Andrew John Slaney Principal Consultant, Coach and Trainer in Business Improvement Techniques and Lean Six Sigma What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

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Page 1: What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

Andrew John SlaneyPrincipal Consultant, Coach and Trainer in

Business Improvement Techniques and Lean Six Sigma

What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and

Questions to Consider!

Page 2: What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

• When embarking on an organisational programme of continual improvement using Lean Six Sigma tools and methods a number of influencing factors must usually be taken account of in order to gain the desired step changes in process performance.

• One major factor, the subject of this article, which can significantly impact success, at both the project level and by extrapolation in the programme as a whole, is how well the ‘belt’ projects are selected in the first place.  

• You could argue it is simply good business sense to have a focus on project selection, but on occasions organisations and programme stakeholders, in a rush to ‘get people trained and active on something’, forget the importance of this stage.

• The result can often be ill conceived projects that constantly undergo major re-scoping or re-definition and then overtime become prime candidates for abandonment and disillusionment amongst participants.  

Page 3: What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

• The requirement for the Project Champion / Sponsor, Green or Black Belt Project Leader and other major stakeholders to thoroughly discuss the 'what, where, who and when' of each potential project as early as possible is clear.

• In doing so the ‘how’ and a requirement to use DMAIC as the chosen route forward becomes apparent and a beneficial project that is fully supported can begin.

• These ‘early’ discussions focussed on robust project identification do not replace the Define Phase of DMAIC.  Each project selected will still need to be further characterised and then formally documented through some form of Project Charter.

• A Project Identification Phase (or process) does, however, ensure efforts are concentrated on the business areas and organisational drivers that matter most.

Page 4: What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

• What follows are a number of questions that Champions, Sponsors, 'Belts' and others can ask.

• These areas for discussion have been found helpful to ensure the following key considerations (see bullets below) of any potential DMAIC improvement project are properly considered at the outset.

Key DMAIC Project Considerations

• Benefits  • Strategic Link (Business Priority)• Scope• Measures• Control

Initial Project Selection: Questions and Areas for Discussion Follow.

Page 5: What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

What are the potential benefits and opportunities of undertaking this proposed piece of work? 

• What’s the gap we are looking to close or deficiency we are trying to remove between the current state process & where we want it to be?

• If we succeed and close this gap what will be the gains?  Usually expressed as a monetary value, or possible savings, as well as enhancements to operational measures associated with the process.

• Does the above monetary figure surpass any hurdle rate (payback value) that the organisation has mandated for Lean Six Sigma activities, or for that matter the selection of business projects in general?  If not will the project work be supported? 

• Are there any other benefits that may be less tangible or less easy to quantify financially and that need to be considered and documented? 

• Are there any higher value, more straightforward, or urgent problems, issues or potential projects we should concentrate on first before undertaking this piece of work?

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Does this piece of work have a strategic link? 

• Do we understand the strategic goals of the business and how the leadership team intend to leverage Lean Six Sigma or other related programmes in order to deliver these goals?

• Does this ‘operational’ improvement idea have a clear link with the businesses ‘strategic’ goals and do the management team agree?

• What matters most to the business at this time?  Cost reduction, cost of poor quality improvements, increased customer satisfaction, time to market etc.?  

• What impact will this potential piece of work have on the above and any other important metrics that are components of the corporate scorecard?

• Does this potential project link with any additional improvement activities currently taking place and is there any risk of duplication of tasks?

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Has this potential project been reasonably scoped and is it of a suitable size? 

• Is this potential project an issue best described as a ‘mess’ or a ‘difficulty/ problem’.  If it is a 'mess' can we turn it in to a ‘difficulty / problem’ before progressing the work?  After R. Ackoff; Soft Systems Methodology.  See Ref 1 and the abridged descriptions on later slides.

• Is the potential project being considered here too big / too complex / too resource or data ‘hungry’ and does it need to be broken down further in to multiple smaller scope pieces of work?

 • Are the benefits of this potential project too small, or the scope too narrow to justify progressing it as a 'belt' project or the answer obvious requiring a ‘Just Do It’  solution?

• Is the issue causing concern here a recurring one and if not why are we looking at this as a potential Lean Six Sigma project?

Ref. 1.  See for example  http://intel.harriman-house.com/business/messes-problems-and-puzzles/ and the abridged descriptions given on later slides. 

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Are suitable measures already in place or can they be put in place?

• What data is currently collected for the candidate process to be studied and in particular what information (even at a high level) suggests a problem in the first place?

• What measurement systems are already in place and is it felt they are suitable and trustworthy?  Upgrading measurement systems can become a major element of any project if the integrity of key data can not be confirmed in the Measure Phase.

• If we don’t currently collect the data that is likely to be required will we be able to once we begin the proposed piece of work?  Think - accessible technology, process availability and resources that might be required (human and otherwise).

• Is the problem only ‘sporadic’ and can we adequately measure & quantify the issues?  If not is the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC approach the best way forward?

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Do we have control of the process?

• Will we have access to the candidate process to be studied for the likely duration of this potential project, particularly if external stakeholders / suppliers and their facilities are involved?

• Will we be able to access the required data for the duration of this potential project if it is not internally generated?

• Are we empowered to make the necessary changes to improve the process once solutions become clear, particularly if we can foresee a potential need for capital investment?

• Are there any other factors that will inhibit our progress and have we looked at any possible risks and considered our assumptions (e.g., required resources - financial, human, technological or otherwise, possible changes in business need etc.)?

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Definition of a ‘Mess’  (will likely need further ‘unpacking and scoping prior to DMAIC’)

• Typically made up of a complex network of problems & opportunities that are viewed differently by different stakeholders.  The issue(s) involved are difficult to describe and quantify.

• Many improvements are needed in order to satisfy different facets of the problem(s) and the route forward is not clear, i.e., we know something is wrong, but can’t say what.  

• Improvements typically take the form of multi-component activities with many ‘interactions’ being present.  The ‘sum of the parts does not add to the whole’.  

• A judgement has to be made about whether or not an improvement has occurred and by how much and this will depend upon the perspective of the various stakeholders individually. 

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Definition of a ‘Difficulty / Problem’ (may be a suitable DMAIC project)

• Generally viewed identically by all stakeholders and is well understood in terms of the less than desirable ‘outcomes’, although the causes of these may not be or are not known.  

• Improvements made to a 'difficulty' or 'problem' are relatively easy to identify & describe and the logic (cause and effect) of how they came about can be shown.  

• Any improvements achieved will be generally agreed upon by most stakeholders and from most perspectives.

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The questions above are intended as a pragmatic list of ideas that can prompt discussions that will help those involved in Lean Six Sigma programmes to choose and develop practical DMAIC projects.  

These projects should be well aligned to the business, it's stakeholders and the organisations overall improvement strategy and in being so will help deliver practical and rewarding results.

Good Luck with Your Lean Six Sigma Project Selection in 2016!

Page 13: What Qualities Make for a Great Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project? Project Selection: Some Ideas and Questions to Consider!

Personal Website: https://andyslaney.wordpress.com 

Social Media:https://www.linkedin.com/in/andyslaney                    https://twitter.com/aj_slaney

BSI Website Lean Six Sigma Consultancy Related: http://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/our-services/professional-services/Lean-Six-Sigma-consultancy/

BSI Website Lean Six Sigma Training Related: http://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/so-13053-lean-six-sigma/lean-six-sigma-training-courses/