The following are random provocative points to stimulate conversation

Marketing conversation starters

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Helpful conversation starters when discussing an organizations marketing efforts.

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Page 1: Marketing conversation starters

The following are random provocative points to stimulate conversation

Page 2: Marketing conversation starters

How many small ideas can we launch and how fast? How do we learn from each one? What stops us?

“Big Ideas” are rare but “small ones’ are everywhere

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Do we partner with our customers? How? Who owns that partnership? What does it look like? Honestly.

Customers are the best product developers, marketers and sales force

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Everyone wants to know where they fit into the story.

How do we communicate our story to our customers and employees? Is it compelling?

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Customers… do we sell TO them or connect WITH them?

What is Acision’s core relevance to customers, is this a focus area? Who owns this responsibility?

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What we DO is more important than what we SAY

Are we earning customer attention and trust through our actions? How? Who has this responsibility? How is it tracked?

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Customers want a dialogue not a monologue

“We are the Messaging Leaders” works ONLY if we demonstrate that leadership and have a vision to go along with it.

Yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda

yadda yadda yadda

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The next generation of consumer usage patterns will be very different from now.

Do we know how? Who are they, where do they live, and what they are doing? Hint, typically, the 3rd world consumer is the most creative.

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A large percentage of all ideas will fail. The key is to fail faster and learn from each one.What failures have we learned from recently?

All learning is driven by feedback loops with minimal distance between results and rewards

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What is our customer dialogue strategy and process? Who owns it, What does it look like?

Working feedback loops require active dialogue in the field everyday.

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Brands are defined by the everyday interaction with customers

What is our customer’s brand experience today? What are the touchpoints, who owns them? How effective are they?

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Why? What moves those who LOVE us? How do we extend this love? Who owns this responsibility?

Who LOVES us?

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