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Why you should buy an e cigarette

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http://www.freedomcigarettes.com This is an informative article discussing why i is a good idea to buy an e cigarette

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Page 1: Why you should buy an e cigarette

Freedom Cigarettes http://www.freedomcigarettes.com

Freedom Cigarettes do not contain any tar or tobacco. Freedoms are not a medical device and Free Brands Limited makes no claims that our products help to quit smoking. Freedoms are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as a n alternative to tobacco cigarettes. They are not to be used by children, pregnant or breast feeding women or persons in ill health. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Freedoms. Freedoms contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.

Make your life better and change to electronic cigarettes Changing to e cigs forced me to quit normal cigarettes and transformed my life. Prior to giving up tobacco smoking, my entire life would be focused on tobacco cigarettes. I'd get up and I'd smoke. I would smoke 190 each day and due to the cigarette ban, I would spend a lot of time outside smoking. It actually reached the point in which I'd disturb family times because of my smoking hobbits. It irritated me that I could not spend more time with family without needing to go and smoke a cigarette. The tobacco cravings would get far too strong and I would go outside for a smoke. I obviously could not smoke a cigarette next to my children because it was very bad for their health so I would need to go outside. Tobacco smoking really had beaten me. My grandchildren are extremely valuable to me and I hated setting a bad example. I knew that if I carried on smoking, my children were probably to begin smoking as well. I could have hardly told them not to smoke cigarettes because they saw me smoking. I needed to set a good example to my kids and that meant quitting tobacco cigarettes. Powered cigarettes enabled me to accomplish this. Among the greatest presents I ever received was from my children who bought me an ecigarette. I laughed initially as I believed electronic cigarettes were just a gimmick however when I tried it out, it actually tasted really nice. After learning just how much healthier electronic cigarettes are for you, I made the choice to change to them permanently. The nicotine in electronic cigarettes undoubtedly helped and astonishingly, I did not smoke another normal cigarette. In hindsight, it is silly that I didn't buy an e cigarette earlier. I ask myself regularly why I decided to smoke normal cigarettes when there was a better option. It seems silly in hindsight. I'm able to now smoke indoors for a fraction of the expense and without risk of damaging my health. I feel a lot better since I gave up smoking cigarettes and I am no longer short of breath when I walk a short distance. For those who have considered e cigs before, you'll know that there are 2 sorts: disposable e cigs and reusable e-cigarettes. I'd recommend that you start off using a disposable e cigarette. They can be bought from most chemists and are

Page 2: Why you should buy an e cigarette

Freedom Cigarettes http://www.freedomcigarettes.com

Freedom Cigarettes do not contain any tar or tobacco. Freedoms are not a medical device and Free Brands Limited makes no claims that our products help to quit smoking. Freedoms are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as a n alternative to tobacco cigarettes. They are not to be used by children, pregnant or breast feeding women or persons in ill health. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Freedoms. Freedoms contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.

even starting to be sold in some shops too. With a little luck you will like it and will permanently move to powered cigarettes and in the event you do, it is much better to buy a reusable e cigarette since these are less costly because they may be recharged and the cartridge can be changed. I strongly recommend other smokers to purchase an e cig. Buying an e cigarette helped me to lead a much healthier lifestyle as they're a lot healthier substitute to tobacco. By changing to e cigarettes, you will feel much better as well as saving a substantial amount of cash at the same time. Just what are you waiting for?