Cyber bullying suicides in the past year

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Page 2: Cyber bullying suicides in the past year

Sept. 29, 2012 – Ciara Pugsley, 15 years old

• According to The Letrim Observer, Ciara Pugsley committed suicide in the woods near her home in Ireland last September after incessant bullying on her Ask.fm page.

• Users would call her things like “slut” and “ugly” in the months leading up to her taking her own life.

• Her last post was a reply to a question:

“Whats been up with u”

“U’ll see soon!”

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Oct. 27, 2012 – Erin Gallagher, 13 years old

• A month after Ciara, Erin Gallagher, another Irish teenager, took her own life after being bullied on her Ask.fm page.

• Erin warned anonymous bullies on her page that she would take her own life, but the harassment about things like her weight and how she looked didn’t stop.

• Her last post was in response to one of her bullies:

“U prob think it was funny when [I] fuckin put a rope round my neck cause of yous, yous are that sad!’.”

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Dec. 11, 2012 – Jessica Laney, 16 years old

• Jessica Laney, a 16-year-old from Pasco County, Florida, hanged herself after being bullied about her weight on Ask.fm.

• After her death a Change.org petition was started demanding Ask.fm be taken down, that in the first few days after her death reached over 3,000 signatures.

• One of her last posts was a comment about her weight:

“you have pretty eyes but your fat”“awesome. but i’m not fat.”

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Dec. 12, 2012 – Erin’s sister Shannon Gallagher, 15 years old

• Only two months after Erin committed suicide, her older sister Shannon committed suicide.

• Both girls attended the same school at the centre of Erin’s Ask.fm-driven bullying.

• According to local reports, Shannon missed her sister. She did not leave a note.

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January 2013 – Anthony Stubbs, 16 years old

• Anthony, from Lancashire, U.K., was found hanged in the woods near his home. He had been missing since Christmas.

• He recently had a daughter named Lily with his 18-year-old girlfriend, Charlotte Mason. By all indications Anthony was a young, proud father and generally in good spirits before he disappeared.

• Ask.fm became involved after news of his death spread, with a “torrent” of abuse appearing on the pages of Anthony’s girlfriend and his cousin

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April 7, 2013 – Joshua Unsworth, 15 years old

• Joshua Unsworth’s body was discovered in the garden of his family’s farmhouse in the Lancashire area of England last winter.

• He allegedly was bullied for months leading up to his suicide, with anonymous commenter's mocking his father’s job by calling Joshua “a farmer” and harassing him about his dating habits.

• His parents have since started advocating that the British government do something about the site.

• Joshua would routinely defend himself on his Ask.fm page.

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July 15, 2013 – Daniel Perry, 17 years old

• After being blackmailed on Skype, Daniel Perry, a 17-year-old from Scotland, jumped to his death from a local bridge.

• Daniel was harassed often on his Ask.fm page, with commenter’s telling him to kill himself and that he should cut his throat.

• He was then tricked into Skyping with someone he was told was a girl his own age and then blackmailed with screenshots by the anonymous users.

• His Ask.fm was linked to his Twitter and shows him discussing his Skype information with users a week before his suicide.

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Aug. 2, 2013 – Hannah Smith, 14 years old

• Hannah Smith was found hanging by her sister. Hannah would routinely fight with anonymous bullies on Ask.fm, at one point admitting that she had previously attempted to commit suicide in the past.

• Since Hannah’s death, her parents have become vocal advocates for the regulation of anonymity online.

• Comments Hannah received from her tormentors included comments :

• “every1 will be happy if u died”“drink bleach”“go die”

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Sept. 10, 2013 – Rebecca Sedwick, 12 years old

• Rebecca Ann Sedwick’s body was found in an abandoned cement silo in Lakeland, Florida, on Tuesday.

• The 12-year-old’s death has not been officially declared a suicide by law enforcement, but her family told local reporters that she was the victim of intense cyber-bullying on Ask.fm.

• A representative for her middle school says she never reported in on Monday. She was very active on Ask.fm, with the following interactions being circulated on local news reports:

“nobody cares about u”“Lol I know.”“you seriously desevere to die”