Mentor Moment Jamie Naughton [email protected]

Mentor Moment

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Mentor Moment

Jamie Naughton

[email protected]

About me…

Chief of Staff

Zappos.com, Inc.

December, 2004


Community and Media


Tony - CEO

“Why would I promote a high school drop out?”

Lesson #1

Opportunity exists for those who take it.

“I think you’re weird enough to make it here.”

“Nothing is guaranteed. But generally speaking we are the ones who do the laying off.”

Lesson #2

Embrace your weirdness. We are all weird.

Everyone is replaceable. Everyone.

That closed door might just point you to one that’s wide open.

Lesson #3

People will only treat you how you let them.

Family first.

Life is short. Love what you do.

• “Why would you waste my time with a stupid idea?”

• The Review

“If it scares me I’m going to say yes.”

Lesson #4

Generally where there is fear there is growth. If you’re not afraid you’re not pushing yourself hard enough.

What Mentorship Means to Me…

No one likes working for a bad boss. Don’t be one.

Family first…always.

My number one job is to ensure the growth of my team.

Thank you for allowing me to be here!

Jamie Naughton

[email protected]

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