The opening sequence of Reservoir Dogs starts out with 8 men of many ages walking out of a diner with a non-diegetic voice over by the main protagonist making reference to a old TV show that was on at the time the movie is set. This set a date to the movie so people know when about it will be set. The fact that the movie starts out in a stereotypical diner we can assume that it is set in America. This diner also looks very homely and the gang seems to be intruding on the homely environment there also doesn’t seem to be anyone else in the diner apart from the staff and the main character as if they have scared everyone off and already have a reputation. Then the video slowly fades out with the protagonist still talking. The voice over sound very monotone and bored in comparison so the gang, which seem mischievous and mysterious. The voice over talks as if he were in the future knowing what is going to happen through the movie. Then an opening title fades in showing whom the film was directed by and this is very important to the status of the movie. This is

The opening sequence of reservoir dogs starts out with 8 people walking out of a diner with non

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Page 1: The opening sequence of reservoir dogs starts out with 8 people walking out of a diner with non

The opening sequence of Reservoir Dogs starts out with 8 men of many ages walking out of a diner with a non-diegetic voice over

by the main protagonist making reference to a old TV show that was on at the time the movie is set. This set a date to the movie so people know when about it will be set. The fact that the movie starts out in a stereotypical diner we can assume that it is set in America. This diner also looks very homely and the gang seems to be intruding on the homely environment there also doesn’t seem to be anyone else in the diner apart from the staff and the main character as if they have scared everyone off and already have a reputation. Then the video slowly fades out with the protagonist still talking. The voice over sound very monotone and bored in comparison so the gang, which seem mischievous and mysterious. The voice over talks as if he were in the future knowing what is going to happen through the movie. Then an opening title fades in showing whom the film was directed by and this is very important to the status of the movie. This is very important because Quentin Tarantino was an accomplished director and actor so people would go to movies just for him knowing that they would be going to see a classic as he is known for. This movie also made Tarantino even more popular and famous increasing his legacy even more. Afterwards there is a slow dolly shot of all the

characters walking out of the building along to the song Little Green Bag, a bright coloured truck and be seen in the background which could also date the movie for people who didn’t pick up on the reference because the truck would have been old at the time of the movie actually coming out. Then there is snap quick cuts to a medium

close up of each character with their names underneath them to say

Page 2: The opening sequence of reservoir dogs starts out with 8 people walking out of a diner with non

who is playing them, this is also very important to the status of the movie because there was some already accomplished actors in the movie as well as some people who weren’t so famous as well. These men are walking in slow motion as there names appear so that the camera has enough time to get to each actor and so we can see every little facial features and get an idea of what each character is like. Then toward the end is an establishing shot with them men walking toward a car as if they are in some kind of a gang suggesting they’re up to no good. Also all of these men are in suits to so we know that they are we can assume that they either all have the same job or that they are in part of a gang. Many of the men are smoking generic cigarettes however one of the older men, who is just in a tracksuit rather than a suit, is smoking a cigar. Cigars have connotations of very powerful men and people who have lots of money and a high social status. The types of rolled cigarettes that the men are smoking are usually smokes by working men which makes the connotation of then men being workers stronger. Another one of these men is also wearing a bright coloured tracksuit this is because he is not really part of the gang he is a high up mob bosses son and good friends with one of the main character so he doesn’t have to wear what the rest of them are. This character is also smiling a lot to him self so we can tell he is going to be used for comedic effect and that he is not normally with the gang and this is a big deal to him. For a brief period at the end we get an extreme long shot of everyone involved walking toward some cars and we also get to see that scenery and where the movie is going to be set more. Then it fades to more text with a black

background show that helped make the movie while Little Green Bag continues to plan and eventually finish.