FUTURE Inspiration for the NOW Communication solves everything. I believe marketing and communications can solve all of the challenges for the arts. Well, that might be a stretch, but the way that communicators engage with current and potential audiences, identify gaps in programming, reach out to their peers across the world through digital media, identify best practices for measurement of return on investment and have a ‘get ‘er done’ approach to implementation of strategy and plans is why I stand behind my first sentence. through evaluation of

Evaluation of imagination

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Page 1: Evaluation of imagination


Inspiration for the


Communication solveseverything.

I believe marketing and communicationscan solve all of the challenges for the arts.

Well, that might be a stretch, but the waythat communicators engage with currentand potential audiences, identify gaps in

programming, reach out to their peersacross the world through digital media,

identify best practices for measurement ofreturn on investment and have a ‘get ‘er

done’ approach to implementation ofstrategy and plans is why I stand behind my

first sentence.

through evaluation of

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When posed with the opportunity toparticipate in the Canadian Arts Summit I

wanted to demonstrate to the selectioncommittee the assertion of this statement. I

reached out to my international artscolleagues with one simple question:

“In 140 characters, what is the one thing thatyou can do to change the future of the arts?”.

The results came in fast and furious and weresuccinct, inspiring and enlightening.

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Here are a few of my top selections:

@artfulmanager Reframe art as less ‘separate & special’ |more inclusive, pervasive, & people­powered. Exceptional& everyday can co­exist.

@jcovert break traditional moulds for presenting art in allpossible senses :)

@ddombrosky I change the future of the arts by helpingarts orgs to adapt to changing technology & its impact onaudience expectations

@artintercepts people have been asking this question for100 years. Do the arts need changing?

@kingstonbrett find the midpoint of promoting rabidparticipation and celebrating true excellence.

@Robmaguire Fight to make them more accessible.Enjoying and practicing art should be something we all cando.

@nickerpot Better communicate the power ofpartnerships. Play a larger role in connecting people withgreat work.

@sanjay1 Reimagine artistic and cultural innovation for aneconomy that's likely to become more challenging overtime, not less.

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Inspiration for the


It is this dynamic and open­heartedcommunity through social media that has

assisted me to find answers to questions anddrives me to share the amazing work of

artists to make the lives Canadians better. I would be honoured to be present during

the Canadian Arts Summit to share myexperiences and to take my findings back to

my network both during the Summitthrough live tweeting and afterwardsthrough blog posts and presentations.

through evaluation of

