Story 1: Sacha Parkinson Radio Show Review: For my first radio show I talked about Sacha Parkinson and her role in new series of a show. This style of radio is a simple radio show in my opinion because it’s just explaining about a person’s career which could be boring to the audience who aren’t really fans of Sacha’s work. Although to the audience who finds Sacha a role model and are fans then they would find the show more of a fact as I tell them important information which could promote the actor as well as the TV programme. The overall message of the show was to simply explain an actresses new role in a show, this will appeal to people that are interested in the actresses career or are fans of the show and would like to know more about what’s coming up in the new season. I used language and facts about the person to make it more entertaining and informal to the shows target audience, also this show would be appealing to the local area as Sacha was born and raised in Manchester people would like to know about this as a form of inspiration to local up and coming actresses/ actors. The voice used was my voice which is male, I tried to use serious tones to make it clear and approach the facts I planned to tell the audience in a well understood manor. My voice was also informal and direct to the audience explaining clearly throughout the story, there may have been parts which where I stuttered or mumbled which could’ve effected and have been a disadvantage towards the overall story. There was no noticeable tag line or slogan used in the story, it was a story based on fact and was strictly direct to the audience. The story wasn’t based on a company or a product but was on a person, so that person’s name was mentioned around 6 times as that was the main subject of the story. I particularly mentioned Sachas name at the start of sentences because I will be explaining her career during the story, all the co- subject was about the series of Mr Selfridge which was mentioned throughout the story as well. I mentioned this lot as well because this was also a priority of the story about Sacha being a part of the Mr Selfridge show. I didn’t mention any contact details specifically because there was no contact needed; it was a fact type story which just means that I was explaining the actor’s life through story. So no details where needed. The music played in the background of my voice was just a soothing beat to keep the show alive; this is good because without a beat in the background the show would be left bland and boring as my voice isn’t used with much enthusiasm which could have been improved on. The main purpose of the advert was for it to be direct and informal towards the listening audience, so the overall purpose was for it to be clear and use lots of facts to keep the audience interested. For some the story would seem boring and non-understandable but the story is specifically meant for the fans of Sacha Parkinson or people who enjoy watching Mr Selfridge so this story would tell the more on what they need to know about it. I thought the news story was good in the way of it being informative and tell the audience directly what they need to know about Sacha Parkinson, the use of facts about herself and the show will keep the people listening entertained and interested. What I didn’t find very well was my tone of voice, it was very bland and boring so next time I would use a more lively voice and to be more enthusiastic about the show.

Sacha parkinson radio show review

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Page 1: Sacha parkinson radio show review

Story 1: Sacha Parkinson Radio Show Review:

For my first radio show I talked about Sacha Parkinson and her role in new series of a show. This

style of radio is a simple radio show in my opinion because it’s just explaining about a person’s

career which could be boring to the audience who aren’t real ly fans of Sacha’s work. Although to the

audience who finds Sacha a role model and are fans then they would find the show more of a fact as

I tell them important information which could promote the actor as well as the TV programme.

The overall message of the show was to simply explain an actresses new role in a show, this will

appeal to people that are interested in the actresses career or are fans of the show and would like to

know more about what’s coming up in the new season. I used language and facts about the person

to make it more entertaining and informal to the shows target audience, also this show would be

appealing to the local area as Sacha was born and raised in Manchester people would like to know

about this as a form of inspiration to local up and coming actresses/ actors.

The voice used was my voice which is male, I tried to use serious tones to make it clear and approach

the facts I planned to tell the audience in a well understood manor. My voice was also informal and

direct to the audience explaining clearly throughout the story, there may have been parts which

where I stuttered or mumbled which could’ve effected and have been a disadvantage towards the

overall story. There was no noticeable tag line or slogan used in the story, it was a story based on

fact and was strictly direct to the audience.

The story wasn’t based on a company or a product but was on a person, so that person’s name was

mentioned around 6 times as that was the main subject of the story. I particularly mentioned Sachas

name at the start of sentences because I will be explaining her career during the story, all the co-

subject was about the series of Mr Selfridge which was mentioned throughout the story as well. I

mentioned this lot as well because this was also a priority of the story about Sacha being a part of

the Mr Selfridge show.

I didn’t mention any contact details specifically because there was no contact needed; it was a fact

type story which just means that I was explaining the actor’s life through story. So no details where

needed. The music played in the background of my voice was just a soothing beat to keep the show

alive; this is good because without a beat in the background the show would be left bland and boring

as my voice isn’t used with much enthusiasm which could have been improved on.

