeller. Went to the create tab. Selected “New UV Map”. Named it appropriately so that it is easy to find.

Jake HyattUV Mapping

After creating the UV texture I changed my window view to “UV Texture”.

Jake HyattUV Mapping

I then took a screenshot and imported it into Photoshop. I cropped the picture until it was just the UV map and the squares above. Next I imported the correct pictures, moved and resized them until they were in the correct


Jake HyattUV Mapping

I saved it as a “JPEG” with an appropriate name making it easy to find when I need to texture the house with it.

I moved the house into layout before adding the UV map to the house.

Jake HyattUV Mapping

I then went onto the surface editor. Selected the correct thing to texture. Clicked on the “environment” tab and selected the image that I just created in Photoshop.

Finally I pressed “F9” to render the project which shows the texture being use on the model that was previously blank.