Hospitality Interview: Our Top Tips For Candidates By Marlowe Bennett

Hospitality Interview: Our Top Tips For Candidates

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Hospitality Interview: Our Top Tips For Candidates

By Marlowe Bennett

You have successfully submitted your resume, received a call from a potential employer and secured a job interview. Well done!

It’s important to remember that the hard work doesn’t stop there. Now that you have landed the interview, it’s vital to your success that you take the time to properly prepare.

Regardless of whether you are applying for a casual events role or a full time position, preparing for that job interview is essential to ensure that you make a good first impression, and more importantly – land the job that’s perfect for you.

Not sure what you should be preparing? Don’t stress - we spoke to BENCHMARQUE’s People and Culture Team, who collectively manage the employment cycle for a team of 500, to discover what their top 10 tips are for candidates when it comes to expectations on both sides for a face to face interview.



Are you interviewing for a restaurant role? Research the menu, head chef and history of the business. If you are going for an events role, then make sure you understand what kind of events the venue regularly holds, what sets them apart from other similar venues and most importantly why this makes you want to work there.

Doing this research before the interview will help you mentally prepare for any questions that you may be asked about the business. Good interviewers will want to know that you understand the business and the position you are applying for and as a result, will be disappointed if you haven’t made an effort to understand these basic areas of their operation.


It’s important to dress appropriately for the job, the company and the industry you are interviewing for. Most coffee shop or restaurant meetings do not usually require corporate business attire, but that doesn’t mean that you can just show up in anything. Impeccable grooming is a must – especially in hospitality, so consider how you can best present yourself whilst still complementing your own personal style.

If you are interviewing for a management position it’s important to look the part so that the interviewer can easily picture you in the role.

Remember – you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make this one count.


You wrote your resume – didn’t you? So you should know exactly what’s on it, which means you shouldn’t have to read the resume that the interviewer has in front of them to answer their questions about your experience. Your resume is the tool that landed you the interview, and it’s what your prospective employer is going to be basing the majority of their questions on. Make sure you are aware of every single detail you wrote down so you can direct the interviewer to the important parts if they miss anything.


It’s likely that during your interview you will have to demonstrate some basic hospitality skills, particularly if you are going for a restaurant, cafe or events role. These could be carrying trays, setting tables or holding 3 plates - so be sure to brush up on your skills before the interview.



It seems like a no-brainer, but being no more than 10-15 minutes early (not just on time) is also key to forming that good first impression. If you are running late – be sure to call ahead.


Touching your mobile phone is a big no-no. In a lot of restaurant or cafe jobs, you are not allowed to have your phone on you during your shift, so it’s safe to say that your interviewer won’t want to see it during the interview. Make sure you put it on silent or turn it off – there is nothing worse than your phone ringing in the middle of the interview!


Listen closely to the questions the interviewer is asking you. Be sure to take a brief moment to think about your answer before you start talking - it’s not a race! Ensure your answer speaks directly to the question that they have asked you. If in doubt – seek clarification before answering. Eye contact is essential - they want to feel that you are engaged. When you avoid eye contact, your answers may come across as insincere.

Remember, you are going for a job in an industry that is heavily based on customer service. If you can’t listen and engage with the person interviewing you, then it’s most likely they will think that you wont be able to engage with the customers.


Ask yourself why you want to work in this industry, and in particular at the venue you are interviewing for. Are you passionate about events? Do you love fine dining? Make sure it is clear to the interviewer what you want to gain from working in their business, and ensure that this passion comes across throughout the interview.


Try not to speak negatively about your current or previous employer. Speaking poorly about a previous employer will only reflect badly on you. Regardless of what happened in a previous role, its always important to leave on a good note.


Last but not least – do not lie about your experience, this includes both on your resume and in the interview. It will become pretty clear to your potential employer if you do not have ‘fine dining’ or ‘management’ experience. Remember these skills can be taught, if you show that you are passionate enough to learn, there should be no need to lie.

If you are worried about not having enough relevant industry experience, look for ways to highlight transferrable skills from other industries that you can bring to a new role; things like customer service, cash handling, sales, upselling and POS experience are all easily transferrable.

These simple do’s and don’ts

won’t guarantee you the job, but they will

certainly help you move a step closer to getting


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