6 Bad Habits Event Planners Need to Break...ASAP!

6 Bad Habits All Event Planners Need to Break

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6 Bad HabitsEvent Planners Need to Break...ASAP!

Being acontrol freak

# 1

As you gain more responsibilities it will beimpossible to take on all tasks yourself -

Delegate tasks and work with your team towork smarter not harder.

Notbeing aleader

# 2

The busier you are the more precious your time willbe, but don't forget to mentor and guide your team -

nurturing your relationships will pay off in the long run.

Not stayingon top of


# 3

Technology continues to develop at a rapid pace and playsan influential role in events.

Stay up-to-date and experiment with new trends to createadditional customer value.

Not beingflexible

# 4

Consistency is important but remember to be flexible inhow you work with others -

Learning how to 'play well' with the differentpersonalities in your team will benefit you personally

and professionally.

Not going thatextra mile

# 5

The event industry can be very demanding but goingthat extra mile will help mark you out for success with

team members, clients and your boss.

You don'tgather the


# 6

It's fun to try new planning tools but - if you don’tmeasure it, it does not exist. ‘Our

attendees seemed happy’ is not an acceptableevent KPI.