How to ace an intervie w ! By Jobcall.com

How to ace an interview !

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How to ace an

interview !By Jobcall.com

Page 2: How to ace an interview !

Introduction : Now that we’ve seen the 1st stage of getting your dream job the 2nd

step is acing the interview .

If you’ve missed out on the 1st part , please check this link out .

How to build an excellent resume

To ace an interview , there are some quick tips on what to do and what not to do in an interview . Which are as follows :

Page 3: How to ace an interview !

Things to do in an interview : Look decent . Interviewers like decent looking people.Enter the room with permission. Don't simply rush in.Greet the interviewer warmly with firm handshakes. (Don't crush their hands)Always come prepared. Research about the company and know more about it.Speak fluently with a soft calming voice. It's okay to be little nervous.It is not required that you should know the answer to every questions he shoots at you.Show interest to what he is telling/asking you. Smile throughout the interview. Smiles are contagiousAfter the interview is over, thank him for his time (with a handshake), collect your files and

walk out like a champ !

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Now that you know what to do in an interview you can ace any interview . You may be giving an interview for a ‘ Job in mumbai for freshers’ or an interview for any ‘Government Job’ , or even for a ‘Job in Thane’ these tips will help you for sure .

But more than knowing what to do , there are some things which may be a deal breaker , things you shouldn’t do in an interview .

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Things to not do in an interview :

Don't act scared or overconfident. Show some humility. While sitting, don't cross your legs and always keep your hands on the table.No shouting or talking loudly. It's a deal breaker.Don't shake your legs, make weird noises or expressions during the interview.Don't disrespect the interviewer with sarcastic jokes. Never !Don't dull the atmosphere with negative answers. Always answer with a positive tone. Once the interview is over, don't rush out ! Take your time

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These are the few tips and tricks which will surely help you ace the interview for your dream Job .

For more helpful information please stay tuned and visit us at Jobcall.com