The main purpose of the advert was for it to be direct and informal towards the listening audience,

so the overall purpose was for it to be clear and use lots of facts to keep the audience interested. For

some the story would seem boring and non-understandable but the story is specifically meant for

the fans of Sacha Parkinson or people who enjoy watching Mr Selfridge so this story would tell the

more on what they need to know about it. I thought the news story was good in the way of it being

informative and tell the audience directly what they need to know about Sacha Parkinson, the use of

facts about herself and the show will keep the people listening entertained and interested. What I

didn’t find very well was my tone of voice, it was very bland and boring so next time I would use a

more lively voice and to be more enthusiastic about the show.

Page 2: Sacha parkinson radio show review

Story 2: Beast rampz promotion radio show review:

The style of radio is simple yet direct, I try using informal language and information which could grab

the viewer’s attention to ultimately promote the business im trying to promote. As the radio show is

a promotive story I use a serious tone of voice to show that it’s not a jokey situation, and the

audience should take it in as important and a useful piece of information. The overall massage of the

show was to explain how good beast Rampz is and how people need to go visit hence it gaining more

business and promoting the facility.

There was only one voice used throughout the story which is my voice, I tried to keep it clear so that

the audience can fully understand what im trying to tell them. The tone of language I used was really

serious and informal towards the listener; the information I was providing was about promoting a

business so no jokey vibe of voice was used which could be quite boring but collective.

There was no tag line or slogan used during the show, it was mainly serious promoting not a genuine

advert so no tag line or slogan was intended. The company was mentioned on an estimate of 8 times

this is a good amount because you don’t want to mention their name to often because you want to

talk more about their business. Also considering the duration of the show this number is around the

good amount of times to keep the audience understanding what im talking about.

There were contact and details mentioned in the show because the facility is being promoted in the

story so details will need to be intended to promote the business. I mention there skate parks

number and address for the people who are unsure of the park will know where to find it thus

promoting the park and gaining new customers.

There was a little jingle/ beat in the background of the story to keep it alive and less boring for when

im not talking, without music the story would be very bland and boring for the people who aren’t

exactly interested in what im talking about. The music and sounds are news related this shows that

the story is more real and life like as they use these types of sounds in real news stories, so music is

good to use in the news stories im producing to keep the audience more entertained.

The overall main purpose of the advert is to give the audience information about a local skate park

facility which could interest the viewer. I did this type of show to gain more customers and business

for beast rampz Skate Park, that’s why I give important information away to the people listening so if

the viewers do become interested they will know where to find the skate park or contact them. I

hope that the show will gain more people to give beast rampz a try and promote their business in

different ways.

I thought the advert was good because it gives you all the research and information new viewers will

need to give the facility a try, what could be improved is my voice being abit loader and being more

enthusiastic when talking, this will just make the show more entertaining than bland boring and lack

of fun I’ve put into making the show.

Page 3: Sacha parkinson radio show review

Story 3: Student voting radio show review:

The style of advert for the student voting news story is a serious story to show the audience and

explain what students think about voting in the general election. I use informal language to make

the story sound serious and attract the viewer’s attention and listen to what I have to say. The

overall message for the show is for the people listening to know what it’s like for local students to

vote and what they think about voting in the election. I interviewed 2 students who gave me their

feedback on who they voted for and why they voted, also another student who was underage and

couldn’t vote but gave input on what she thought about it and who she would have voted for if she

was the right age.

There were 3 voices used in the whole show, one being my voice because I am the one who is

explaining and interviewing the local students. The other 2 voices used were a young girl’s voice and

a young man’s voice these two are random students at college explaining their thought on the

general election. The tones of language used were a serious tone because we were trying to get

across the audience what they thought of voting which is informal to the viewer.

There was no tag line or slogan used in the show, also the show was not based on a product or

company so no slogans were intended and there was no name to be mentioned in the show. The

contact details were invalid as I didn’t have the right to give them plus the details couldn’t have been

mentioned in the show because the show wasn’t talking about a company with details.

There was a little beat/ jingly song played in the background of the show this just makes the show

less boring than having to hear a bland voice talk for a few minutes.

The main purpose of the advert was to show the local listeners on what students thought about

voting, that’s why I interviewed people to show other local people what the younger generation had

to say about the general election. This is a good way for students to have their input on what they

think if they are unable to vote, as one of the interviewees will explain during the show.

I thought that the advert was good in the way that its very informal and gives a bunch of information

about the thoughts of local students, this could be shown as a use of integrity against the general

election having the kids who know about voting being unable to vote and could ultimately change

the voting age to a year younger so that it would be fair for everyone.