Networking Meaningfully Carnegie Mellon University Trading Summit: Networking CLEMENS WAN APRIL 2015

2015 CMU trading summit session 5 networking meaningfully

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Networking Meaningfully

Carnegie Mellon University

Trading Summit: Networking


APRIL 2015

What to Expect

1. Strategy / Principles

2. Starting Conversations

3. Small Talk Topics

4. The Follow-up

Strategy / Principles

Why Network?

Be Interested

Learn Something

Things to Do

○ Be interested

○ Smile

○ Promote positive body language

○ Learn/Teach something new

○ Observe body language

○ Ask Questions

Things to Avoid

○ One Upping too much

○ Bad Phone Etiquette

○ Sensitive topics

○ Talking too much when someone isn’t interested

Know Your Boundaries

Starting Conversations

Getting it all Started

You’re alone at an event...

○ Gauge the room

○ Look at eye contact

○ Start a conversation off of environment

○ Slowly listen in / laugh

○ Pick someone off of a larger group

Be a Good Wingman

○ Introduce someone you know to the group

○ Catch people up with your current conversation

○ Include others in your conversation

○ Move the conversation to a less specific topic

○ Smile and let other’s talk

Talk to me About...

○ Write your 3 conversation topics

○ Practice listening

○ Be involved and curious

○ Leave an impression

During the Conversation

What do you talk about?

Quick Tips

○ Exchange Ideas and stories

○ Learn something from each other

○ Reflect on common interests

○ Be curious and open minded

Basic Small Talk Topics

○ Setting-related (Who do you know here?)

○ Background (Where are you from?)

○ Activities (What do you do for fun?)

○ News (Did you hear about that thing that happened?)

○ Plans - Career or Life Events

The Follow-up

Build a Network

Always Follow-up

○ Comment about meeting up - Thanks!

○ Common topic discussed

○ Actionable Items

The “Stay In Touch”

○ If you read something new - mention it to them

○ Close to a holiday/birthday - message them

○ Tell them you miss the

○ Get involved in their causes - introduce people to them

Falling out is not burning bridges

… ? [email protected]
