May 13, 2010 US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce

Centro de Atención al Migrante

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Trabajo que NL realiza con Sociedad Civil y Sector Privado para proteger al migrante, prepararlo

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Page 1: Centro de Atención al Migrante

May 13, 2010

US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce

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Global Migration - Annual Average(2007)

Source: World Bank / International Monetary Fund (IMF).



United States1,299,000

United Kingdom190,000




France144,000 China


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What’s News:

Arizona State Governor Jan Brewer announced her plan to secure the southern border by unveiling a strong, responsible, and detailed plan of action

Governor Brewer said that “The federal government has failed in its obligation and moral responsibility to secure our border”. She also said that “A government’s principle responsibility to its citizens is to provide safety and security. States have never been expected, even in prosperous economic times, to sustain the national defense of our borders. With the resources we have today, I am doing everything within my power to ensure and promote safety for our citizens along our southern border.”

Governor Brewer’s Border Security Plan calls for additional covert National Guard reconnaissance, increased National Guard aerial patrolling, annual National Guard military exercises conducted in regions along the border, increased economic and logistical support for local law enforcement, and improved border county interaction and federal agency partnership. The Governor’s plan also calls for substantial expansion of the Joint Counter Narco-Terrorism Task Force (JCNTF).

Source: Office of the Governor, State of Arizona, April 22, 2010.

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What’s Next:When Arizona State Government signed SB1070 into law, activists and politicians in other states began to think about copying Arizona’s immigration law.

-In the State of Utah, Rep. Stephen Sandstorm told Desert News that he plans to draft a bill that uses the Arizona law as model. -In Texas, an announcement by Rep. Debbie Riddle wants to take action that will push for an Arizona-type when the Texas legislature convenes in January.-In Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard Jones has teamed up with Rep. Courtney Combs to send a letter to Gov. Ted Strickland that urges to him to move a measure “that will mirror that of the illegal immigration legislation”.-Pennsylvania has a group of lawmakers led by Republican Daryl Metcalfe and Democrat Harry Readshaw that is promoting a bill that would require police officers to attempt to verify the immigration status of people suspect of being illegally in the U.S.-Republican Delegate Pat McDonough of Baltimore wants Maryland to pass an Arizona-type bill and plans to survey every candidate running for governor and for state General Assembly to see if they agree with him.

Source: ImmigrationWorks USA Organization.

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The Wall is not the Solution

Source: Secretaría de Gobernación, Consejo Nacional de Población.

1993. - Operatives “Hold-the-line", “Gate Keeper", “Safeguard" and "Rio Grande" in some places of California, Arizona and Texas.

During 1993-1997 period, Tijuana, Baja California and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, concentrated almost the half of the migrants who crossed the border by land (49%).

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Since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, new migration routes located primarily in the Sonoran Desert originated by the border enforcement

Migration finds new points of crossing through inhospitable regions, with dramatic effects of deaths in the attempt to cross the border (one death per day).

Nogales, Son - Nogales, AZ

Agua Prieta, Son - Douglas, AZ

San Luis Río Colorado, Son - San Luis, AZ

Sásabe, Son - Sasabe, AZ

Sonoyta, Son - Lukeville, AZ

Naco, Son - Naco, AZ

Sáric, Son - Sasabe, AZ

Source: Secretaría de Gobernación, Consejo Nacional de Población.

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Non profit organizations in favor for a legal and ordered crossing

Save Our Small Business Org. Which is a network of small and seasonal business owners dedicated to saving American commerce by supporting and advancing the H-2B Non-Immigrant Worker program.

The H2 program sustains countless American small and seasonal businesses, and contributes to their success and longevity. It was created as an avenue to supplement a short-term, seasonal workforce, which simply does not exist on a local level.

Being able to have workers during a crucial period during high demand season, is vital for businesses.


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Take Action:

The following presentation is made to American companies that wish to hire temporary workers in Mexico and do not know how to do it …

Source: Migrants Attention Center, Nuevo León State Government.

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What is an H2 Visa Program?

A non-immigrant program that allows employers to hire foreign workers (Guest Workers) to perform a temporary agricultural (H2A) and non-agricultural (H2B) services or labor if American workers cannot be foundif American workers cannot be found.

The employer is held responsible for terminating the employment at the end of a specified time and the employee is required to return to his or her home country upon completion of the job. The visas apply only to workers in select industries, including agriculture, construction, landscaping, hospitality and food service.

Source: Migrants Attention Center, Nuevo León State Government.

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Main differences between H2A, H2B and H2R Visas

Source: Department of State, U.S. Government.





Industries Cap Responsibilities of Employer

• Temporary need exists

• Job is less than one year

• No U.S. workers available for the job

Previously participated in the H2 Program within the past two fiscal years



•Hospitality Sectors (Hotels, Resorts, Restaurant, etc.)


•Seafood / Fishing


• 33, 000 October 1st.

• 33,000

April 1st.



• Legal Agreement.

• Assist to find a place for living.

• Assist in the transportation to get to the work.

• Program once a week visit to grocery store, drug store, etc. for your employee.

• Legal Agreement.

• Housing.

• Transportation from Monterrey, MX to the work takes place (round-trip).

Under review by U.S. Congress S.388

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Source: Migrants Attention Center, Nuevo León State Government.

Structure: CAM is an office of the Nuevo León State Government.

Provides support to Mexicans that are interested in working temporally

and legally in the United States of America and return to Mexico.

Assists American companies that require foreign temporary and/or seasonal workers in meeting their needs.

H2 Program is an extensive and timeless process for your Company; CAM knows how to do it in less time and at a less cost.

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Human Resources

33Relation with the

US Consulate in Monterrey, MX


Confidence and Experience


Knowledge and




Source: Migrants Attention Center, Nuevo León State Government.

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Source: Migrants Attention Center, Nuevo León State Government.

Percentage of Workers that come back to Mexico after the

end of their contract: 98%

Percentage of visas approved for workers vetted through

the CAM by the U.S. Consulate: 94%

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Source: Migrants Attention Center, Nuevo León State Government.

Search our nationwide database to find the human resources that fit the profile that your company needs (recruitment).

CAM has agreements with universities and technical schools in Nuevo León to locate personnel that you need (for higher skills jobs).

Request Visa appointment for each worker with the US Consulate.

Filling workers paperwork for their interview with in the US Consulate

CAM ID for each worker with H2 Visa granted by U.S. Consulate.

Coordination of transportation for your workers to travel from Monterrey to their destiny in the US.

• All of the above, for only $14.00 USD/person.

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Together We Can Work It Out

The severest justice may not always be The severest justice may not always be the best policythe best policy Abraham Lincoln

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Migrant Attention Center (CAM)

Av. Constitución 1251 Pte. Col El Mirador

Monterrey, N.L. México C.P. 64049

Tel: 011-52 (81) 2020-9729, (81) 2020-9730

Toll free from the U.S. : 1-800-960-5015

[email protected]

[email protected]