Why Corporate Video Production Should Be Left to the Professionals

Why Corporate Video Production Should Be Left to the Professionals

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Page 1: Why Corporate Video Production Should Be Left to the Professionals

Why Corporate Video Production Should Be Left to the Professionals

Page 2: Why Corporate Video Production Should Be Left to the Professionals

Corporate Video Production: A Task Best Left to Professionals

• Video marketing is transforming the Internet. Thanks to faster Internet connections, better encoding technology and platforms designed to save businesses the cost of hosting their own videos, video can now be delivered to most Internet users. Studies have consistently shown that video is a great way to capture the attention of viewers, and companies of all sizes will want to find ways to incorporate video into their advertising. However, many people attempt to create their own videos; doing so can lead to poor results. Here are a few of the reasons why this may be a bad idea.

Page 3: Why Corporate Video Production Should Be Left to the Professionals

Video Production is an Art• Just like writing and speaking,

video production requires expertise to be done correctly. Most people are used to professionally-produced video they see online and on television. As a result, people often turn away if the video they are watching seems to be unprofessional. Subtle elements are essential in video production, and it is impossible for amateurs to incorporate elements appropriately. It takes years to become proficient at creating great videos; rely on those who have done the hard work.

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The Investment is Worthwhile• A well-made video can serve a

company well for years. While the costs of having a video produce professionally may be higher than some would like to spend, the utility of these videos make them sound investments. People often make the mistake of thinking of video production as a short-term service. In reality, a video can function as a long-term investment that will lead to revenue for the foreseeable future.

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Professional Production Saves Time

•Most people who endeavor to create their own videos underestimate how much time will be required. Every hour spent on producing your own videos is an hour that could have been dedicated to performing a task at which you are an expert. In other words, the opportunity cost of creating a video may make it a poor decision for most business owners. Those who calculate how long it will take them to create a video often find that the cost of hiring a professional is far lower.

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Helpful Consulting• Corporate video production

experts generally want to ensure that their clients get the best videos possible. As a result, they often provide insight into how to best leverage the power of video. This consulting can be invaluable, and the advice offered by those who produce videos can make the difference between an ad that fails to generate revenue and one that generates income indefinitely.

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Ideas for the Future• In addition to providing helpful

consulting on a single video, those who produce videos may also lead you to insight about new videos that may help your company in the future. A single video can be great, but having multiple videos at your disposal can make your company significantly more competitive. Video marketing is powerful, and there are many ways to leverage the power of video; corporate video production can help you uncover new methods of exploiting the growing influence of video marketing.

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Further Information• For more information on Corporate video production visit

http://www.matrixpost.com/• If you are looking to film a professional video for your company contact

Matrix Post for high quality production that is sure to be noticed!